Friday, April 1, 2022

Game Plan 2022 - Q2

I don't know WHAT I was thinking when I came up with the Q1 Plan for this year back in... like... mid-December of last year!? Feeling absurdly optimistic about the end of the pandemic, perhaps..? 

Some of it worked out... 

Most of it...? 


A lot of that had to do with a whole new wave of Covid and the provincial government just deciding it was "over" and dropping all public health requirements and "moving on". They won't even publish information about the state of things (mostly because they don't know - because most testing has stopped). Through most of February and March the death rate in Saskatchewan has been as high or higher than any point in the pandemic in so far. Through much of it the death rate was the HIGHEST IN CANADA - and for a week or two higher than the next two highest, COMBINED - and that included Alberta and Manitoba!? 

So we didn't do a LOT of gaming with people outside of the family - only had the occasional friend over - mostly others who have relatively small "bubbles"... 

50 Miniature Games

This has not happened... Instead of a miniature game (and GAME REPORT) every week, I played ONE miniature game...

5x5 (Quarterly) Challenge

I did play some other games, though, and did try to do the challenge - play five different games five times each. 

I had guessed I might play:

  1. Silver Bayonet
  2. Frostgrave or Stargrave or Rangers of Shadowdeep
  3. Wingspan 
  4. Other Board Game
  5. Other Board Game

I DID manage to play five different game at least five times... but it ended up being... 

  1. Five Tribes x7
  2. Wingspan x7
  3. Azul x6
  4. Terraforming Mars x6
  5. Carcassonne x5

Other games I played included:

  • Splendor x2
  • Wrath & Glory x2
  • Bananagrams x1
  • For Sale x1
  • Marrying Mr. Darcy x1
  • The Silver Bayonet x1

Wargaming Birthday Bash/February Game Weekend

I'd had some wild plans for a Great Big Birthday Bash for the big FIVE-OH.... But, for a number of reasons, that just didn't happen. (Covid... General Malaise... Despondency... ) 


There IS a ToonCon going on this year. It's actually NEXT weekend. 

I'm totally not going. 


Nothing much else has happened thus far... I did sign up for the Hunters of the Warp 40K Spring League... but I have my doubts that I'll actually get any games in.


I DID paint a few things... I did spend a LOT of time and energy re-basing a lot of miniatures - mostly 40K, and mostly Eldar. But some other stuff as well. 

What did I get painted?

Not a lot... 

On the plus side... I didn't really BUY much either... and don't really have any plans to!? 

One Regency Monster Hunter arrived that I'd ordered in 2021 and wasn't shipped with the rest of the order (that showed up in December!?) 

I bought Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep – Blackpowder's Buccaneers (5 miniatures) and teh Warhammer 40000 Kill Team : Nachmund box which included ten Corsair Voidscarred and ten Chaos Space Marine and some terrain... and that's it!? 


So... the next three months... 

5x5 (Quarterly) Challenge

I will attempt to play five different games, at least five times each... Do I have ANY idea what those might be? Nope. 

One might be Five Tribes. There seems to be a resurgence in interest in that. 

Terraforming Mars and Wingspan seem to not be slowing down. Not sure if both will end up part of the Q2 5x5 Challenge, but I'm sure they will be played at some point this Quarter and they'll definitely end up as part of the 2022 10x10 Challenge... 

I REALLY WOULD like to get some miniature games going on... Could I get Kill Team back on the proverbial challenge map!? Or some 40K Combat Patrols? I don't know... we'll see... In two weeks one of Finnegan's classes wraps up and then he'll only be doing two, so hopefully we'll find some time to play then! 



As I said, I REALLY WOULD like to get some miniature games going on... REALLY!!! Kill Team and 40K are of most interest at the moment. Warhammer Underworlds too. And Warhammer Quest - both Blackstone Fortress and Cursed City (though the latter would still require a lot of painting!). Necromunda...

I feel like it's been a little too long since I've played ANY and will likely have to do a lot of re-reading of rules... So I MIGHT just stick to ONE - or maybe TWO - Kill Team and 40K.. 


There are a handful of boardgames that I wouldn't mind playing as well - but probably NOT five times... Some just because I haven't played them in a while... Others... well, also because I haven't played them in a while, but also one or two more plays would move them to the Five List (5+ Plays) to the Dime List (10+ Plays) on Board Game Geek. 

Century Golem: Eastern Mountains, Robo Rally, Marrying Mr. Darcy, and Hive - Pocket edtion - all just need one play to move to the Dime List (I'm SURE I've played Robo Rally WAY MORE than that... but that was all LONG BEFORE Board Game Geek was a thing...). Pax Renaissance also only needs one play, and I LOVED playing that, but I'm pretty sure it would require a lot of re-reading rules (and not exactly light and easy-to-read rules) to play that again... so... it's on the list, but I'm not holding my breath

Agricola, Castles of Mad King Ludwing, Hellboy: The Board Game, Monty Python Fluxx, and Samarkand all have 8 plays recorded (so, needing two to make it onto the Dime List...).

