Monday, February 12, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Yet ANOTHER Four-Player Sunday

For the third Sunday in a row, Nic and Orion came over to play some more Warhammer Underworlds and we played two more four-player games! Honestly starting to wonder if this is becoming a whole "thing"... Which I would be TOTALLY OKAY WITH!!!

As everything seems to be moving towards the Nemesis format of play, I thought I'd help Amanda re-build her deck for Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven to conform to the Nemesis format. We were looking at Paths of Prophecy (as she does like dominating Objectives!). Alas, we left it until Sunday morning and didn't get very far before Nic and Orion showed up, so she ended up just playing with Morgwaeth's Rivals deck... which.. wasn't as bad as I remembered it being?! There are really only a few cards that are total garbage... 

(I even bought Amanda a set of card sleeves with Morgwaeth's symbol on the back. Normally I don't care at all about card sleeves... but since THEY CHANGED THE CARD BACKS when Harrowdeep came out... we kind of NEEDED to get some sleeves as Morgwaeth's deck and ANY of the new Rivals decks it could be paired with to make a Nemesis deck have different card backs!

Conveneintly, our FLGS still HAS a bunch of the Nightvault/Beastgrave era themed card-sleeve-packs as old stock... These worked out well so I may go grab a few of the others that they still have! The nice thing about the Beasgrave era packs is they come with 70(!) sleeves - almost enough to sleeve two entire decks!? (like the warbands AND the generic Rivals Deck!?) for $16CAD. 

The Nightvault era ones only come with 35-39 sleeves - the EXACT number needed for a 32 card deck and clear ones to cover the fighters cards... I picked up one for Mollog's mob... and they had a second pack which I will probably also go and pick up... 

May have to track down some generic sleeves for a few of the other warbands I figure I might play on the regular... The current ones from GW have only 45 card sleeves(30x Power Card sleeves with blue backs and15x Objective Card sleeves with golden backs) for $20CAD!? Almost twice as much per sleeve as the older Beastgrave ones - and the new pack doesn't even include clear ones for the fighter cards!?

I digress... 

So... the games... 


For the first game, Orion played Hexbane's Hunters, Nic played Cyreni's Razors, Amanda played Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven, and I played Grinkrack's Looncourt

Amanda and I were just playing with the warband's own Rivals decks, and I think Nic might have been too. Orion was, I think, playing with a Nemesis deck using Forces of Frost...? 

Hexbane's Hunters set up on the Soul Refractor board from Nightvault Core Box. Cyreni's Razors were on the The Inevitable Morass board from Nethermaze. Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven set up on The Cursed Oubliette, also from Nightvault. Grinkrack's Looncourt were on Menhirs of Binding from Direchasm.

Nic was playing with the newly (mostly) painted Cyreni's Razors - which Amanda got very excited about and insisted that the copy *I* have should move to the top of my TO PAINT list... 

I still got stuff to finish up for the tournament this coming weekend... and a couple others that *I* want to finish... but maybe after that!

(The Squid did look fabulous!) 

And apparently attracted the attention of Hexbane's Hunters as something clearly HERETICAL as Brydget and one of the doggos charged it right off the hop and tried to blam it in the fact with a pistol! I think she missed...? but Cephanyr the Squid has a fun little reaction that whenever attacked (successful, or not) it gets to squirt ink at fighter within 2 hexes - staggering them - and then blast off to... well... anywhere that's within one hex of no-one's-territory that's more than one from an enemy! 

Not sure what I did on the first turn... but on Orion's second, Quite Poc murdered poor Snorbo... 

Cephanyr  considering attacking the land aelves. 

Cephanyr and Moonface Nagz eyeing each other up... 

Quite the melee occurred at Orion and my end of the table... Pointy Burk charged Poc. Hexbane took a shot at Burk. Grib, da Wonky Lance, galloped in to finish him off. 

The Amos Duncarrow lumbered in and chopped poor grib in two... 

Meanwhile, at the other end of the battlefield... the Aelves were mostly eyeing each other up and shouting rude and abusive slurs at each other.. 

Pointy Burk was cut down in the prime of his youth... and the towering Duncarrow  went after Skolko and Pronk! 

Khamyss charged Cyrenai and took her out of action! 

Pokin' Snark and Moonface Nagz came to Skolko and Pronk aid. The bitey squig on the end of Snark's stick chewed off whatever upgrade Amos had that made him so super murder-y... I mean, he's a beast in his own right, but there's an upgrade (or combo of upgrades?) that makes him just BRUTALLY murderiferous! 

Cephanyr decided to get in on this rumble... or at least sneak up behind and snatch up one of the doggos for a tasty snack! 

Um... Hello...? 

Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven just DOMINATING one entire half of the battlefield. 

Amos had knocked Snark back into Cephanyr! Snark swung around and poked Cephanyr with his squig stick and Cephanyr blasted him in the face with ink and fucked off somewhere else!? 

Someone took out Amos.. and someone took out Pokin Snark... 

