Monday, November 25, 2019


Yesterday evening Jacob swung by to have a go at Necromunda. We've played a bit of Kill Team, but he hadn't tried out Necromunda yet...

After last week's fiasco, the One-Eyed Red Snakes were DESPERATE to exact some retribution (and claw back a shred of reputation) so they planned to strike out at the New Cawdor Gang in Town.

I decided to try out one of the scenarios in the brand new Book of Ruin. Hit and Run seemed apropos.  The defender got d3+7 Random crew and the attacker got d3+7 Custom crew. Jacob - who played the Cawdor gang decided to defend and started with nine crew. The attacking Delaque gangers had eight crew to start - and I went heavy with Champions and Gangers - all the Juve stayed home!

The defenders started within 6" of the centre of the battlefield. Attackers set up anywhere that wasn't within 6" of a defender. There was a special rule that, after deployment, if any defenders could draw line of sight to any attackers they could make a roll to spot them (Int check - with modifiers based on distance and cover). If passed they could either make a free move or shoot action before the game started. So, I simply made sure ALL of my gangers had no line of sight to start with.

Victory point were gained for taking enemy gangers out of action (+2 if you took out the leader). The attacker then had a special rule whereby if they were out of line-of-sight of any enemy and at least 6" away they could take a special Double Action ("Fade") to simply disappear off the board - it seemed so very Delaque-like. So the idea it to get in quick, cause a few casualties - while taking none or minimal casualties yourself - and bugger off while you're in the lead... At least, that's the theory...

The Cawdor gangers were in a pretty solid position to start - and mostly we were blazing away at each other from hard cover and not doing too much...

Vindex, here, ran out of boltgun ammo after his first or second shot... doh... it was his first battle, one can forgive him if he was a bit nervous (although, he is a CHAMPION, so one might also think this wasn't his first rodeo and should have known better!?)

My leader and Meltagunner were poorly positioned behind some hard cover looking at a giant blast door that the Cawdor gangers had NO DESIRE to open... Eventually Conflatura - the Melta Gunner ran up and opened it - and got a shotgun blast in his face for his troubles - and was taken out of action before he could even try out his Meltagun...

At the other side, the Cawdor gangers busted out of their position to take the fight to the enemy - they quickly took down one of my gangers (looking bad when I'm losing the first casualty!!)

Then they got stuck in fighting Mus... He quickly took down Hinton, the Cawdor Champion, who charged him first, and then spent most of the rest of the game fending off two other Cawdor gangers.

Artifex, the Delaque Leader, charged up the centre, through the door Conflatura had opened. Swinging his power axe left and right, he was an unstoppable killing machine!

Architects snuck up the flank and shot one of the Gangers fighting Mus, and the other Cawdor ganger in the fight failed a nerve check and fled the melee.


 This actually gave Mus the opportunity to flee out of sight and fade from the table! (By this point I was actually leading in Victory Points and decided it was time to BUG OUT!)

There was a brief nervous moment as Artifex needed to be extracted from the middle of the damned table - in the open, in a long corridor, with two healthy Cawdor gangers firing at him! He did make it down the hall and around the corner and faded  from the scene!

the One-Eyed Red Snakes called it a Victory!! WOO!! I'd taken out SIX Cawdor gangers to only three casualties of my own (and one ganger that fled due to bottling out!). It did cost the gang, however! Of those three, TWO ended up with lasting serious injuries! Partem took a serious blast to the chest and is permanently enfeebled (-1 T!) and Glacies was Humiliated - one of the Cawdor Gangers carved "Cawdor Rules" into his forehead (-1 Cl and Ld!). Conflatura was saved by his armour and will be back in action next game!

Of the six Cawdor gangers take out of action four were minor wounds and only required some minor flesh stitching and two ended up in recovery but without any sort of lasting injuries (one even rolled "Lessons Learned" and gained a bonus experience point for her troubles!).

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Still have three more gang posts to finish up - The One-Eyed Red Snakes (House Delaque), Jezebel's Crusade (House Cawdor/Redemptionists), and the Crimson Wave (House Escher) - and some pics to post of recent items rolling off the Workbench (Battlefleet Gothic ships!?) - so expect those in the next few days... or.. possibly HOURS...?


  1. Great looking game!

    Kind of a Pyrrhic victory for the snakes though, with those injuries, eh?

    1. Oh yeah... Nothing ever seems to go right for them... Which is okay. If they were doing REALLY well, people would probably grumble about why my gang's always winning... NO ONE can complain I'm doing anything to favour them or give them any sort of undue advantage.

  2. Good to see a victory,any kind of victory, although another one like that might see you wiped out!
    Best Iain

    1. Ha! yeah... There are always more gangers to fill the boots of those that have gone on to Valhalla... or... um... gone to be with the Emperor... or... whatever...?
