Saturday, December 30, 2023

40K10E - Exercise WOLF HAMMER II

On Friday, Orion was back for some more learnifying of Warhammer 40,000 (10th Edition). To be honest, I'd had a LONG day and wasn't sure I'd make it through a game of 40K... so I went with a much simpler force - with less stuff to keep track of... ALL TANKS

My force ended up being:

  • Tank Commander (Demolisher) - 205 points
  • Tank Commander (Punisher) - 205 points 
  • Leman Russ Battle Tank - 180 points
  • Leman Russ Battle Tank - 180 points
  • Leman Russ Vanquisher - 155 points
  • Scout Sentinel - 60 points
  • Grand Strategist - Enhancement - 15 pooints
Total: 1000 points! 

This time the wolves were facing elements of the 451st Tallarn Tank Regiment in another field exercise using specialist paint ammunition and shock/stun weapons. 

The tankers of the 451st Tallarn Tank Regiment in the deployment zone. 

Opposing them; Thunderwolf Cavalry, some Intercessors and a pile of freshly recruited scouts lead by a dour old warrior..

There was also this dreadnaught... and some guys in orbit ready to drop onto the scene when needed. 

The Space Wolves took off as soon as the excercise was declared to have started. They seized the Objective in the middle of the battlefield. 

The Scouts in the Rhino rolled up and seized an objective as well! The Tanks of the Tallarn 451st rolled up to find the objective already controlled by the Wolves started splattering the Astartes armoured vehicle with paint... but not quite enough to deem it "out of action" by the Mechanicus adjudicators... 

One tanker got so frustrated, they charged their vehicle forward and tried to RAM the Astartes armoured vehicle right out of the objective zone! 

This tactic was also not-so-effective!? 

The Dreadnaught approached a Scout Sentinel that was reconnoitring the flanks, and swatted it clean out of the battle zone. The driver was fine, but the walker was entirely written off by the mechanicus. 

The Primaris Inceptors dropped into the Tallarn's rear and started shooting up the tanks. Two of the Leman Russ tanks peeled off to deal with these and the force of their massive paint marking rounds blasted these poor fellows right out of the Field of Operations. 

Wolf Scouts then started pouring out of the Rhino with their shock weapons and cans of spray paint and started spraying rude runes and crude drawings on the side of the Leman Russ Battle Tank that was still locked in a shoving match with the Rhino. 

Eventually the Rhino was shoved out of the Objective Area. 

Thunderwolf Cavalary charged the Leman Russ Demolisher

Impact from the massive paint rounds blew a few marines right off their mounts and sent the mounts yelping away, but the rest charged on! 

Teh young Scouts got bored with spraying paint on the Leman Russ and got the idea that they should try and FLIP THE TANK OVER!?!?

The Thunderwolf Cavalry battered and splattered the Demolisher. 

(that was just the Wolf Lord reducing it to ONE WOUND!?)

The brash Wolf Pups started chanting FLIP! THE! TANK! FLIP! THE! TANK! and rocked it back and forth until it had enough rocking momentum that they did, in fact, FLIP THE TANK OVER!?

Having taken out the Demolisher, the Thunderwolf Cavalry pressed on to assault the Leman Russ Vanquisher holding in the rear Objective Area. 

Having Glipped ONE tank... the Wolf Scouts decided they were going to FLIP THEM ALL and charged the next tank! 

Another Scout Sentinel appeared - arriving as a reinforcement from the reserves... the Dreadnaught also swatted it away, totalling the machine... apparently the Dreadnaught did not fully understand the mission briefing that the Astra Militarum vehicles and troops were not to be SERIOUSLY damaged... this was a training excise for them after all... and they can't learn much if they're dead or all their equipment wrecked! 

The Wold Scouts flipped a second tank - the Leman Russ Punisher... 

The Wolf Lord and body guard decided the scouts shouldn't get to have all the fun, and with one mighty swing of his massive Thunder Hammer, knocked the Leman RussVanquisher Right over - end over end! 

Teh Wolf Pups, not to be out done - charged and flipped a THIRD tank! 

a third and final Scout Sentinel arrived from reserves... this one was a bit smarter and flanked waaaaaay around the battlefield area and arrived in their opponents rear - seizing an objective area and scorred a few points for the Tallarn! 

The Results, according to Orions handy phone app! 

Victory for the Space Wolves! Again! But I'm closing up the gap a little bit... 

Tanks are pretty okay. I'm curious to see how all the armoured self-propelled artillery works out..

(or maybe I should try out the Aeldari next time... for giggles...?) 

While I like some of the changes to 40K over the years - the shift from just being the killiest killers to holding objectives has been a step in the right direction... the objectives just seem to generic and arbitrary and the constantly shifting secondary objectives makes the whole experience feel more like... well..... a GAME... rather than any sort of conflict simulation. 

Afterwards we tried a game of Warhammer Underworlds! 

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