Thursday, May 2, 2019

Mistakes Were Made...

It wasn't eBay... 

So the fellow that ran Battleforce Recon sent me a message last week... He was looking to sell of his brother's old Eldar army and knew I was into the old metal minis and so thought he'd offer them to me. Now... I totally was not looking to expand my army at this point, but it was and INSANELY good deal... I also totally did not need ALL of this stuff... but conveniently The Girl also has an Eldar army and I was pretty sure she would be interested in a bunch of the stuff that I didn't need. So we ended up going halfsies on it.

Old School Rangers which I'll add to my existing squads. The Girl is taking the newer rangers behind them,  as she has a few of these (though in finest). Also three more Fire Dragons and some Wraith Guard... 

The Girl is taking the Wraithlord (as I already have three) and the Autarch and Farseer and two warlocks. she's taking Fuegan (because I already have one) and I'm taking Jain Zar (because SHE already has one).

We're splitting the Banshees, I'm only taking three to finish up a full squad of ten, she's taking the remaining eleven to fill out two squads. I'm getting the Jet bikes - mostly because she didn't want them. It's not a full unit. I'm half thinking I might just base them like my other Jet Bikes and use them for Faustus Furius! She's taking the Striking Scorpions - which I might have liked... but I can't take it all. I also got the Falcon Grav Tank (I now have two to paint...). 

There were 88 Guardians in the lot - which were more or less thrown in for free. The Girl already has, like, 30 of these and did not want any more... so they're all mine, I guess... 

I also ended up with Eldred Ulthan - also mostly because The Girl didn't want him. I figured I could paint up a squad or two of Ulthwé Guardians to use along with him as an allied contingent. If I found an additional Warlock (to paint up as Ulthwé), I could do three Guardian squads and have it as a Ulthwé "Battalion" Detachment...?

In all, I've ended up with: 

Jain Zar
Eldred Ulthan
15x Rangers (for a total of 30 - 3 units of 10)
3x Fire Dragons (for a total of 8)
3x Howling Banshees (to finish of a unit of 10) 
5x Wraith Guard (which is a full unit, I have one I could add to it...) 
2x Swooping Hawks (for a unit of 9)
2x Wind Rider (Jet Bikes - only two I have, not a complete unit...)
1x Falcon Grav Tank (I have two now... should paint them some time...)
88x Guardian Defenders (+ 3x Weapon Platforms) 

The Girl ended up taking: 

1x Autarch (with wings and a big ass missile launcher!)
1x Farseer
2x Warlocks
5x Rangers
10x Dire Avengers
3x Dark Reapers
4x Warp Spiders (need to track her down an Exarch to complete the unit)
11x Howling Banshees 
1x Wraithlord
6x Striking Scorpions

She's pretty pleased to pick up some new Aspect Warriors (she's been coveting the ones I've been painting lately!) 

So here's what I've got going on now... 

1x Autarch
2x Farseer 
5x Warlocks (Individuals or in a Conclave) 
1x Baharroth 
1x Fuegan 
1x Jain Zar
1x Karandras
1x Eldred Ulthan

3x Guardian Squads (10)  - these are just the metal ones I have 88 more plastic ones now... 
3x Ranger Squads (10) 
2x Dire Avenger Squads (5) 
1x Dire Avenger Squad (10)

2x Striking Scorpion Squads (5) 
1x Howling Banshee Squads (10)  
1x Fire Dragon Squads (8) 
1x Wraith Guard (6) 

Fast Attack
2x Warp Spider Squads (10) 
1x Swooping Hawks (9) 
1x Wind Riders (2) understrength unit. 

3x Wraith Lords 
1x Dark Reaper Squads (3) 
2x Falcon Grav Tanks 

Lords of War
1x Wraith Knight
1x Revenant Scout Titan
1x Tempest Heavy Grav Tank (as Scorpion) 

I haven't even started to consider which Detachments they could all be fielded as... Not sure how often I'll field any of those Phoenix Lords. I think named characters are kind of silly. I haven't included the plastic Guardian Defenders above, as I'm not sure I'll ever really use them... 


Guess I better get painting... 

The ONE thing I wouldn't mind tracking down is an Exarch for the Striking Scorpions. 

i was so close to painting more than I'd purchased this year... Now I've pretty much DOUBLED my purchases for this year!? GAH!

Coming soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:


Probably not... 

Hopefully some of John's Fantasy miniatures... then some Necromunda Gangers... Maybe after THAT some more Eldar! 


  1. Is there any reason you couldn't base the jet bikes for FF and still use them for WH as needed (if you acquired enough for a unit)?

    1. Oh, yeah - if based for Faustus Furius, they could totally still be used for Warhammer 40K! And considering they didn't COME with bases - it'll be cheaper to base them for Faustus Furius - as those were homemade out of 1/8 MDF and a section of bamboo kebab skewer - than to try and track down some clear bases they'd normally be used with!

  2. "You see,it was such a good deal I had to buy it!" It happens to all of us,looks like lots of great stuff there!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! I had REALlY wanted to lay off the purchases and get caught up on some painting, though... ah, well...

  3. Looks like a great haul! That kind of temptation is excusable.

    1. Thanks! It did nicely fill out a few units I wanted to add or expand... but I have no idea when I'm going to get to actually PAINTING any of them!?

  4. Wow! That is quite the purchase, and even split with the Girl you basically are adding a small army.

    Who got the unpainted Autarch (which looks like it is missing its backpack)?

    1. She got both the Autarchs - originally I thought it was a Farseer, but then on further inspection I noticed it was missing a backpack and that it was, as you say, an Autarch. I may buy it off her for an extra autarch for myself... of course, I'll need to track down a backpack for it - Wings - it looks like the original miniature may have come with a Warp Jump Generator (like the Warp Spiders have) but I'm not sure that's an option for Autarchs anymore...

      It probably looks a bit bigger than it really is because there is a crapload of Guardians there (that neither of us have any real desire to use!)

    2. 88 Guardians is a bit absurd, but you could use some of them as max squad size Black Guardians like you said, and then use the other 40 (!) as fodder in games that call for it. You know, like when fighting knights or titans and you have to remove the dead in handfuls anyway.
