Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Work-In-Progress Wednesday - 18 September 2024

Since picking up the Sylvaneth Vanguard Box last week, I've been pretty distracted by that...

I did have nearly a hundred ancient Greeks on the workbench being re-based, but had to remove them all. They're all very nearly done, and sitting in a box nearby. When I have an afternoon or evening and feel like it I should be able to finish them off pretty quick... but I really was feeling excited about Age of Sigmar again - and especially the Sylvaneth... So, as hard as it was to remove things that were so close to being DONE, I shuffled them away to do something that I was EXCITED to do... 

There are lots of Stormcast still on the workbench... Also very close to completion, and, as soon as I am done the Slyvaneth, I will certainly push to complete these - or at least enough to field the Spearhead Army! (I should probably put the ones that AREN'T for spearhead or Warhammer Underworlds into storage for now...)

There are a few Chaos things as well... Maybe when the Stormcast are finished, I'll finish THESE off... they're not NEEDED for a Spearhead army or anything... they're just things that are mostly done and that I'd like to finish up. (likewise, some of these should probably go into storage...) 

Nighthaunts... Ugh... this is IT and then I am done ALL of them... so I kind of want to push through and get them DONE... but I have the Sylvaneth and Stormcast that I really want to finish up first... so... 

The Sylvaneth

The Branchwych that leads them. It's kind of done, actually (except for some flock/foliage to add to the base!) ... I could just do a post for it... but I'll probably wait for all the others since they're ALL very nearly done!

Tree-Revenants and Spite-Revenants. The five Tree-Revenants in the front are part of the Spearhead Army. The rest are bonus ones I got trading away a bunch of the surplus Skaven from Skaventide this past Sunday!? I built five as Tree-Revenants to reinforce the unit to ten. The other five I built as Spite-Revenants - just for something different!  

Kurnothi Hunters... all three are supposed to be armed similarly... (i.e. all three with Great Swords or three with Great Bows or three with Scythes...) but I decided to give the leader of the unit of archers a great sword... largely because... well... I wanted too. I doubt I'll ever play with anyone that's going to care... and this way I can use them for skirmish games or role-playing games and have Kurnothi with different weapons... (if ever I were to expand this force, I'd probably get an extra unit of these and do two with Great Swords and one with a bow to finish off two units of three with each weapon... but that's unlikely to happen anytime soon!?)

The Tree Lord - oooh this one is a BIG BEASTIE!!! Technically also a Hero that could lead an army... but in Spearhead, it's the Branchwych that's the leader. If I were playing regular Age of Sigmar, it might be the other way around! 

The Tree Lord can be built as two other kits a Treelord Ancient (with a staff and can cast spells) and the "Spirit of  Durthu" (a Treelord with a giant sword that hunts other monsters?). If ever I were to buy MORE Sylvaneth, more treelords would be fun - especially building these other options... 

The Spearhead Army is supposed to just be a regular Treelord... so I built just the regular Treelord... I know I COULD have built this one as either of the others and showed up with it and no one would complain - a Treelord in a Spearhead army is just going to be a Treelord and use the Spearhead stats for a Treelord, regardless of whether it's carrying a GIANT SWORD or a staff... or waving its hands around and shooting strrangleshoots out of one hand... I actually LIKE the regular Treelord model, though, as much as either of the others... so I just went with that one for clearness and simplicity's sake. 

While I was working on all these Sylvaneth, I decided now might be the time to dig out Ylthari's Guardians (a Sylvaneth Warhammer Underworlds Warband!) and finish them up! 

I did assemble and prime the Saviors of Cinderfall... but haven't really done much else with them... because... SO MANY OTHER THINGS!?

Oh, and I do have the fourth swashbuckling warband on the workbench still... this one only had two that were completely finished, so it's requiring a bit more work to get done... 

There are other things still haunting the workbench, but haven't actually been worked on for weeks, so... 


I also have two game reports from the last week to finish up!! I'll try and get to those later today - becaue I might get in ANOTHER game tomorrow, and I don't want to be getting THAT much further behind!? 


