Monday, September 30, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Sylvaneth Spearhead Army

 I've been painting like a mad bastard this last week to try and finish up the Sylvaneth Spearhead army for the final day of the Spearhead League at the local Warhammer store... and I did it! 

Sylvaneth Spearhead Army

The army is made up of:

  • 1x Branchwych (General) 
  • 1x Treelord (which can alternatively be built as a Treelord Ancient or Spirit of Durthu)
  • 3x Kurnoth Hunters
  • 5x Tree-Revenants

Not a lot of roots on the ground... but the Treelord is a BEAST!!!

Branchwych - The Branchwych is the General of this army. I think normally a Treelord would be... but it is just SO HARD to take down, it would pretty much make one of your opponents scoring cards unplayable (taking out the enemy leader!) 

Treelord - Terrifying and VERY difficult to take down... 

Treelord detail - kind of hard to make out...  but I had bits of stuff left over from the Putrid Blight-Kings from Shadows over Hammerhal, so I cobbled together bits to make it look like there is a savagely maimed (legs removed) and dying blight king on the base.. 

Kurnothi Hunters - For the spearhead army they are supposed to be all armed with Kurnothi Great Bows - and in regular Age of Sigmar, they are all meant to be armed the same - either with the Great Bow, Great Sword, or Scythe... but I decided I really wanted ONE with a sword... i guess I could take the Quiver Beetle that was meant to go with the champion archer, and maybe put it on a 25mm base (with the bow sticking out of it as well!) to show that he, too, is an archer... 


Three of these troop-types - Branchwych, Tree-Revenants, and Kurnothi Hunter - are all playable archetypes in the Soulbound role-playing game (which was PART of my motivation for getting these...)

I had a lot of fun putting these together and painting them. I have a handful more to finish up - five more Tree-Revenants, five Spite-Revenants, as well as Ylthari's Guardians (a Warhammer Underworlds warband of four more Tree-Revenants) and Skaeth's Wild Hunt (which is also a Warhammer Underworlds warband  made up of... just... weird stuff... that shows up nowhere else in any Age of Sigmar background fluff for the Sylvaneth...!?). I am seriously tempted to use these in the upcoming Paths to Glory campaign. I would have exactly 1000 points if I finished up the Tree-Revenants, Spite-Revenants, and Skaeth's Wild Hunt... but I wouldn't have much to expand with when the force grew... so... I'd have to BUY more stuff... and I'm not SUPER excited about that (especially when I have SO MANY OTHERS that I have literally MULTIPLE THOUSANDS of points worth of stuff I could field or paint up to field!)

(If I DID get other things, though... I wouldn't mind another Treelord (or Treelord Ancient or Spirit of Durthu - all built with the same kit) and/or some more Kurnothi (and have a unit with just Great Bows and a unit of just Great Swords)  

I did play one final game in the Spearhead League on Sunday, stay tuned for a game report! 


  1. Models look great, but love the basing.

  2. Lovely work on some strange but really interesting figures. Your work on the bases of the models is very nice indeed.

  3. "roots on the ground" ha ha

    Excellent work on these minis. The "back to nature" movement can get a bit, um, wild, eh?

    1. Ha-ha! I was wondering if anyone would catch that. Should have know it's be you!

      Thanks! I've really enjoyed putting these together and reading and listening to audio books about them to get a sense of their whole story and really digging it. Now I'm trying to resist the urge to run out and buy a SECOND spearhead/vanguard box while the Dragon's Den sale is still on...
