Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Necromunda - Of Spiders and Scavvies

Last Wednesday (a week ago) Orion and Nic came by for another game of Necromunda. Nic just hung out and watched. The previous week's game kind of threw him in the deep end and he figured he'd rather watch a game or two to learn the rules better before playing again. 

This week's scenario involved some Scavvies that had recently taken up residence in a local bad zone and had been bothering their neighbours in the underhive and the Enforcers of the Omega Precinct were sent into to evict them... or, rather, TERMINATE WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE! 

Amongst all the other dangers, there was a Giant Necromundan Greenback Spider lurking near the Scavvies hideout... 

It was assumed to be hiding in a mess of webs and couldn't be targeted unless the shooter was within 3" - also it would activate in the End Phase and if there were any models within 6" it would charge and attack them. Once its opponent was out of action it would return to the nest, unless there was another target within 6" of the nest. 

Scavvies in their hideout. Njarlzd, the leader of the gang, along with Garf and Norg. 

I'd thought of making the green slime toxic too.... but it seemed a bit much with all the other hazards present. 

Doelgr, Njarlzd's lieutenant (a Champion) and Zog. 

"Don't get any closer, there's a greenback in that mess of webs and they ain't friendly" 

Rakr - another Scavvie - hiding out on his own. 

O-320 "Cat" and O-266 "Six" approaching on the left. 

O-259 "Niner" - Captain of Omega Precinct - leads a group of enforcers on the right flank. 

Cat opened a large door only to find a MASSIVE ventilation fan sucking everything nearby towards it and decided to take another route. 

Six moved in and was instantly sucked towards the fan! He quickly backed out to take cover behind the entrance. 

..but not before echanging a few shots with Dolgr and Zog. 

Njarlzd took a pot shot at the Captain and managed to pin him. Return fire from the other Enforcers seriously injured Garf. 

Teh Greenback (played by Nic) attacked Zog. 

Doelger leap across the pipe to help out Zog.

Rakr sneking around the flank, pinning Enforcers with blasts from his shotgun. 

Doelger is injured by the Greenbacks Toxin! 

At the end of Round two, the Scavies bottled out. At the start of Round three, Njarlzd, the leader of their gang, broke and fled... things went rapidly downhill from there... 

Enforcers pumped some smoke into the Scavvies den, forcing them out. Garf, recovered from his injures was charged by Niner and taken out with a punishing blow from his shockstave. 

I think Zog fled... or maybe he was taken out by fire from the enforcers, which allowed the Greenback to turn on Doelgr and finish him off. 

Norg had also been seriously injured and just coudn't recover. 

Having finished off Garf, Niner clambered into the Scavvies den and cuffed the bleeding Norg - taking him into custody. He figured back at the precinct house he could be pumped for information as to where the others might have fled to. 

This left Rakr, who continued to exchange fire with the Enforcers on the right flank. 

Cat finally made it around the flank only to find all the scavvies down and a massive Necromundan Greenback feeding on them. 

"Throne! That's a big 'un!" 

Rakr Kept the Enforcers busy for a round or two, but was hopelessly outnumbered and outmatched. 

I can't remember if he went down in a hail of bolter fire from Nines or just broke and fled... 

Since their job was to secure the area and make it "safe", Cat charged the Greenback and, I think, took it out...? This is the problem with doing game reports a week late when you don't take notes... 

Fun game, though, fast and bloody. I like playing games like this! 


  1. Looks like a great game, and that spider is a nice addition. Necromunda should be pretty dangerous even before the gangs start shooting.

    It does seem like you need a bit of graffiti on the ground though...

    1. Paint makes the floor slippery and there are enough hazards in the underhive!

  2. Brilliant report! I like your use of the terrain printed on the tiles, the big spider, and all that makes for a more interesting game.

    1. Cheers! The eggs printed on the board are supposed to be Xenos eggs - there are actually written rules for those and the giant sucking fan and the pool of molten metal and other nasty hazards in the "badzones"! Getting sucked into the fan or pushed into the molten metal is pretty nasty if you're playing a campaign - much more likely your ganger will die or suffer lasting injuries!

  3. The graffiti covered walls add a great deal to the look of the game. Great work.

    1. Thanks, Alan! I had a lot of fun painting the graffiti. I have a bunch more blank walls I built and painted teh base grey and are just waiting for some taggers to come and vandalize them!

  4. Lovely looking game the spider is a nice touch!
    Best Iain
