Sunday, December 31, 2023

December Games

As with November, this is a scheduled post... 

I've started scheduling these posts, so they go up just before midnight on the last day of the Month. That way you can find the December Games post as the last post in December in the Blog Archive (over on the left if you're looking at this on a desktop computer... I have no idea where it is if you're looking at this on your phone...!?).

I can edit it throughout the month, adding games as I play them... 

If this post shows up with NOTHING in it other than this description... it's because I didn't end of playing ANY games this month. And I'm probably very, very sad. 

(or I've gotten so out of practice at doing this... BECAUSE WE HAVEN'T BEEN PLAYING GAMES AS MUCH ANYMORE.... that I just FORGOT to add to the post) 

The former seems more likely though...

I've done the same for LOOKING BACK AT 2023 post and the GAME PLAN 2024 post, which will be posting shortly after this!  

Anyway, here's what I (hopefully) got up to, if I got up to anything at all:

Saturday, 2 December 2023

Played another game of Five Parsecs From Home, online, with Chris and Christian. This was the second week in a row - which was nice, because we'd cancelled SO MANY games the previous month... 

You can read the full report of that game here:

Five Parsecs From Home - Online Campaign - Round Three - Space Pirate Raid

Thursday, 7 December

Thursday I got a new Ikea Kallax assembled and recruited #2 to help me haul some games downstairs. During said ordeal, they noticed our copy of Loonacy and felt like they hadn't played that in a while and suggested we play... 

We ended up recruiting Amanda, as well - who had just returned home from work.

We played three games

I won ALL OF THEM!?!?

I mentioned Just Desserts... so we ended up playing a game of that as well.

I won that one too.. 


On the weekend, Amanda had disassembled, moved, and reassembled this shelf in the basement as well... there is still a LOT of organizing to do... and still SO MANY MORE GAMES spread around the house... 

I didn't end up running a Five Parsecs from Home game on Saturday as we all went out to see Keiran in their high schools musical! (Mean Girls: The Musical - Keiran played Ms. Norbury - and did almost all the costuming and so much of the other set building and stuff!)

Thursday, 14 December 2023

One week later... Keiran and I were back at it. 

This time we played a game of Kingdom Builder. We played with the Hermits, Lords, and Farmers Kingdom Builder cards, on the Tavern, Oracle, Oasis, and Paddock boards. I won (by a little bit). It's been a while since Keiran played - August of 2021, I think...? And the time before that was in 2019... so, they did pretty good all things considered. More importantly, FUN was had and they said they'd like to play again! 

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

I got in my first game of Warhammer 40,000 (10th Edition)! I can't remember the last time I played a full game of 40k. I think it was just after the release of 9TH EDITION!?! I only ever bought two of the Codexes for 9th Aeldari and Imperial Guard... and never made use of EITHER of them!? There were enough changes to the core rules that all the previous codexes were instantly useless upon the release of 10th Edition, so Games Workshop has uploaded PDFs of ALL the Data Cards for ALL the models of ALL the factions, as well as the core rules... So... so far, I have not spent a penny on 10th edition... It MIGHT be handy to pick up the Index cards, though... 

The game was fun, I like whats going on in 10th edition - even if the scnenarios seem a little convoluted, with the constant fluctuation of goals every turn... 

You can read a full report of the action here:

40K10E - Exercise WOLF HAMMER 

(this was also the first game in the freshly - like THAT AFTERNOON) cleared out Game Room, post renovation! There is still a fair bit of organizing to do in the rest of the basement and all over the house... But we're playing games down there again! 

Finnegan ran his first D&D game in the Game Room on Friday.

I was supposed to run a game of Five Parsecs From Home Saturday... but no one responded to the message I posted midweek to our Discord to confirm we were playing... so... 

Sunday, 24 December 2023

Our friend Brent and Barb came over on Xmas Eve to play Wingspan! It was nice to see these two - and nice to play Wingspan! I feel like it's been forever since I played... though it's still one of the most played games for me this year! 

Round End Goals

My tableau at the end of the game - almost full! 

I felt like it was the best game I'd played in a long time - so much kind of all came together for me... still came in third... 

Monday, 25 December 2023

Could not get the kids to play games with us... are we THAT OLD!?!? So Amanda and I sat down and played a couple of games of Abyss. 

Took a bit to remember how to play... it's been TWO YEARS since we last played, apparently (according to my logged plays!? I figured it might be a year... but TWO!? Covid TimeWarp, I guess...?). 

Because it was set up and the first game kind of felt more like practice, we played a second... 

Clearly I need more practice!? 

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

I got up early to head to the Dragon's Den Boxing Day Sale... Usually an annual tradition, I've gone later in the week in 2020 and 2021 (to avoid the crowds!) and didn't even go at all last year! 

It is silly getting TWO MORE boxes of Warhammer Underworlds when I HAVEN'T PLAYED THE GAME ALL YEAR?!?! But I really like the game and I'm hoping with an organized game room, we'll get back to playing games more regularly (at least that's what Amanda keeps telling me!?) - and hopefully back to playing Warhammer Underworlds.

I decided to get myself a miniature version of the new 40K10E rules - saving myself $50 over the hardcover... but then realized the printing in it is VERY SMALL!!! I'd difficult to read even with my reading glasses!? Ah, well... 

