Saturday, August 28, 2021

Kill Team - Drukhari

With Covid numbers on the rise around here, I think I'm going to stick to playing at home - or with a tight group of carefully selected, full-immunized friends that maintain relatively small "bubbles" of contact. So, I figured, I better get Amanda's Kill Team ready to play. 

This is just updating her old Crimson Wave Wych Cult Kill Team - to make it playable in the new version of Kill Team it needed a few more Wyches or Kabalite Warriors. Drukhari Kill Teams are made up of two fire teams, the fire team options are Wyches or Kabalites, each of which have five operatives. The original Kill Team had eight wyches and three Kabalites - so either way, it needs two more. 

We do have other Wyches That I've already painted, but they're all based differently, and I didn't want to end up having to rebase entire SQUADS of Wyches (and then be tempted to rebase the ENTIRE ARMY!?). So, I looked at what else we have, and what we had was three Kabalites that were already assembled and a bunch of Wyches still on the frame. That made my decision easy, I'd start with the Kabalites already assembled. 

This way she can start with "a bit of Column A, and a bit of Column B" and see if she likes one better than the other or if a mix of the two works best. Then, I can always build up a few more of the wyches to make a full wych kill team. (If she likes Kabalites, I might have to get another box, as I seem to only have one other assembled...? How did I end up with just six?)

Crimson Wave Wych Cult Kill Team

The entire team of real space raiders... 

Actually this is MORE than a full Kill Team - these are all the miniatures I have ready from which a Kill Team could be selected. I'm not sure which Fighter specialists Amanda would want to make use of - only two can be selected from the Hydra Gauntlest, Razorflails, or Shardnet and Impaler. A third can be added if both fireteams are Wyches (NOT two more... or three per fire team... a MAXIMUM of three per kill team!) . 

This is more like what the kill team would look like - two fire teams - five wyches (with two fighter specialists and the Hekatrix as the leader), and five Kabalites. 

Wyches - there are a few more here than are technically needed. I could assemble and paint up two more for a full Wych Kill Team, but I thought it might be prudent to have a mix... Wyches are pretty much only good for close combat - the addition of Kabalites gives them to opportunity to hit at a distance (and give shooty warbands something else to worry about while the Wyches close in!) 

Kabbalites that "came along for the ride"... (the two with helmets are the newly painted additions) 

I guess we do have a Squad of Battle Sisters I painted up for Amanda some time ago for her to use in 40K - before she decided she wanted to play Drukhari - that I could get sorted into a n Ecclesiarchy Kill Team...

Three more days of RPGaDay coming up and LOADS of Kill Teams! 

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