Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Matts, Armoured Car and Bone Reapers

I decided a few weeks ago that it was about time I got myself some larger matts - to play larger games of 40K or AoS or... other games!? (But I was mostly considering 40k and AoS at the time) I debated endlessly about whether to get 4'x6' matts or 44"x60" matts (the newer 'standard' for 40K and AoS). Both are too big for the current table in the game room and would require some sort of table-topper. While 44"x60" is the current standard for 40K and AoS, I feel like 4'x6' has been the gold standard of gaming for a long, long time... and I wasn't just buying them to play AoS and 40K!

I still have the two slabs of ~4'x5' 3/4" MDF that made up the 5'x8' table that used to occupy the game room. I could set up one of those on the current table and it should perfectly fit one of the newer 44"x60" matts. I COULD set both up over top of the current table... and that would fit one of the 4'x6' matts, with plenty of space around the sides to set books and dice and reinforcements and dead troops... but it would take up SO MUCH of the room. I'd probably have to remove all the chairs!

Ultimately, for convenience sake, I went with the smaller matts... but then I had to decide where to order them from. 

Last year I'd ordered a few smaller matts from FLG in the United States, but upon their arrival I was dinged with $50 of brokerage and taxes!? So I needed to find a source within Canada. There are a few places, but WOW to they ever charge a LOT for shipping. In the end I went with a place I've never ordered from before called Kingdom of Titans out of Quebec as they ship orders over $195 for free anywhere in Canada!! 

While I was at it... I picked up a few more things... 

All the goodies that arrived today! Two matts, a Bolt action Sd.Kfa 222 armoured car and Kainan's Reapers ("used" - assembled, but not painted!) 

Kainan's Reapers is the only Warhammer Underworlds warband that I don't have out of the 16 warbands they've printed cards for in the Warbands of Embergard set (which was briefly listed as available to order last week, but now is "temporarily unavailable" again... but my FLGS ordered some while they were available and are apparently on their way!) 

The matts ALMOST fit on the table.. there's about an inch overhanging on either side... I could probably just play with them like this!? 

on the slab of MDF... GAH there is'a quarter of an inch overhang on the other sides with these!? Ah well... 

I went with "Desert Planet" and "Red Planet"... I figured the desert one would be great for AoS and 40K and would work for historical each settings in the desert - as I have a lot of collections that would fight in arid regions... The Red Planet... I wanted something a little different that the boring standard grassy fields - something that would be fun and otherworldly for 40K and could also be used for Aqshy - the setting for the current narrative campaign book for Age of Sigmar. 

Also... I have a PILE of old Rafm Space: 1889 miniatures that I still dream of painting and organizing to play battles with, either in 1889... OR I had silly ideas of playing a Space: 1914 campaign - taking the setting of Space: 1889 and fast-forwarding it to the outbreak of the Great War in 1914 and playing a fight for the colonies on Mars with European troops and Martian colonial troops!? 

That Desert Planet one, though... it is... VIBRANT yellow!! 

Part of me does wish I'd ordered a grassy one now that could have been used for... well... anywhere other than North Africa that I have Bolt Action forces for!? 

apparently the newer Bolt Action kits include order dice, which is handy... 

Although I did check the other day, and I'm probably good for dice... (on the Warlord Games website, in an article about tournaments using third edition, they suggested capping things at 1250 points and 18-20 order dice!) 

Now I have to decide if I'm going to paint that Sd.kfz 222 in a standard German Grey for use with my earlier war stuff - to invade France in 1940... OR paint it in sand colours to field in North Africa!? 

(probably going with Sand for North Africa...) 


  1. Nice mats! And other goodies. Nice work on the various minis you've been posting, too!

    Yeah, why aren't standard tables (and mats) made in tabletop gaming sizes? Is this our equivalent of 10 hot dogs in a package, but 8 buns? ha ha

    1. Ha-ha! That is EXACTLY what it is!!


  2. Incredibly neatly organized gaming area! Other gamers (and most especially their spouses) are jealous! I am working on getting mine that neat.

    Battlefront used to make a mat that was desert on one side and grassland on the other. Don't see it anymore for sale but Warzone does double sided mats:

    1. Thanks! I had seen those (both Battlefront and Warzone options) and seriously considered both options. I do really like the super grippy rubber backing on the ones I got and wondered if the battlefront might slip around with two printed sides...?

      Ha-ha! The adjacent rooms into which all the OTHER stuff flows are... less tidy... In fact, I still have game/hobby related stuff spilling out into several other rooms on multiple floors of the house! It is nice to have a PLAY area that is relatively tidy that I can invite people over to play in and not be embarrassed!!

      I'm sure my partner would be very pleased if everything were very nicely organized into maybe three rooms...? One for playing and storing (some things), another for the messy hobby workbench, and maybe a third for overflow storage that was nice and neatly organized... Not quite there yet.. but at leas ONE of the rooms is tidy and mostly squared away!

  3. Nice mats. My personal favourite is the one I got from Cigar Box. It's expensive, plush, and gorgeous, and as a bonus, if the furnace dies on a cold winter night, it will keep you warm.

    Sadly, it will be at least 4 years before I can order another one.
