Monday, February 17, 2025

Fourteen Men in the Solomons - Skirmish at Smith Ridge

Tuesday, 29 June 1943 - New Galloway, Solomon Islands

Mission: First Platoon, Company J, 25th Regiment, 93rd Infantry Division was to escort an Artillery Forward Observation Team to Point 035 (a small rise beyond the front line, with a clear view of the lowlands beyond where the main force of the Japanese is suspected to be bivouacked. 

The hard fighting on the small island by the 93rd Division was meant to be a diversion for the much larger invasion of New Georgia the following day as part of Operation 

Japanese patrol waits at a tree line, observing. 

The men of First Platoon, Company J, 25th Regiment, 93rd Infantry Division move up to the tree opposite and come under fire! 

1st LT. Lance "Harvard" Nelson hangs back with the forward observers and orders his men to clear the Japanese force away, so they can make their way to the top of the hill.

The Japanese come under heavy fire from the well equipped and supplied Americans! Though much of the damage is done by the platoon's new marksman, Pvt Benny Arnold.  

Arnold, himself, however became a casualty, when the Japanese figured out where his shots were coming from and fire was directed in that direction. 

There was a lot of just blazing away at each other under cover. 

One of the Japanese soldiers on their right flank was taken out of action. 

And American soldiers started trying to infiltrate through the jungle to try and flank the Japanese position. 

While being covered by the other squad. 

Though they were starting to take casualties from the withering return fire from the Japanese! 

The Japanese LMG gunner was finally taken out of action, who had caused much of the casualties on the American side. 

The BAR gunner among the flanking Americans opened fire. But was then taken out of action. 

Sergeant West, thinking his men were right behind him, continued his advance on the Japanese flank... 

Not realizing the other members of his squad were quite far behind, the BAR gunner was down, and he was quite alone! 

Sneaking forward, Sergeant West encountered two Japanese soldiers. 

He charged one, blazing away with his thompson sub-machinegun...

He initially rolled a one, but, being a Veteran, when doing that in a Brawl a SECOND d6 is rolled again and ADDED to the one... which beat the Japanese soldiers score and took him out! 

he quickly charged forward and attacked the second soldier... 

Despite getting to roll a second dice when his first turned up a one again, it did not work out so well for Sgt. West the second time around... 

and he was taken out of action by the Japanese patrol commander. 

More Americans moving up on the flank... and others moving forward into the river, slowly trying to push ahead. 

Mor moving into the river, and others attacking from the flank - wondering where West had gotten to! 

The Japanese patrol leader rallied his men and brought a few more over to the flank to confront the Americans trying to sneak around there... 

Hearing his Sergeant's cries, Pvt. Elliot "Yank" Harris charged the Japanese position. But fire from that position made him pause. 

A japanese soldier charged out and stabbed him with a bayonet! 

Pvt. Texas "Stripes" Davis, hearing the cries of the wounded Harris, charged forward... 

and took out BOTH of the Japanese soldiers! Including the Patrol leader! 

Casualties mounting on both sides! 

Davis continued his rampage forwards, passing the position where Sgt. West fell. 

Taking out each Japanese soldier he encountered in brutal hand-to-hand fighting... 

Davis beat down the last Japanese soldier with the butt of his rifle! He single-handedly took out nearly half the Japanese patrol himself! 

With the fire from the Japanese slackening some, the Forward Oberservation team started making their way along the river towards the hill. 

the climbed out of the river and up the hill to direct the heavy artillery in the read on to the suspected Japanese positions! 

Ooof! this was a BLOODY one! 

It turned out Sgt. West was okay, physically. The burst of sub-machinegun fire that had taken him down, completely missed him!? A bullet had struck his rifle, another his canteen, third went clear through a boot, mildly gracing his foot and at least two more had deflected off his helmet!? Feeling the impact of all these hits, West had collapsed in a heap, thinking he was done for. The Japanese patrol leader had clearly assumed the same and moved on.

West was completely rattled by the experience and it was soon clear he was no longer capable of command and was depoted back to corporal and left in nominal command of First Squad, until a replacement could be sorted out! 

Harris also survived his close encounter with the Japanese, thanks to Davis' quick action, taking his two assailants out! He was, however, likewise deeply mentally scarred by the experience... 

Private Smith, the former Casino Dealer from Las Vegas (and company card shark) was killed in action as a result of enemy fire. Thereafter Point 035 was referred to as Smith Ridge, in his honour. 

Private Brown, who had recently taken over as Second Squad's BAR gunner was seriously wounded and lost an eye. He was returned to the United States and discharged. 

Cpl. Mason "Knocker" Freeman was seriously injured and, after spending a long time convalescing at a hospital in Australia, was deemed unfit for frontline service. He returned to the Division later in 1943, but spent the rest of the war as a clerk at regimental headquarters.

Pvt. Eric  Freeman, the Soldier from Georgia. Son of a minister, dreams of building his own church in the countryside... was hit in the head... well... the helmet. A bullet entered his helmet, zinged around the inside of it singing hair and skin and leaving a dramatic scar! Thereafter he earned the sobriquet "Angel".

Pvt Benny Arnold, the platoon's brand new marksman was also superficially wounded, but left with a dramatic visible scar that would likely impress the ladies... should he ever make it home to show it off! 

After this battle, Pvt Michael "Irons" Johnson became a veteran, and then, an event made him a Hardened Veteran... 

Pvt. Texas "Stripes" Davis would eventually be awarded the Bronze Star for the gallantry shown this day, taking out nearly half of the Japanese patrol by himself, saving the lives of Sergeant West and Private Harris! 

Orion and I played this game nearly a week ago, and I just... didn't get around to finishing up the game report. 

We played Tuesday afternoon and she was to return later that evening with her partner Nick to play Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound, but then didn't... so I lead Finnegan and Amanda through a game of FiveCore Pulp Adventure! 

Hopefully I'll get to posting THAT game report soonish!!

1 comment:

  1. A enjoyable battle report and game. The table and figures are great .
    Alan Tradgardland
