Age of Sigmar: Slaves to Darkness

Somewhere along the line, I decided it would be fun to have a Slaves to Darkness force... maybe I was thinking it could be an additional force for our small paths to Glory campaign when 3rd Edition just came out...? I don't know.. 

I also has this idea that they would all be MOUNTED!! So I picked up a Chaos Lord on a Damonic Mount and a few boxes of Chaos Knights and Marauder Horse. I think the idea was they would be Slaanesh worshipers and an allied force for the Hedonites of Slaanesh.... Which is all abour SPEED!!

I also imagined this force as coming from a Matriarchal society. So the Chaos Lord is female, the Socerer is a Sorceress, all the Chaos Knights are female... all the lower class Marauder Horse were Male... 

Then I got Khagra's Ravagers... so they're included in here as they are Slaves to Darkness characters... (also a warband run by women!) 

When I bought these the lighter horse were called Chaos Marauder Horse. Those miniatures have been discontinued, but luckily they were simply replaced with Darkoath Fell Riders - which are almost exactly the same... 

All of the Slaves to Darkness painted, so far

(Trust me, there are a LOT MORE to come!!) 



Ogroid Myrmidon


Fomoroid Crusher

Mindstealer Sphiranx

Khagra's Ravagers 

Ha-ha... that's it, so far! 


This is what I have still to do:

  • Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (1)
  • Chaos Sorcerer Lord (1)
  • Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (1) 
  • Chaos Knights (10)
  • Chaos Marauder Horse (Darkoath Fellriders) (20) 
  • Darkoath Fellriders (5)
  • Darkoath Marauders (20) 
  • Wilderfiend (1) 
  • The Gnarlspirit Pack (4) 110

The current priority is the Chaos Lord and Knights, and the Ogroid Myrmidon and  Mindstealer Sphiranx. These could make up exactly a 1000 point single regiment force... which I might use for 1000 point games or possibly in a Path to Glory campaign! 

Here are some of those things.... 


This is what the force would look like if the ever got DONE


  • Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (1) 180
  • Chaos Sorcerer Lord (1) 120
  • Ogroid Myrmidon (1) 190
  • Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (1) 180


  • Chaos Knights (5) 250
  • Chaos Knights (5) 250 
  • Darkoath Fellriders (10) 300
  • Darkoath Fellriders (10) 300
  • Darkoath Fellriders (5) 150
  • Darkoath Marauders (10) 100
  • Darkoath Marauders (10) 100
  • Fomorid Crusher (1) 150
  • Mindstealer Sphiranx (1) 170
  • Wilderfiend (1) 190
  • Khagra’s Ravagers (4) 170
  • The Gnarlspirit Pack (4) 110

Total: 2910

I've got almost 3000 points worth of stuff!! 

1000 point Paths to Glory Army 

Generals Regiment

  • Hero - Chaos Sorcerer Lord (1) 120
  • Unit - Ogroid Myrmidon (1) 190
  • Unit - Chaos Knights (5) 250
  • Unit - Chaos Knights (5) 250
  • Unit - Mindstealer Sphiranx (1) 170

Total: 980

The Chaos Sorcerer Lord can include 0-1 Ruinous Champion, 0-1 Monster,  and Any Warriors of Chaos in their Regiment. The Ogroid Myrmidon counts as a Ruinous Champion and the Mindstealer Sphiranx is the monster 

If I got someone to lead the Dark Oath Fellriders (Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed!) It could look something like:

Regiment #1

  • Hero - Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (1) 180 - General
  • Unit - Ogroid Myrmidon (1) 190
  • Unit - Chaos Knights (5) 250
  • Unit - Chaos Knights (5) 250

Regiment #2

  • Hero - Chaos Sorcerer Lord (1) 120
  • Unit - Mindstealer Sphiranx (1) 170

Regiment #3

  • Hero - Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed (1) 180
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (10) 300
  • Unit - Darkoath Fellriders (10) 300

Army Total: 1940 points! 

Hargax's Pit Beasts

Fun Fact: These three together are a Regiment of Reknown - Hargax's Pit Beasts - and can be included in ANY of my Chaos Armies (Hedonites of Slaanesh, Blades of Khorne even SKAVEN!? Or Disciples of Tzeentch or Maggotkin of Nurgle, if I ever put one together!? ) for 460 points!!! 


Nothing that I NEED, really... 

If I suddenly needed to play these in Spearhead, I'd need to get a Chaos Chariot and ten Chaos Warriors... But I'm feeling no strong urge to get either or play this force in Spearhead... 

A part of me feels like I should grab a unit of the Corvis Cabal and the Unmade, before they're totally gone (they are slated to go out of production!) - just because they look really cool!? 

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