I picked up Warhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory, Threat Assessment: Xenos because I'm still really excited about the idea of Wrath & Glory and am hoping to get a game of it going in the new year... 

The Wingspan Fan Art Pack...  it's all the cards for Wingspan, but done by 300 different artists?  When I heard about it I thought "well, that sounds interesting... but..." I'm not one that often buys different versions of things that I already have that are still completely useful - for board games, usually. But when I saw it in the store and the price, I kind of thought, why not? (I somehow expected that it would cost a LOT MORE!?) 

Later in the evening we managed to talk Keiran into playing a game of Splendor! 

Amanda won... as she does... 

Wednesday, 27 December 2023

Amanda was at the hospital all morning and afternoon for some tests. 

In the evening our friends Ryan, Andy, and Jasper all came over to play Terraforming Mars. Because Amanda was still sedated - we all had a CHANCE!!!

We really Terraformed Mars!!!

This was my Tableau at the end of the game - before doing the last generating resources bit. 

I was trailing in the points - Dead last for Terraforming Rating (26)... I did get a milestone (builder) and an award (thermalist), but that just kept me up with the rest. I fell back a bit when we counted greenery and cities... but holy makerel, did I ever have a LOT of points on CARDS!??! TWENTY FOUR!? Which catapulted me into the lead (by three points!)! Wow! 

There was seven points on Pets alone - because I got it out at the beginning of the game and there were SIXTEEN cities built! 

Fun game! Great to see all of these guys again! 

Thursday, 28 December 2023

On Thursday we somehow got Keiran to play a game with us AGAIN! 

This time we played a quick game of Kingdom Builder! 

We played with Merchants, Lords, and Citizens Kingdom Builder Cards - which kind of worked together. We played on the Oasis, Oracle, Farm, and Harbour boards. I eeked out a win, but largely because of luck of card draws. Amanda was totally set up to absolutely DOMINATE the game if she'd drawn either a valley and/or grassland in the last turn or two... 

Friday, 29 December 2023 

On Friday Orion was back to play some MORE 40k and try out Warhammer Underworlds! 

You can find a report of the ensuing shenanigans here:

40K10E - Exercise WOLF HAMMER II

Afterwards I walked them through a game of Warhammer Underworlds. It was so great to get playing Warhammer Underworlds again. They played the Thorns of the Briar Queen, and I played Ironskull's Boyz. I've really missed playing Warhammer Underworlds. I was incredibly rusty (despite having reviewed the rules over the two days previous) and feel like I didn't do the greatest job explaining it... But Orion is super quick on the uptake and figured everything out right away and totally beat down Ironskull's Boys 11-8!? 

There is a brief report of the action here:

Warhammer Underworlds: Return to the Nightvault! 

Earlier in the day we got my new semi-permanent painting station set up in the new TV room - Keiran's old bedroom... The desk looks ridiculously huge and... ostentatious...?  The desk was part of Keiran's bed-over-desk thingie and would not fit in their new room, so Amanda REALLY wanted me to repurpose it for a new painting station... Otherwise we'd be just tearing it apart and pitching it out.... So... GIANT PAINTING STATION FOR ME!? 

Saturday, 30 December 2023

In the afternoon, Keiran actually suggested playing Set - and I will never pass up an opportunity to play a game with either of the minions if they suggest it! The two of us played a game and Keiran won... They were off to a quick lead as my brain took a moment to catch up and remember how to play... but not quick enough..

Amanda got roped into the second game which Keiran just DOMINATED. Amanda did get two sets in the end, but about half way through said "thanks for inviting me to watch you play a game..." because she was so utterly lost!? 

She does do so very, VERY well at games that require planning (executive functioning) but just lost when it comes to pattern recognition - that's where the Autistic/ADHD weirdos in the family SHINE!! 

In the evening I finally got together with the online RPG group again and we played through one last adventure for the crew of the Æthelwulf this year. 

I will probably get to post ing a game report at some point... but that might not be until sometime in the new year! 

Sunday, 31 December 2023 

And that brings us to today, the last day of the month - and the year!?

I somehow got the WHOLE FAMILY to play games with me today... this might have been the only time this whole year... (I don't think I even got everyone to play on my birthday!?) 

We started off with a game of Splendor - which Keiran won (and they were VERY excited about that because of the fifty or so games we've played.. I think this was their second win!) 

Then we played the FASTEST game of Loonacy that we've EVER played - Keiran won in less than ONE MINTUE!? 

We played a considerably longer game of Lords of Waterdeep. Keiran played the Silver Stars secretly led by Larissa Neathal, Finnegan played the City Guard secretly led by Khelben Arunsun the Black Staff, and Amanda played Knights of the Shield secretly led by Nindil Jalbuck

I played the Harpers lead by Fiergeiron the Paladin

Keiran won this one too! Ending the game with 123 points! 

Finally we played another quick game of set... which Keiran ALSO WON!!! They ended with ELEVEN sets and I was next highest with six! 

And that was it for this month... and this year!? 

Usually at the end of the quarter, I look back on what I got up to... but as I'm going to publish a whole post looking back at the entire year in a few minutes, I'm not going to do that here. 

Off to a slow start, but I ended up getting in a few games over the Holidaze!

What have YOU been playing this last month?! 

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