Skolko and Pronk had briefly run off into the Soul Refractor board to score a Glory Point from an objective card... and there was NOTHING ELSE TO DO... so returned to fight Hexbane... as that was the ONLY way I could possibly score ANY more points... 

And the were promptly murdered by Haskel Hexbane... Who then found himself alone on one half of the field of battle... 

Elsewhere, Cephanyr tried attacking the Daughters of Khaine... and died in the attempt... 

Leaving only Haskel Hexbane and three of Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven left on the field... 

It was a really high-scoring game! Hexbane's Hunters ended with 18 Glory Points! Cyreni's Razors had 16 Glory Points. Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven scored 13 Glory Points... 

When I say it was a "high-scoring game" I mean it was a High-scoring game of EVERYONE BUT ME.... Grinkrack's Looncourt ended the game with 5Glory points!? Things did NOT work out so well for them as they did in their FIRST GAME!? Yiiiiiikes...

I'd like to see how they play in a two-player game!? I feel like it's been a while since I only played with two players... (I guess it's only been a little over a week and a bit, as i played a two-player game when I showed up for Underworlds Night at the Warhammer Store at the beginning of this month!? I guess it just seems like it's been a while since NINE of the Fourteen games of Warhammer Underworlds I've played this year, so far, have been 3-4 player games?! Of the last eight games I've played in the last four weeks, only ONE has been a two-player game! 


In the second game we switched thins up a little... 

Orion dug out here Chosen Axes and played them with a Nemesis deck built with Fearsome Fortress! Amanda let Nic try out Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven. Amanda, in turn, decided to do something TOTALLY crazy and tried playing a warband she's never played or even LOOKED at their cards; Xandire's Truthseekers! I was kind of torn whether to play the Thrircefold Discord or the Wurmspat... but went with Thricefold Discord, as I'd had better luck with them, recently... 

I'm SURE I can put a deck together that would make Wurmspat a BIT more competitive... but that will require reading through some of these new generic Rivals decks and coming up with some sort of PLAN... 

Chosen Axes played on The Cursed Oubliette board, Morgwaeth's Blade- Coven played on the Menhirs of Binding board, Xandire's Truthseekers played on the Chamber of Genesis board, and Thrircefold Discord played on The Iceswirl Maw

I started off with charging Lascivyr into Xandire's Truthseekers, knowing she'd probably die - but maybe take one down with her - or at the very least, keep them DISTRACTED for a turn or two? In addition to keep Xandire and her Stormcast distracted, I hoped to inspire Vashtiss, and keep blasting at them for the next four rounds... and cast the one spell in my hand... so I could score an objective requiring making four spell rolls (NOT necessarily SUCCESSFUL ones!) 

It also brought the all in close so i could use a temptation card that would deal ONE of them damage or ALL fighters that were adjacent to another fighter (Amanda chose the latter!?) which helped me score another objective at the end of the first round (That I otherwise would not have!) 

Morgwaeth's Blade Coven mostly hung out in their own territory for the first round... and indeed, most of the entire game! 

It took XAndire's a few tried to take down Lascyvr... 

Kahmyss sallied out of the Blade-Coven's deployment area to take a swipe at Vexmor... she succeeded in dealing him two damage... I ignored her until the next Round (so Vashtiss could keep casting spells!) 

The the beginning of the next round, I went first and Vexmor chopped her in half with a single blow... 

Xandire's Truthseekers and the Chosen Axes exchanged blows. 

Dhoraz Giant-Fell eventually came after the Thricefold Discord, charging at Vashtiss. 

Fjul-Grimnir just kept knocking down Stormcast and building up his wall... 

I kept forgetting that *I* could have been placing feature tokens - to deny them from the Chosen Axes - as that's exactly what they need to win with Fearsome Fortress! Feature Tokens and Objective Tokens all around No One's Territory! 

Vashtiss survived Dhoraz's initial assault and backed off to throw spells at him. Vexmore shuffled up to stab at him from a distance... 

Vashtiss and Luxa Stormrider were taken out and I left Dhoraz and Grimnir to bash each other to bits and fucked off elsewhere... I had things I could score more points on by BEING ALIVE, so... no point in trying to get a few paltry points from possibly taking enemy out... but also possibly being taken out myself... 

Vexmore sitting on a objective scoring points and watching Dhoraz and Grimnir go at it hammer and tongs and giggling to himself... 

I did better in this game... I won with 16 Glory Points. Orion's Chosen Axes weren't far behind with 13. Nic only managed 8 glory points, but was playing a warband they had never played... and Amanda ended with only 5 Glory Points... but was playing a warband she had never played and had only played against ONCE almost a year and a half ago, so had no memory of what they were capable of or supposed to do.. 

I do hope this becomes a regular thing on Sunday afternoons! It won't be happening the next two Sundays, however, as I will be at a 40K Tournament next week, running the Warhammer, Age of Sigmar: Soulbound RPG online the following Sunday... Perhaps we will return to this in March! 

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