Sunday, November 24, 2019

For All Those Who Seek Redemption

As the Bronze Gates kept expanding and growing, it was only time before gangs from other houses arrived. A new gang from House Cawdor took up residence in Durango Pipe and started calling themselves the "Moors". The One-Eyed Red Snakes - who have been particularly down on their luck, thought this might be their chance to "prove" themselves, strike while they are still "weak" and just getting themselves established. They thought they'd just waltz right in to Durango Pipe and wreck one of their Reliquaries - just to show them that House Delaque is not one to be messed with!

My friend Orion came by on Sunday evening to have a go at Necromunda. He's been thinking of picking up the new Necromunda: Dark Uprising box and I suggested he come over and try it out with some of my toys.

The Bronze Gates Campaign has fizzled out as a Dominion Campaign, but I've decided to keep it going - as a setting for a Narrative Campaign! I'm not going to bother too much about tracking credits, and add gang members to rosters as required (sort of like in Kill Team) I WILL continue to keep track of experience (because it is fun to watch characters grow and get better!) and the credit value of each gang member and gang ratings (for determining how many Gang Tactic cards players get for scenarios). Standing within the campaign will be based on Reputation and the number of areas controlled.

I wasn't totally as prepared as I'd liked to have been and ended up playing a scenario I kind of just pulled out of my ass at the last moment, it was a bit of a mash-up of the Border Dispute and, I think, Sabotage scenarios...?

The Moors had a smaller, random starting crew, but all the others available could arrive as reinforcements, starting at the end of turn one! The Snakes had to wreck Cawdor's Gang Reliquary.

Unfortunately I let him place his shrine ANYWHERE and so he tucked it in a dead-end tunnel at the edge of the table furthest from my deployment zone... so I'd have to fight through his WHOLE DAMNED GANG to get to it... The last being the Cawdor Champion - Henry - who was stuck behind some heavy cover and enjoying a rather nice field of fire/bottlenecking kill zone.

I thought maybe things might turn out okay when Orion started rolling like this, right off the hop... but the ill luck didn't last... or maybe it was just that MY luck was WORSE!

Couple of Juve trying to flank around Henry's Kill Zone.

My gang all bunching up in what little cover they could get from Henry's withering fire.

Another team of gangers trying to sneak up the other flank.

Popped some smoke and tried to make a dash down the hall...

It was a HUGE gamble - if that smoke dissipated before they got into contact with the ganger at the end of the hall, they'd be mowed down by Henry's Heavy Stubber.

The Smoke dissipated and they were mowed down by Henry's Heavy Stubber...

Elsewhere Juves trying to rush a downed ganger to give them a Coup De Gras.... (they bled out before the Juve got there).

Trinitatus and Artifex pinned by fire coming from different directions.

More Cawdor reinforcements showing up.

One of the three - Mutatio - made it to the end of the corridor and into contact with the Cawdor ganger there.

Unfortunately there were MORE Cawdor Gangers there and he quickly found himself outnumbered... and that is terrible position to be in!

Trinitatus and two other gangers try to rush Henry's position while he was clearing a jam/reloading...

Cawdor reinforcements show up and finish off Delaqu gangers downed by Henry's fire.

Artifex battling Rufus who arrived as a reinforcement.

One of the Neos attacking Rufus from behind.

and that's where I kind of stopped taking pictures... ?

Two more Cawdor reinforcements joined in this melee - it was a mess. Eventually Artifex took down Rufus and the other two Cawdor gangers failed Nerve Tests.

Enough of the others trying to rush Henry's position that the gang was just about entirely wiped out. I ended with only Artifex still on the table. He voluntarily bottled and fled.

Things did not go well for the One-Eyed Red Snakes... Once they'd all regrouped back at The Snake Pit and took stock - HALF of the gang was so seriously injured they'd need considerable time to recuperate (Trinitatis, Rutubulum, Mutatio, Oraculum, and Neo866753 are all "In Recovery") and Oraculum had lost an eye! Neo65395 was also missing and presumed captured by the Cawdor gangers!

Cawdor survived the assault by House Delaque, but didn't escape without injury... Rufus, one of the gangs champions arm was severely mangled by Artifex's Power Sword and he'll never be able to swing his chainsword the same again (-1 WS). Muriel suffered a severe abdominal wound that will likely leave her sickly and weak until the end of her days (-1T!). Meredith and Bantu were severely injured enough that they will have to sit out the next battle... Surviving the assault, however, has given the Moors a bit of a reputation as a gang not to be fucked with...

House Delaque will not suffer this slight at the hands of these upstart Cawdor peasants... They will have their revenge!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have a half dozen other posts in the works... There are new gang posts for The One-Eyed Red Snakes (House Delaque), Jezebel's Crusade (House Cawdor/Redemptionists), and the Crimson Wave (House Escher) gangs - I just posted the one for the Durango Pipe Moors. And, since I played ANOTHER Game last night, I'll have another report to work on as well... plus a lot of stuff has been rolling off the workbench the last few days.


  1. Coming out fast and furious now! Well, both sides seem to have gotten a bloody nose out this encounter.

    1. It was, indeed, a bloody mess for both sides.
