Monday, November 25, 2019

Void Ships of the 41st Millennium

I totally thought Games Workshop was going to drop a new version of Battlefleet Gothic this year. I mean, in the last few years they've rereleased Necromunda and Blood Bowl and Adeptus Titanicus and some other fabulous new games... So I thought it was only a matter of time... But it didn't happen this year. I'm kind of glad. If it was anything like the new Adeptus Titanicus, it'd probably be a GAINT $400CAD boxed set with, like, two Imperial cruisers and two Chaos cruisers and a handful of escorts for each in a TOTALLY DIFFERENT SCALE from the previous editions...

And it would have BROKE me...

I've gone more than a little overboard in the last year or so with the 40K stuff and,  more recently, all the Necromunda stuff...

But still... I WOULD love to be able to play some space actions - whether as part of a 40K/Apocalypse campaign or to play out any action that came up in a Wrath & Glory campaign - whether the characters are working for a Rogue Trader or and Inquisitor, there are definitely opportunities for some Void Ship battles!

last week a local dude posted some old Chaos BFG ships on the local miniature trade/sale Facebook group - and I snapped those up. Didn't even have to pay out any cash, I traded him some of the Imperial Guard I picked up in the summer that I have absolutely NO USE FOR!!

There were SEVEN old plastic Chaos Cruisers and three escorts. Most of the Cruisers were damaged and so I had to steal bits from some to repair others, In all I'll have four or five useable ones - which is probably more than I need as I have no Imperial Cruisers!!

The start of a Chaos Fleet. I was king of thinking Slaanesh when painting these - perhaps delivering a contingent of Emperor's Children and NOISE MARINES to a Warzone!

I was trying to do these all very quickly - so these were mostly just painted gold and washed with purple wash and then drybrushed gold (the one in the front has been given a wash with a Flesh Tearers Contrast Red... but I didn't like it, so it got a wash with the purple as well...).

I'm not entirely sure what class of Cruiser that is. I think it may have been put together with parts from a couple different kinds? Perhaps it's a Devestation class cruiser? If anyone actually knows anything about Battlefleet Gothic - feel free to help me out here!!

The smaller ones, I'm pretty sure, are Infidel Class Raiders.

This one had the bubbles of green stuff already on it and was missing a bunch of turrets... so I added the tentacles and giant eyestalk and decided to call it a Nurgle Deamon Plague Ship - of some sort...? Maybe a Hades Class Heavy Cruisers...?

While I was at it, I decided to knock off a few other ships as well!

These are a pair of Imperial-ish ships I picked up from Vanguard Miniatures... oh... a year or more ago...? I was trying to get a Rogue Trader campaign off the ground (pre-Wrath & glory) and wanted a few gen-u-ine-looking imperial ships to represent the Rogue Traders ships. These are pretty tiny. I do have a few more of these and slightly larger one as well.

The one ship can easily be passed off as an Imperial Transport. The other a Destroyer of some sort? The slightly larger ones I have still to paint should be able to stand in as Frigates... not sure how ANY of these are going to fair against a Chaos fleet with CRUISERS!!!

I guess if I actually get PLAYING I'll just need to pick up a few more Imperial ships - either from eBay or a few more of these fro Vanguard.

I'm not sure where these came from. I'm pretty sure I bought them over a decade ago as part of a large lot of assorted space ships. I was hoping I could pass them off as some sort of Ork Attack Ship...? (Red makes them go FASTER!)

I also have a few chucks of bark that I've been gluing bitz to, to make into Ork Roks.

Two of these - the blue and green ones - I'm pretty sure are from Battletech (Aerotech?). The orange one... I'm not so sure. I'm not sure what I could pass these off as...? Perhaps the ships of some minor alien race(s) in the T'au empire...?

The lot of them - for a sense of scale.

The bases are 40mmx40mm 1/8" thick MDF.

and now that those little distractions are out of the way, I think it's time for a Workbench Hard Reboot!

Things have gotten... a little cluttered...

There are some miniatures I SORT OF planned to be working on... (Necromunda).. but there are also dozens of others that have snuck on as distractions - or that have simply been there for AGES but I can't bring myself to clear them off because they're SO CLOSE to being DONE!? I think to get back on track with THE PLAN, I'm going to have to do just that - EVERYTHING GOES! 

Okay... Maaaaaybe I'll keep the Ambul Hulk on there... because, it's really just his BASE I need to finish up - and without other distractions that should be done in very little time...

I'm tempted to leave this Tallarn Mortar Squad on there as well... because it finishes off a WHOLE DETACHMENT! Not that I've played 40k in few months... or plan to at any point in the immediate future...




We shall see...

That's today's project. clear it all off and make space to get some HELLBOY miniatures painted - as of today Xmas is ONE MONTH (30 Days) away - and I have a LOT of Hellboy stuff to paint up if we're going to start playing that on Xmas Day!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Still have a few of those Gang posts to finish up...

After that...? Well, hopefully, some pics of HELLBOY miniatures getting painted up! I am also planning to play Necromunda on Sundays for the rest of the year - and into the new year, so there should be game reports of those coming up next week.


  1. Your workspace looks like mine (well, I don't have all of the fantasy/Sci-Fi stuff in work). I tend to wind up painting in an area no larger than a large index card. My painting desk could use a hard reboot too!

    1. Ha! Glad to know I'm not the only one! Sometimes the local 40K League does a Work-in-Progress Wednesday and I'm a little bothered by how tidy some people's workspaces are... or maybe it's just jealousy... I should try and remember to post some AFTER pictures once it's all cleared off..

      (It's not going so well... I did remove a FEW things... but far to much remains to really say I've "cleared EVERYTHING off")

  2. These ships would work nicely for Full Thrust too.

    1. I have considered using Full thrust. I played Star Grunt and Dirtside years ago (maybe DECADES!?) and really enjoyed some of the ideas in it. I always thought it would be fun to try out Full Thrust... but then I just couldn't find a copy for years - until GZG just went ahead and put it up on their website as a free pdf!

      I have that and a PDF of Battlefleet Gothic, and I have the playtest version of A Billion Suns (and have pre-ordered the book from Osprey - by Mike Hutchinson - author of Gaslands) that I thought I'd try out at some point...

  3. Nice space ships and tidy looking ( ish) desk!
    Best Iain
