Friday, February 7, 2025

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Thirteen - Deliverance Journey

This past Wednesday we played through another journey in our Warhammer Quest: Cursed City Campaign! 

After last week's adventure, Brutogg and Glaurio Ven Alten III made it to Level Two and Amanda and Finnegan had discussed possibly taking them on a Journey with two others that had one experience marker, as adventuring with heroes of a higher level makes other heroes gain experience faster and that would get two others to Level Two, right away! 

In the end, they decided to bring along the four Heroes that were still at Level One. 

Amanda was playing Cleona Zeitengale and Qulathis the Exile. Finnegan was playing Octren Glimscrye and Dagnai Holdenstock. 

I pointed out that, had this been a Level Two adventure, they first two encounters would have been ALL FOUR VYRKOS BLOOD-BORN!! Instead they faced six deadwalker zombies (luckily, WITHOUT Gorslav the Gravekeeper!!) 

The heroes smashed all the zombies out of the way. 

Glimscry remained in the dropzone as he'd activated first and could not kill enough zombies to get out... and so was still in the dropzone when the newly painted Suffocating Gravetide arrived!!

The others push forward past the redeadified zobie corpses... 

Dagnai stopped to investigate the first Myseterious Object... and triggered a trap... followed by a Crisis! 

Glimscry rushed past all the others to open up the next door...

... revealing Watch Captain Halgrim and some Ulfenwatch (and some Corpse Rats in the next room beyond them!) 

Qulathis shot Halgrim full of arrows! 

Then Cleona Zeitengale stepped in to finish him off... 

Octren moved in to finish off Skeletons and Dagnai showed up to collect treasure (and finish off Corpse Rats)!

I'm really enjoying using this Suffocating Gravetide model! It looks so much more ominous than the tiny counter provided with the game!!

Qulathis shot past everyone and opened the next door... reavealing MORE Corpse Rats... and a few more Ulfenwatch. 

Qualathis shot up a few of the Corpse Rats. 

Glimscrye stepped in to finish them off... 

But then was attacked by the Ulfenwatch, who care not that he is just a feeble old man! 

I forgot to take pictures for a round or two... but the Ulfenwatch were dealt with 

Qulathis and Cleona moved forward to open the next door and revealed... ALL THE BATS!? 

Dagnai was taking his time exploring Mysterious Objects and Glimscrye was trying to recover some of the wounds dealt by the Ulfenwatch... 

Exploring more Mysterious Objects! 

and MORE Mysterious Objects! 

I turned out the last two rooms were the last two they'd have to explore... 

But the first room contained TWO Vyrkos Blood-Born (and the next one had a Kosargi Nightguard!

Qualthis stabbed the first Vyrkos, and then backed up to shoot at it. 

Dagnai moved up to finish it off... 

Octren shuffled in to fight the next Vyrkos... but failed to finish it off and then was charged by the Kosargi - who dealt him some serious damage - and he wasn't even fully recovered from the Ulfenwatch assailants! 

Qulathis moved in and fill that Kosargi full of arrows... but wasn't QUITE enough to finish it off! It took another swing at Octren, but thankfully MISSED!!!

Dagnai charged in and finished off the vampire. 

Cleona entered as well and finished off the Kosargi Nightguard. 

They'd put some distance between themselves and the Suffocating Gravetide. 

Everyone safely made it to the Extraction Point - and Dagnai even got to explore all the Mysterious Objects... 

He managed to collect three Realmstone... but it wasn't enough to get anything they could remotely use at this point.. so it was just passed on to the Kharadron crew of the Adamant!

Cleona Zeitengale made it to Level Two at the end of this Journey... and... MAYBE Dagnai...? I can't remember now....? Maybe he didn't, which is why the next adventure WON'T be the next Decapitation Journey. 

Regardless, with three of the six remaining heroes being at Level Two, whatever journey the take on next is going to have Level Two encounters and they just get nastier and nastier! 

I will definitely need to finish painting Torgilius the Chamberlain for next week. 

The Fear Level dropped to four with this successful mission, and the Influence Level crept back up to three. 

The Extraction Event involved the Adamant being damaged and delaying extraction... AGAIN!? So, once again, the next Journey will START after nightfall... so not only will they be facing Level Two encounters... they will be facing EMPOWERED Level Two encounters!!


  1. Level two at night? Ouch Lovely game really like the graveside model!
    Best Iain

    1. A lot of it comes down to the initial encounter card draws... and the initial initiative card draw...

      If it's a mix of rats and bats and a few skeletons or zombies on their own... probably won't be so bad.

      If it's Gorslav and a horde of Zombies or Halgrim and multiple groups of skeletons... AND they go BEFORE the Heroes even get out of the Landing Zone, then it could go sideways really fast (which is what happened the last time they did a Hunt!).

      It'll be exciting, regardless!!
