Wednesday, May 1, 2019

April Games

April games bring May... ?

Wow... Where did April go!? It feels like it just FLEW by!!! Here are the games we played through the month...

Monday, 1 April 2019

We kicked off April with a game of Terraforming Mars. We played on the Elysium board.  I played Terractor, Amanda played the Mining Guild, Finnegan played Phobolog, and The Girl played Thorgate.

This was a lower scoring game than some of our other recent games. Not sure why? Everyone rushing to Terraform the damned planet and grab as many Terraforming points as fast as possible…?

Amanda took Ecologist and Tychoon milestones, I took first for Celebrity Award, Finnegan took second for Celebrity Award, and The Girl took Specialist Milestone - but only because she went before me that turn! Had I gone first that turn, we would have ended up tied for second one point behind Amanda. As it was The Girl won with 69 points, Amanda was second with 65, I had 59 and Finnegan had 44.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

My friend Kurtis came over for supper and a game. I made some quesadillas and we played Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Amanda and The Girl were out at a dance competition and Finnegan was working on some project, so we just played a two-player game. I’d never played it with less than three – and most often play with four. WOW! Two-player games go FAST!! I think we both built really fun little castles, but it felt like it was over before I really even got started!?

Friday, 5 April 2019

Once again Kurtis was over for supper and games. I feel like I’ve hardly seen him at all in the last 6 months – then twice in one week! It was pretty great!

Kurtis, The Girl and I played Splendor while we were waiting for the Pizza to cook and for Amanda to get home.

Since Amanda wasn’t there I actually had a chance to win! Woo!

Afterwards, Kurtis introduced us to a clever little press-your-luck game called Undersea Adventures, which I think he said he got around X-mas time, but hadn’t had a chance to play.

The first game went REALLY fast and almost nobody scored at all – trying to go too deep and not being able to get their treasures back to the sub before running out of air. Kurtis won with 9 points, I had 3 points and everyone else had zero… So, they all wanted to play again! In the second game, everyone was a bit more cautious and most made it back with SOME treasure. This time I won with 37 points, The Girl had 19, Finnegan had 18, Kurtis had 14… and Amanda still had 0 – always trying to go for the big treasures, never making it back…

After Deep Sea Adventure, we played Ra, which none of us have played for AGES. I felt like I was doing very poorly throughout the game – just not getting any bonus points for cultures (but not losing any for not having any) or rivers as long as some of the others, or nearly so many monuments as Kurtis and Amanda were amassing… I did have the most (or was tied for most) Pharohs through all three epochs, and that really helped me out. I was pretty surprised at the end when we counted up points to discover I was in second place, slightly ahead of Amanda – who had more than twice as many monuments and at least a few sets of three (of which I had none). I was Kurtis who won way ahead of both of us!

Finally, we got in a game of Century: Golem Edition – just so we could check on box off on our 10x10 Family Challenge board.

Kurtis ended the game after taking his fifth card, but I ended up squeaking ahead because I had a few higher point cards!

Saturday, 6 April 2019

Finnegan ran a game of Dungeon Crawl Classics for his friends in the afternoon. They’ve changed from every second Saturday evening to EVERY Saturday afternoon – hoping that they might actually get to play 2-3 times a month with everyone present (instead of 1-2 times – as the boyz often have to cancel due to swim meets). The Girl had to give this one a miss as she was at another dance competition. There was some pretty epic role-playing going on. There was a wonderful encounter with a depressed dragon (who reminded me a lot of Eeyore, from Winnie-the-Poh).

In the evening, I was supposed to be running Wrath & Glory, but once again players bailed at the last moment and I had to cancel…

However, one of the players still came over and we played a few games of Kill Team – which was a lot of fun! We tried out his new Kill Team: Arena set.

You can read the full report and see all the pictures here:

Skirmish Saturday Night: Kill Team

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

I got in another little practice game for Battleforce Recon against Robyn over at his place.

You can read the full game report here:

40K - Asuryani versus Grey Knights

Friday, 12 April 2019

Friday evening Finnegan set up a game of Sentinels of the Multiverse for us. This was the conclusion of a four-part narrative campaign  and finally in this game faced Baron Blade at Wagner Mars base.

I played Haka, again, and everyone else had the same heroes as our other games.

So this was kind of bad to draw on the second turn... But somehow we pulled it all together and beat down Baron Blade!

