Tuesday, August 31, 2021

August Games

Mondays and Thursdays, amirite?

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Amanda and I played another game of the Arrival. 

That's four times I've played it, so I think that's going on the 5x5 challenge. 

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Finnegan and i played a game of Age of Sigmar... I'd have a link to a game report here... if ever I had FINISHED the game report... still sitting as a draft.... 


Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Another game of Necromunda with Orion and Nic. Full report can be found here:

Necromunda - Of Spiders and Scavvies

Saturday, 7 August 2021

After a year and a half, Finnegan finally got to run an in-person D&D game. I think it was a bittersweet reunion, as it was one of the players last game. She graduated from High School this year and will be going off somewhere to college in the fall and just got a job for the rest of the summer and has to work on Saturdays... 

He's currently running two other D&D games - every week - but not all the players in those games are fully vaccinated, so he's not inviting them over just yet. Maybe in September. Or, maybe we'll all be isolating in September again and he'll be back to running ALL his games online again... 

I'm trying to stay positive and hopeful, but there are SO MANY people refusing to get vaccinated around here, and it seems like everyone just thinks it's "over". There have been festivals every week since restrictions were lifted and there have been just crowds and crowds of people and hardly a mask in sight... Numbers going up...

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Keiran actually suggested playing a game and I wasn't about to pass up that opportunity! 

We played Just Desserts which is a quick and fun little game, though it makes me very, very hungry... 

After nearly a month of 30+°C temperatures, it dropped into the 20s this week and suddenly it's all sweaters and toques! 

Friday, 13 August 2021

Friday Night - Game Night

I've been trying to re-establish Friday Nights as GAME NIGHT around here. Around supper time, as I was about to ask if anyone wanted to play, Keiran actually asked if we could play Retro Loonacy!? 

We played six games in the end. Usually I take a moment and organize my cards, but this time I just started throwing down the first ones I saw and the game was over in less than a minute!? Everyone was just kind of shocked. I actually ended up winning three of the six. 

Keiran won this last one. Won it before I even put a card down. Mind you, I was busy trying to take a picture! 

After Loonacy, we played a game of Splendor. Amanda won. Of course, if you know anything about us and our history of playing Splendor, you would have already known that by the fact that Amanda is sitting at the table with a game of Splendor in front of her. Keiran was close... but I had, like, 7 points...? 

Saturday, 14 August 2021

Saturday evening i finally got in a game of Warhammer Underworlds. I think it was the first game we've played since Amanda got Wingspan in May.... There are more pictures and a brief report here:

Warhammer Underworlds - Return to the Nightvault

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Speaking of Wingspan... 

We introduced some new friends to Wingspan - super fun to play some new people - and birders! 

This was the 21st game we've played since May. 

Friday, 20 August 2021

Friday Night - Game Night

Kids weren't interested in playing anything, so Amanda and I played another game of Warhammer Underworlds. This time I tired out Ironskull's Boys. They played a little better than the Sepulchral Guard, straight out of the box.... but I still totally lost... More pics and a full report can be found here:

Warhammer Underworlds 

Saturday, 21 August 2021

Saturday evening I got the gang back together and we made some new characters...

We were using the Savage Worlds Fantasy Character Generator Toolkit. It's a book that lets you roll up a totally random character for a Savage Worlds fantasy game. I've always had a lot of fun using this - it doesn't always make playable characters - and you can't really use it hoping it will create a party that has any business knowing each other - let alone adventuring together... but we're making them for a one-shot adventure that I'm expecting will be rather tongue-in-cheek... 

I backed the Lost Tomb of the Bitchin Chimera sometime last year (I've been a HUGE Dead Milkmen fan since Big Lizard in my Backyard came out when I was in high school... so... how could I NOT!?) and I was just notified that it has finally shipped (I've actually had the PDF for some time.. but haven't really bothered to look at it..). The adventure is written for D&D5E, but I figured rather than learning a whole new system, I'd just use Savage Worlds which I used for years for every setting I felt the urge to run a role-playing or skirmish game in!

The plan is to do another round of character making the following week and maybe pick the best one - or the one that seemed funnest - and I'm going to run the game in September. After that, I'm kind of hoping to get back to Wrath & Glory - possibly picking up the campaign where we left off. 

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

And look what showed up on Tuesday. (Well... technically it showed up on Monday... but they didn't bother delivering it to me, just dropped it at the local Post Office and I had to go pick it up on Tuesday... but... whatever...). I spent a good chunk of the afternoon reading through parts of the adventure and giggling. I'm not sure if anyone else is going to get all the references. But it was entertaining enough just to read. 