Maybe, like what happened with Five Tribes, one or two of these games might be hit and actually get played a few more times and make it onto the 5x5 Challenge list...? 

PAINTING (and purchasing?) 

Eldar and Chaos seem to be the priority, at the moment. Both for 40K and Kill Team. 

There's other stuff waiting in the wings... (SO MUCH stuff)... but I haven't really been spending a LOT of time painting this last bit and that doesn't seem likely to change, so I think it would be best if I rode the mild wave of enthusiasm for Eldar and Chaos stuff and FOCUS on getting stuff DONE for that. Maybe some of the 40K Terrain, too!

(Well... I haven't been painting a lot of MINIATURES... I have been doing a lot of PAINTING and drawing PICTURES!)

The first things I'd like to do is finish up the three troupes of Harlequin Players I have - because that's ALL the Harlequins I have and then they'd be DONE!

Then there are two guardians and three Howling Banshees I need to finish off complete units of those and would give me a lot more options for Patrol Detachments. 

After that...? maybe some MORE Assuryani (Craftworld Aeldari) - Ideally 15 Rangers, 3 Warlocks, 5 Swooping Hawks - as those would finish up what I'd need for an Incursion level Battalion Detachment. 

Or maybe focus on finishing up some more Kill Teams (or options for Kill Teams): assorted Veteran Guard, Orks Kommandos, T'au Pathfinders (TWO teams - one mine, one Finnegans), Eldar Corsairs and Chaos Space Marines. 

Then maybe painting up enough of the Chaos Space Marines I have to have an Incursion Level Force (Battalion Detachment) and extra options...? 


I'll be lucky if I get half of this stuff above painted, I REALLY don't need any more... 

The new Necromunda Ash Wastes box looks SUPER COOL! Not buying it. I have SO MUCH Necromunda stuff yet to paint... and loads of post apocalyptic minis I could use for denizens of the Ash Wastes - if I felt the need to play out there (I MIGHT buy the book separately... MIGHT...)

The ONE THING I can think of that I'd like is six more old metal Harlequins - to make ONE MORE Troupe - which would bring me to a full 50 Power Rating - Incursion Level - Force of JUST HARLEQUINS! 

In the same vein, I wouldn't mind tracking down one more old metal Dark Reaper - to complete a unit of five. 

There will be another Warhammer Underworlds Warband... I MIGHT buy it... and there's to be a two team box at some point this year. Just because there is so little being produced for this "season" it wouldn't be hard to get it all,  so I might just do that in hopes that AT SOME POINT this year I get painting and playing again. There is NO CHANCE I'm going to be buying into any of NEXT Seasons stuff if I don't get painting and playing Harrowdeep, tho!? 

At some point during Q2 there will e another Kill Team box... I can't even imagine a pairing that would motivate me to buy that... Maybe if it was and Inquisitorial Kill Team fighting against all new NOISE MARINES... I'd totally buy that... Otherwise...? meh.

And that is it for my "plan". More like some very flexible "guidelines".


  1. In the same boat out east. Everything under control, situation is normal . . . with the highest number of deaths since outbreak. Gaming here has been limited to online stuff of late. Fingers crossed we're through it by the summer.

    1. Fingers crossed indeed! Maybe toes too!

  2. Looks like you've been and are gonna stay very busy!

  3. Opening up over here,lot's of infection not many deaths, starting to charge for testing so people won't do it,you may as well stick with whats interesting you, I'm kind of curbing my buying, I've got plenty of figures and then find myself contemplating 180 Napoleonic figures and 50 more dark age/renaissance because it's a deal! Like I need another 230 figures to assemble, let alone paint! I am thinking of getting Stargrave, as others in the group are into it, but otherwise trying to be good!
    Best Iain

    1. Ha! I am a sucker for a GOOD DEAL! I feel like I'm kind of getting things under control (not buying MORE! I even looked at the new Reaper Bones kickstarter that just launched today... and there are some cool figures... but I had NO DESIRE to buy it! Yay!)

      I'm even at the point where I feel like I should get rid of some of the stuff I have, because there is ZERO chance I'm EVER going to get around to painting all the stuff I have! But what to get rid of? Anytime I HAVE gotten rid of things, at some point I end up being like DAMMIT THOSE THINGS I GAVE AWAY WOULD HVAE BEEN SO PERFECT FOR THIS and when I go to try and find them they're just not available anywhere or someone is selling them on eBay for 10x what I originally bought them for!?

    2. I picked up Stargrave a while back and had a brief look at it... One guy I know is pretty stoked about trying it out. I don't know. I don't have to buy ANY minis for it as I have piles and PILES I could use - many of which are already painted... But it's just not grabbed me yet.

  4. Even with all the issues about Covid you still managed an impressive amount of boardgaming!

    1. True. It is helpful that I live with gamers! (or at least family members that are willing enough to play games with me on occasion!)
