Monday, September 30, 2024

Terrain - Slit Trenches

I don't know exactly WHEN I started these... It might have been eight years ago - either when I was working on the Regina Trench terrain or some new generic Urban Ruins terrain...? But it COULD have been as recently as five years ago when I was making Movement Trays (as the process is very similar). Regardless, I'd roughed out four of them - two two-man slit trenches, one three-man slit trench, and one for a crew-served weapon. I'm MOSLTY finished one, and never got around to posting it or finishing any of the others... 

Having started a Five Men in Normandy campaign, I thought these might come in handy, so I went digging through some boxes to find them and finish them up. 


The idea was to find a way to show that troops were dug into slit trenches.... that could be placed on a flat tabletop - and could be placed almost anywhere that's flat - so I wouldn't have to build specific terrain tiles for scenarios in which someone was dug into a slit trench. 

I've played around with the idea of doing just a short stack of sandbags, but then thought of this idea and hoped it would LOOK more like the troops were entrenched. 

These were clearly a TEST set, as any of the games I would have been thinking of using them for would clearly need a LOT MORE if an entire platoon - or even a few squads were all dug in!? This number works PERFECTLY for Five Men in Normandy, however. 

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