Wednesday, January 15, 2025

First Aquisitions

It's only just half way through January and I'm already acquiring new things... Well... New to me things... On the plus side, I didn't spend any money on them! I traded away a PILE of World War Two Americans that I was just NEVER going to get around to painting... 

Orion was looking to get rid of a pile of Kairic Acolytes and a few Tzaangor. Do I really need MORE Kairic Acolytes and Tzaangor!? No, probably not... but, at this point, I figure I'm far more likely to paint and play with these, than I am WW2 Americans. 

There are 35 Kairic Acolytes and 14 Tzaangor. In Age of Sigmar, both are fielded in units of ten.. So there are a few extras I don't super need... BUT the Kairic Acolytes and Tzaangor that Finnegan got in his Warhammer Quest Games are weird numbers (18 Kairic Acolytes and 6 Tzaangor...?) So maybe I could paint up the spares and give them to him and then he'd have full units of 10/20... Y'know, just in case he ever decided to play Age of Sigmar with them...?!

A number of them are broken... but, conveniently, I have a pile of Kairic Acolytes and Tzaangor new-on-the-sprue (from the Arcane Cataclysm box) and there are a LOT of options on each sprue, so I can totally repair any! 

It was a mix of regular US Army infantry, some Airborne infantry and a small handful of WW2 USMC! 

I also gave away a bonus copy of Bolt Action (first edition) that I had kicking around. Not sure how much the game has changed since then...? I bought the second edition rules at some point. but never played them. Now there's a THIRD edition out?! 

Hopefully they'll see some paint and play at their new home! Maybe I'LL get to play against them at some point!? 

The Lot I traded away has almost 100 miniatures in it, so... in terms of the overall number of unpainted miniatures, I now have FEWER!


  1. It's always great getting new figures, whether brand new or not!

  2. Fewer figs and more likely to use them sounds like a win to me!

  3. Can't go wrong with getting rid of figures you are never going to get around to and always nice to get figures you will do something with! Good to reduce the unpainted pile too!