In the evening Keiran suggested playing a game and we weren't about to pass on that opportunity. There was a bit of what-do -you-want-to-play-i-dunno-what-do -you-want-to-play, but eventually Kingdom Builder was settled on... 

Amanda had had a LONG day - getting up to attend a live, online conference that was being hosted in the Netherlands... When we started it was like she had never played and had to have EVERYTHING explained to her at least twice... three times, for some of the things... 

And then she proceeded to win, scoring almost as many as Keiran AND me COMBINED!? (In the picture above, those are her Orange settlements screaming across the board. 

I just couldn't get it together this game. Maybe it was because I spent so much time explaining and reexplaining I didn't really have any time to think things through... maybe it was because the first three cards I pulled were grasslands and I just coudn't get OUT of the area I was in. We each had one bonus action on the first turn... but the only other one I even got close to was snapped up by the others - by midway through the game Amanda had FIVE of them, and Keiran had three. And, being locked into one little area, I coudln't even really make USE of the one I had!? 

As I'm sitting here typing, I realized we forgot to add in points for castles... and that probably woudl have given enough that she WOULD have had more points than me and Keiran combined. 

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Nic and Orion stopped by for another quick game of Necromunda! 

You can find the full report and a bunch more pics here:

Necromunda - Sump Croc Hunt!

Friday, 27 August 2021

On Friday evening, at the suggestion of Keiran, we played Lords of Waterdeep!

Amanda played the Silver Stars and Durnan the Wanderer. I played the Harpers and Kyriani Agrivar. Finnegan Played the Red Sashes and Piergeiran the Paladinson. Keiran played Kinghts of the Shield and Nindl Jalb. Playing with four is HARD as you only get two agents to start off and a third part way through the game it's really hard to DO some of the high point quests, but if you can pull one off, it pretty much secures you the game. I had a hard time as my Lord gave bonuses for Piety and Arcand quests... but there were NONE available for the first half of the game!? I did manage to pick up three later in the game and finish them off - which brought me up from trailing by 35+ points to... well... I was still about 20 points behind Keiran  and Finnegan... but only 14 behind Amanda, who's had a pretty commanding lead for much of the game.  

Saturday, 28 August 2021


Later in the evening, we did Round Two of character-making with the Savage Worlds Fantasy Character Toolkit.  Everyone was there. Hilarity ensued. I actually posted the characters we rolled up on Savage Timmy's Playhouse - the Savage Worlds blog that I haven't posted on in over a decade. you can see them all here:

Savage Timmy's Playhouse: Lost Tomb of the Bitchin Chimera Characters

Next Saturday I'll be running the adventure! 

Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Finnegan and i got in our first game of the new Kill Team this afternoon. Took a bit of figuring out, but I have a feeling it will play MUCH faster when we do get it sorted and is going to be SUPER FUN!!!

Stay tuned for a game report! 

And more game reports! I have three more games lined up this week!


  1. Damn it Tim, now I have bitch'n Camero running through my head. My sister was a huge fan and sang that song all the time.

    1. Not the WORST song to have in your head all day...?

    2. After reading through the adventure I have their WHOLE discography on heavy rotation in my brain right now!

    3. Not at all the worst song! Just not something to sing at work, or whatever.

    4. It's funny, usually when people find out I am a Dead Milkmen fan, they mention Punk Rock Girl which was a few albums later (often I think it's because it's the one they made a video of and got a lot of play on MTV - and Much Music here in Canada). Your sister must have been a big fan - or an early fan - to be aware of Big Lizard and Bitchin' Camero!

    5. Ha, no no, more of a retro fan thing, because it came out when she was only three... we had a friend who was totally into punk and that's probably where she picked it up.

    6. HA! So, last year Amanda and Keiran were going through Spotify playlists and came across a Mötly Crüe song and Keiran was like: "Wait... Motley Crue... where have I heard... Oh, yeah 'Don't forget your Motley Crue T-Shirts, all proceeds go to get the lead singer out of jail!'" - I apparently played Bitchin Camero enough throughout their childhood that they knew of the name because it was referenced in a Dead Milkmen song... Winning at Dadding, right there!

    7. One of the MANY ways you are winning at Dadding.

  2. Sounds/looks like you got a lot of good gaming in in August. :)

    I know what you mean about people not getting vaccinated.

    At least we're heading out of summer and I'm looking forward to more cool weather (of course, out here in Oregon it will be nothing like the cold you get there).

    1. It has been a good month.

      Traditionally I've tried to do a game-a-day challenge in September... Not sure if I'm going to do that this year... I guess I should decide SOON as it's already the 1st of!? I did get in a game today... so... so far, so good!
