Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Five - Another Deliverance Journey

Kicking off what I hope will be Twelve Days of GAMING, we played another game of Warhammer Quest: Cursed City on Yesterday. We played through a second Deliverance Journey with the second group of heroes. It went MUCH SMOOTHER than the first Deliverance Journey, now that I kind of figured out how Deliverance Journeys are actually supposed to be played!!

Amanda played Qulathis the Exile and Cleona Zeitengalem and Finnegan played Dagnai Holdenstock and Octren Glimscry. I played all the hostiles and kind of kept the game moving forward. 

To succeed in this Journey, the heroes have to move through randomly generated rooms and streets and warn citizens (by expending a 6+ activation die) in certain rooms/streets of the approaching Suffocating Gravetide! Once warnings have been made in eight such locations, the Adamant can be called and the Heroes extracted. 

I did not keep note of which locations they made their warnings in.. but warnings were made along the way... 

Octren Glimscry was the first to act. Immediately upon arriving, they were confronted by Watch Captain Halgrim! Glimscry thumped him once with his hexbrand staff - to curse him - and then proceeded to melt the skeleton down with his deadly hollow stare... which was really challenging because, Halgrim, having no eylids... or... eyes... generally tended to win most staring contests! 

Dagnai Holdenstock strode past the crumbled bones of the Watch Captain to explor the first of the Mysterious Objects and.... triggered our first Crisis of the evening... 

I should really write down which Crises are dealt with... as they are really flavourful and fun... 

After dealing with the Crises, he still had activations and search the object again and gained some Realmstone... 

and then proceeded to fight some bats! 

Cleona Zeitengale moved up behind and tried to knock bats out of the air with her throwing stakes... 

Eventually it was Qulathis the Exile that finished off the last of the bats... 

Cleona Zeitengale opened the door to the next two rooms and discovered some Deadwalker Zombies and a Vyrkos Blood-Born vampire! 

She tried bashing the Zombies with her Blessed Mace 

and that didn't work out great, so Qulathis had to help out and clear the Zombies away... 

No sooner had she finished them off, the feral Vyrkos charged in and attacked. Luckily Glimscry was close at had to come to Cleona's aid! 

Qulathis dashed past and revealed the next few rooms, containing MORE swarms of bats and some skeletal warriors of the Ulfenwatch! 

Dagnai was trailing behind searching all of the Mysterious Objects 

(He does have a special ability that when searching Mysterious Objects, he gets to draw two cards and pick ONE - enabling him to dodge most traps and avoid most crises... except when he draws TWO of them!?)

But he did, occasionally catch up and smash some skeletons as well! 

Leaving Cleona behind... 

The Suffocating Gravetide, slowly smothering all in its wake... 

Definitely was less of a problem this game... 

Opening the next door, Glimscry was surprised by a Kosargi Nightguard just waiting there! Again, he stared down the beast with his Hollow Stare, and the beast crumbled before him... 

Cleona decided to step past and search a Mysterious Object for herself! 

But decided NOT to move any further forward as she could heard the shuffling and scampering of a horde of Zombies and Corpse-Rats approaching! 

The rest moved up to deal with the approaching swarm... 

Right at the entrace of the next two rooms, the freshly painted Gorslav the Gravekeeper awaited them... 

At level zero he shows up alone... and as there were no zombies in the next room, he wasn't MUCH of a threat... I mean, he's pretty nasty on his own... but at highers levels, he shows up with zombies and in other mission types, if there are lots of zombies on the table, he could be a BIG problem - a few of his activations can activate EVERY ZOMBIE on the board!? 

(I do STILL need to paint Torgillius the Chamberlain... but I don't think he even shows up on the Encounter Cards until Level Two... so... it's not a big rush!) 

Qulathis leap-frogged ahead and took down a pair of Ulfenwatch.

MORE Ulfenwatch and Zombies... 

Dagnai lagging behind again, determined to find ALL the Realmstone! 

The Realmstone is FAR BETTER than most of the treasures to be found. All the treasures are one-use items of limited effect... the Realmstone can be used to purchase permanent upgrades that are generally better - especially if you find a LOT of Realmstone! 

Qlathis destroying more Ulfenwatch... 

Only to discover MORE Ulfenwatch in the very next chamber! 

Glimscry took care of these two... 

Night had fallen. Eight groups of citizens had been warned. The Suffocating Gravetide had petered out... it was nearly the end of our heroes journey... only two swarms of rats and bats stood in the way of their extraction!  

Cleona helt them up at a door. Qlathis killed enough for the others to push into the room and finish off the rest... 

It was getting late, so we didn't play all the way through to pushing every single hero into the extraction point. We just calculated how many turns it would take Octren Glimscry to get there, and rolled for an appropriate number of Events, as that was the only thing that could have any affect on the Heroes as they left, now that all of the hostiles had been cleared out of the way... 

Which worked out in the Heroes favour, as Crisis was rolled on the event table and Octren succeeded in acquiring The Black Rose! Not entirely sure WHAT that is for... presumably it will come up in some future Decapitation Journey or Crises...?

For the extraction event, the Adamant was damaged as it tried to take off and was forced to land and make repairs in the night... the next journey STARTS at nightfall!!

Also... two or three of the Crises increased the Fear and Influence levels! So while the mission was a success and brought the Fear down a bit, the heroes weren't really any further ahead than the end of the previous adventure! 

We'll be playing another game this evening! A second Scavenge Journey will bring ALL of the Heroes up to Level One (assuming they succeed!). Then tomorrow, Amanda and Finnegan will pick out four to lead the first Decapitation Journey - to take down one of Radukar the Wolf's lieutenants! 

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