Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wedensday - 25 December 2024

Happy Christmas to all who celebrate (and I hope all of the rest of you are having an equally fabulous day!) We're going to play another game of Warhammer Quest today... but I have gotten a little painting in this week. 

I got a fair bit done in the past week... I finished up the last of the Cursed City Heroes; Octren Glimscry and Cleona Zeitengale, then I also finished up the second-to-last of the Cursed City hostiles; Gorslav the Gravekeeper, and finally a Chaos Sorcerer Lord

First I cracked the Arcane Cataclysm box that Santa gave me... 

I assembled, based and primed the Cursling from the box... 

As well as a few of the Tzaangor on the Discs of Tzeentch. I assembled one as a Tzaangor Enlighted and the other two as Tzaangor Skyfires. 

I also assembled and primed the three Screamers of Tzeentch

The Tzaangor and Screamers are needed for the next session of the Soulbound Role-Playing Game, which is next Tuesday! If I got those done this coming week I would be very happy! 

Of course, all of the Sylvaneth and Nighthaunt I ALSO wanted to finish up by the end of the year are still on the workbench... not so sure I'll finish these now... 

There is still Torgillius the Chamberlain and the two Gibbet Mysterious Objects - the last three miniatures for Cursed City - still haunting the workbench. Having looked at the Encounter Cards and found Torgillius doesn't ever show up until Level Two (and only half of the Heroes have even made it to Level One!) and I've been making good use of all the Hellboy terrain features as Mysterious Objects... so I'm not in as big of a rush to finish these... 

I DID do some work on the Darkoath Warqueen... even if it was just undercoating her skin! 

And now some Goblins and Squigs have made their way back onto the table - as they'll be needed in some upcoming sessions of Soulbound...!

I have a GAME PLAN post coming up at the end of the Month that detail the miniatures I'm hoping to get done over the next few months. Generally, the plan is to work on anything needed for the Soulbound game, and when there isn't something immediately needed, I'm going to focus on assembling and painting the Soulblight Gravelords and Slaves to Darkness armies! (and maybe finishing up the Nighthaunts and Sylvaneth, if I fail to finish them up by the end of the year!?)

What's everyone else working on this week!? 

Did Santa bring you any goodies!?

1 comment:

  1. Looking good, and also looks like you are getting some good gaming in!

    I'm still working on halfling snipers.
    For Yule gifts, I got myself a book about Mesozic birds and another book about prehistoric mammals. Both have lots of information about a large number of critters, and plenty of good artwork, too. Sadly, the mammal book arrived with the front cover split away from the binding almost half the way down. :(
    The best present, though, was a scarf knitted by my best friend. She also knitted some sort of little green stuffed critter - like a goblin or something. Both scarf and little dude are in varying shades of green. :D
