Monday, January 3, 2022

Assorted Regency Monster Hunters

 Along with the Gug and the French Naval Landing Party, I finished up an assortment of Regency Monster Hunters. Most of these are from Matchlock Miniatures Regency Zombie Hunters line 

Six of the male Regency Monster Hunters from Matchlock Miniatures. They are all named characters - the one up front is Lord Byron and the rest are characters from Pride and Prejudice (and Zombies)... I will probably make up my own characters to use them as. Byron looked like a leader-type, so I put him on a larger base (as I've been doing for officers in The Silver Bayonet) 

Four of the female Regency Monster Hunters from Matchlock Miniatures. As with the men above, they are all named characters - the one up front is Lord Byron and the rest are characters from Pride and Prejudice (and Zombies).

A few more Hunters - The two one the left are from Casting Room Miniatures and the one on the right is a Spanish Guerrilla from Matchlock Miniatures. 

Finally a Cavalryman from First Regiment of Life Guards. Lacking a Cuirass, I suppose he would be classified as "Light Cavlaryman" in The Silver Bayonet...? 

While I was at it, I thought I'd do a few comparison shots of some of the recently painted Monster Hunters. 

Left to right: Mr. Darcy (Matchlock Miniatures, French Elf Hussar (Alternative Armies), Lord Byron (Matchlock Miniatures) 


French Left Lancer Officer (Alternative Armies), Mr. Wickham (Matchlock Miniatures), Russian Lich (Alternative Armies)

Russian Zombie Peasant (Alternative Armies), Mr. Wickham (Matchlock Miniatures),  Russian Zombie Peasant (Alternative Armies)

French Elf Infantry (Alternative Armies), Elizabeth Bennet (Matchlock Miniatures), Mr. Collins  (Matchlock Miniatures), Russian Zombie Infantry (Alternative Armies)

Russian Zombie (Alternative Armies), French Naval Officer (RAFM), Russian Lich (Alternative Armies)


  1. Nice collection of figures your collecting Tim! I did dig out my Flintloque boxes....apparently I have a box of Werewolves with muskets!

    1. Thanks, Terry!

      Ha! Yeah, they make some funny stuff.

  2. What a great collection Tim - perfect for SB!

    1. Thanks, Paul!

      Now I just need to get them on the table and rolling some d10s!

  3. I think there might be some copy/paste errors in some of your captions?

    An interesting assortment of figures. Some of the monster figures kind of remind me of the Girl Genius comics.

    1. Thanks!

      I've not read Girl Genius. I actually HAVE a bunch of them... but never got around to reading them!?

  4. Very nice work, Tim! I am so impressed with how fast you've painted those P&P miniatures! Mine arrived weeks ago now and I have only painted three! However, I really don't have a lot of free time, it must be noted...

    1. Cheers! I, on the other hand, have had a fair bit of free time on my hands this last week or two... So I try to get hobby things done when I do have the time (and count myself very lucky for it!)!

      I hope you do find some time. They are fun characters to paint!

    2. It's interesting to see that they're not actually that big compared to the Flintloque models, so the Flintloque models must be HUGE! However, compared to some other '28mm' models in my own collection, those P&P figures look almost like ogres in comparison.

    3. Ha! Yeah. The Flintloque minis are definitely on the HUGE side!

  5. A great collection of figures Tim.

  6. These are great Tim. Your photos and paint jobs - significantly better than the ones from Matchlock - have convinced me to take a punt on them.