Saturday, 13 April 2019

On Saturday the kids had their friend Heidi over and they started a new D&D 5E campaign where they are playing juvenile Dragons. Hijinks ensued…

Sunday, 14 April 2019

I spent a good chunk of the day at Dragon’s Den Games playing in the Battleforce Recon 40K tournament. It’s a smaller “fun” event – just 1000 points. It was a pretty good time. You can read all about it here:

Battleforce Recon 2019

Later in the evening we all sat down to play Abyss.

We had watched Aquaman the evening before, so it seemed apropos…

Finnegan ended the game taking his seventh lord, but Amanda crushed us all, as per norm… damn, I thought I was doing pretty good starting to get going... and then it was over... and I was dead last again!? I like the game, but I just suck at it.

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

I played a game of Warhammer 40,000 (8th Edition) with my friend Other Tim. A full report of the action can be found here:

Get Morty

Saturday, 20 April 2019

Another Saturday game of Dungeon Drawl Classics where the party faced the "Boss Monster"

Miniatures were brought out. Characters died. It was pretty epic.

This should have been a Wrath & Glory weekend – according to the schedule of things. But a month or so ago, I’d seen an announcement that Morrissey was to be playing in Saskatoon this evening and, knowing that Amanda was a big fan of the Smiths back in the day, and that the following day was her birthday, I suggested we go. So, I’d cancelled the Wrath & Glory game. Then, the week before the concert, Morrissey cancelled the first leg of his Canadian tour… So, I told the guys the game was back ON!!! But then none of them could make it… Or maybe one could… and another couldn’t and the other never even replied…? I’m about to just give up on this…

Sunday, 21 April 2019

I thought we would have gotten in a few more games over the long weekend… alas… We ended up being busy doing… other stuff… Amanda was busy getting ready to head to Florida for a weeklong Yoga Teacher training and also find herself a NEW BIKE before she went.

We did get in ONE GAME on her BIRTHDAY. She picked Terraforming Mars (as it’s kind of her current favourite). We tried it out with Venus Next (which I’d picked up at the same time I bought Ellysium and Hellas, but we hadn’t tried playing with just yet)

The Girl played Morning Star, Amanda played Ecoline, I played the UNMI, and Finnegan tried out Aphrodite. We’d each had one new corportation and one of the older ones. I’d originally thought I’d try the Venus one – as I thought I’d played all the original game ones. But then when I dealt them out, I realized I hadn’t played the UNMI and thought it might be interesting. I can’t remember which Venus one I had… something to do with Microbes…? Maybe…? Started off very slow with the trees and colonies – I almost thought we’d end the game with minimal greenery and no colonies it was going so fast. Near the end I started plopping down colonies and greenery with straight Megacredits (not cards) because, well, I COULD! I was making an F-tonne of money each generation!

I totally took pictures of this game... but they seem to have disappeared!? I must have deleted them from the camera thinking I'd already uploaded them to the computer!? I don't know...

Saturday, 27 April 2019

It was the Easter Break, so most of the kids were away on vacation, but a couple of them got together and forged ahead!

The Challenge Board…

Dropping a bit behind... but not TOO bad, considering Amanda only played ONE game in the last two weeks – having been CrAzY busy with work the second last week trying to finish up stuff before going away for the last week of the month! I’ve already played more than 10 games of 40K this year. Not doing so well with any of the other personal challenges...

Coming Soon to Tim’s Minature Wargaming Blog:

I'm not sure... Painting has kind of slowed considerably this last week. Amanda had signed me up for a free one-month YouTube Premium membership a few weeks back so she and The Girl could watch the second season of Step Up (or... something like that), and this week we noticed Cobra Kai Season Two was available - so we watched that, and then watched another series called "Impulse" which I thought was pretty good... Now usually I get most of my painting done while watching (or, rather, listening to) movies and TV series - but those are usually on DVDs that I watch (listen to) in the basement. The YouTube series we have to watch on the computer which is up on the second floor (Oh, I'm sure there is a way to watch YouTube stuff on TV... but I don't have the technology and can't be bothered...) So I actually spent about 13 hours actually WATCHING stuff last week - which was 13 hours I wasn't painting.

I actually have some fantasy stuff on the workbench now, that's sort of "jumped the queue". It's all stuff for someone else though...

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of games! Nice mix of board and miniatures too. I paint in the living room while my wife watches TV, sometimes I'm interested in the program but often not,if we watch Netflix or a film we tend to watch it on a projector in the basement in the dark, apparently it's antisocial to wear a head torch and paint while doing that,who knew?!
    Best Iain
