Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Work-In-Progress Wednesday - 11 September 2024

Not a lot of newly painted stuff going on... I've kind of taken an extended break to go on a little sidequest to rebase a BUNCH of figures... It started with the Swashbucklers I bought for a game called En Garde from Osprey Publishing... I can't even remember what prompted me to start with THOSE?! It's a relatively small collection of figures, I guess... 

But then decided to rebase ALL THE ANCIENT GREEKS!? Well... all the ones that were painted.. there are still LOADS  that were slated to end up on multi-figure bases for De Bellis Antiquitatis that are still on their little square MDF temporary painting bases... 

Once the painted ones are all rebased, I'll do some reorganizing and decide which I'm going to keep for sure to paint up to make a few armies that would work for a few different games I like... and then maybe look at disposing of the surplus figures...? 

ALL THE GREEKS (well... most of them... SOME of them... there are actually a lot more, but you get the idea!)

Also, the Blue Brigade - unlike the others, this was largely unfinished, so, I've had a bit or work to finish them off! 

Everything else on the workbench is, more or less, in the same state it was LAST WEEK.

Maybe I've done a BIT of work on these Stormcast... 

Hopefully this rebasing project will run it's course and I'll be back to painting Age of Sigmar models... The priority, currently, is to finish the Stormcast Eternals Spearhead army... after that...? One of the other Spearhead armies...? Or maybe switch gears and get some stuff done for Warhammer Quest..? Or Warhammer Underworlds...? 

OR... maybe I'll take a break from the break and put the re-basing project on hold for a few days to see if I can finish off the Stormcast to take to the Spearhead League Day on Sunday...? We shall see...



  1. I do like the Greeks.
    I’m working on some fauns, Amazons and a dryad.
    Alan Tradgardland

  2. Need to finish off some Swiss renaissance flats but the butterfly is tempting me with Western Desert Commonwealth in 20mm......