  1. All those Stormcast together in the first picture really emphasizes how cool the bases are!

    Not really a fan of Sylvaneth, but that giant guy is really cool! (and since there are more options you could have more than one without too much repetition)

    1. Thanks!

      No love for the Sylvaneth!? Is it the minis? or the background fluff? or.. just... EVERYTHING!?

      (it's fine, to each their own, I'm just curious... I have to admit, until recently I was pretty "meh" about them... I've been thinking about them for a few months now, just for something different... then one of the characters encountered a group of them in an audiobook I was listening to recently, and their portrayal in that brief interaction made me rethink things and decide they're pretty cool... I did not love the half-tree, half-glow-elfs look of the Revenants, but I'm coming around... the old Dryads and the Kurnothi and Treelords - that are just moving trees are a bit more appealing to me! )

    2. I think it has mostly to do with how they are "gray swirly" things rather than tree things. The ones with elves popping out are even more strange. I do like the over all shapes (particularly the bigger ones like the hunters above) but I wish they had elves with trees, rather than trees with ghost elves as the theme.

  2. Waiting for the weekend; probably cleaning up more Zinnfiguren Landsknechts and or Gensdarmes.

    1. Back to the flats!? Have you given up on the Desert Rats, or is this a brief return just to finish a few things up before taking an extended break to do other things!?

    2. Tim,
      I'm torn between 20mm desert (which is kind of where my head is at) and contemplated doing more armour and 4th Indian figures, but I have to wait for some conversion kits, or ploughing on with the Italian Wars flats. The trouble with my new painting style is it is quicker than I can clean and prime, so do need to do some boring cleaning up. I'm sort of aiming for Pavia (500th anniversary) next year at 1:100.....
      I also have my Soldier King project to finish and AIW to paint......
      Too many projects, not enough time.....☺

    3. Ha-ha! "Too many projects, not enough time... " Sibling, do I FEEL that!

  3. So MUCH spikiness! ha ha
    Lots and lots of excellent painting!

    Sometimes pushing through on things that are close to being done is good, and sometimes it's good to go with something the gets your fired up. I suppose that eventually stuff gets done either way. For me, it's often a matter of slow plodding, and then I am nearly done so I do get a bit of a surge to finish. And occasionally it's something that gets me going and keeps me going.

    As for my current painting desk - there should be some little frog guys hopping off the desk soon, all freshly painted. Then I have a set of minis I am excited to get to work on. Some more space ork pirates, sculpted by Kev Adams.

    1. Spikiness? The Sylvaneth? Yeah, they really do have a bramble-thorny look about them! I wonder if it was done on purpose to make them look more menacing, or if it was because it was too much of a pain in the arse to model foliage on all those bare branches...?

      I guess the key is to know what motivates you to get things done and lean into it... Sometimes I CAN push through and finish a thing because I'll enjoy it being done, before moving on to the new exciting thing... other times, if I try to FORCE myself to do a thing when I'm just not feeling it, I'll find myself doing a complete clean of the house, catching up on all the laundry and dishes and... just to avoid PAINTING the thing I'm telling myself I HAVE TO paint (before doing the fun thing).

      I'm excited to see frog guys!

  4. Not done any GW stuff in many a year and still not too sure if I like the Age of Sigmar or not to be honest although following your progress I do see why people like it, lovely work on them. As for my hobby time, I am currently varnishing a large collection of Minifig and Hinchliffe ECW figures, gloss varnish for an "old school" vibe, about two thirds through it.

    1. Oh, nice! I have a handful of old Colonial and Napoleonic Minifigs, but don't have any of the ECW stuff... As much as I love the detail and dynamism of these newer plastic models, there is something extremely satisfying about painting those older, simpler, but elegant minis... I will have to remember to check in on your blog to see those when they are done!

  5. So Greece isn’t the word!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    Rebasing , touching up 40mm toy soldiers.
    Taking my satyrs and centaurs forward…
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. I'll get to them... I like having simple, mindless hobby tasks for when I'm not feeling like doing painting... rebasing is one of those mindless hobby tasks. When I get a little tires of painting or feeling stuck or not sure what to do next, I'll have them out and finish them all off in an evening!

