Saturday, December 31, 2022

40K - Tallarn Roughriders

 I have started re-basing all of my Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum in anticipation of the new 9th Edition Codex being released in the new year some time... (I had initially thought it was going to be released in December, hot on the heals of the Cadia Stands: Astra Militarum Army Set, alas...). 

Rumoured to be returning are ROUGHRIDERS!? Those daft brave soldiers of the Empire that ride into battle atop a horse - charging tanks and space marines and xenos horrors... 

Tallarn Toughriders! Recently re-based on GW oval bases (Previously, they has been on 40mm lipped bases, which I never loved the look of...) 

The plan is to eventually rebase all of the Astra Militarum onto proper 25mm plastic bases - to align with the Kill Teams... I already did the Cadians! Still have a LOT of Tallarn and Guaiacan Commandoes... and... Valhallans... 

This was kind of a test batch, to see how they look. I kind of like it... I don't know... I feel like the oval bases make them look... "Speedier"...? I have another five that are painted and just need rebasing and then another dozen or so that I could paint up for another unit or two! 

They are ABSURD... but I love them. 

Does this mean I might get back to playing 40K this year!? Maybe... I don't know... We'll see... 90% of the fun in this hobby, for ME, has always been the collecting and painting and THINKING and IMAGINING games and scenarios and possibilities. Games, especially competitive games, are almost always a little bit of a let down, compared to the fun I have imagining how they might be... 

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