Friday, February 7, 2025

Three Arabs

 Just a quick update with three newly painted miniatures. I've been doing a lot of organizing and rebasing... but I knocked these three out in the last day or so for a game I'll be playing this weekend! 

Three Arabs. I think the leader in the middle is from Westwind Productions and the other two I feel like they might be Artizan Designs. Probably had all of them for over a decade... 

The plan is tomorrow... (well... later today as it is - technically - already Saturday... but I'll be sleeping between now and then, so it will FEEL like "tomorrow") to try out the FiveCore Pulp Adventure rules and maybe start off a campaign...?

I've already started a campaign page! You can find that here:

FiveCore Pulp Adventure Campaign

There you will be able to read all about the exploits of Professor Ramona Winthrop and her plucky band of adventurers! 

Stay tuned tomorrow (or... later today...?) for a report of their first expedition ! 


  1. Excellent looking Arabs, I look forward to the campaign!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! I'm pretty excited about it too... unfortunately life happened and I'm not going to get to play today, after all... I'll get to it sometime in the next week, though!
