Thursday, April 4, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds: Last Game in March!

Yesterday, the last Sunday in March, Nic and Orion came over to play some more Warhammer Underworlds. 

In our first game I rolled out with my new Skabbik's Plague Pack. They had not done well in their first game against Amanda playing Elathain's Soulraid. 

Amanda was playing Elathain's Soulraid again, Nic played Cyreni's Razors, and Orion was playing the Crimson Court. 

Cyreni's starrted off the bullying of the rats by charging in with THE SQUID and killing poor Poxlix... 

Vellas charged in to attack Tammael. 

And quicly found herself surrounded by Elathain's entire warband!? 

I'd had a plan that mostly involved maneuvering and trying to score objective cards... but then Cyreni, herself, came after my warband... 

Grand Melee in the middle of the board. 

Skabbik... maneuvering and scoring objective cards. 

Cyreni made the mistake of NOT killing rats at the beginning of the next round and she was just too tempting a target for Rabidius - and if he DIDN'T do something, she'd be killing rats... so Rabidius took her out! 

but then the SQUID came for Rabidius! 

Elsewhere, Skabbik, just doing his move around the board and score points thing, hoping no one would notice! 

And maneuvering back to befoul multiple territories again at the end of round two ... AND score MORE objectives!? 

Beginning of round three, I had no more passive objective cards or need to maneuver rats around to befoul territories... so we went on the attack! 

Rikit moved up and... hit someone..? 

Gah, I missed a few opportunities for pictures... there was a BIG mess of fighters here in the middle... this is the aftermath. the rats took out Fuirann and made Count Duval afraid enough that he actually ran away! 

I ended up winning this game with 20 Glory points! This was largely because it was a multi-player game and I had a few Objective cards that scored for "X Enemy Fighter out of action AND..." and all I had to do was the "AND..." because it does not matter WHO killed the enemy fighters, just that there are that many out of action! So all I had to do was concentrate on getting my rats to the places they needed to be, and hope that not too many tried to pick on the all too easy targets that they are! There is no way I'd be able to take out that many fighters myself, AND do the other things. Those cards probably have to go... 

I'm still not super sure how to PLAY these. I read some suggestions on Reddit - where someone else asked for tips on how to play. At least one, possibly more, had suggested as using them as "Suicide Aggro" - just charging them into enemy territory to kill things, knowing they are going to die, but hopefully score enough Glory before doing so... 

I never seem to have much luck with Aggro... because it is so reliant on rolling at least average rolls... and... that doesn't seem to work out for me!?

For Game Two I switched it op and pulled out Mollog's Mob to play with the new cards from the Rivals of the Mirrored City box, I'd bought the day before. 

Orion stuck with the Crimson Court, but Amanda decided to try out the new cards for the Thorns of the Briar Queen and Nic switched things up as well and played Grashrak's Despoilers. 

Tried to move up and bonk... and missed... 

See... aggro just don't work so well for me... 

Mollog chasing down Grashrak.

Orion had split his warband and half of them savaged the Thorns of the Briar Queen. and the other half went and killed half of Grashrak's Desppoilers... 

and when there was no more of them they turned on poor little Spiteshroom!?

Chasing down Grashrak! 

Orion did AMAZING. Crimson Court ended up scoring TWENTY FIVE glory in this game. 

I like Mollog's new cards... better than the previous set, but still needs some editing. I've heard some good things about pairing it with the Voidcursed Thralls rivals deck, to make a Nemesis deck! Too many things I want to play with. I'd also like to play more with Skabbik's Plaguepack and make a Nemesis deck for them... of course, as soon as I'm done the other new warbands, I'm going to want to play with THEM!?!?

Maybe I'll just be playing a new warband each week until I'm done them all in September... and THEN I'll start picking a few to try and learn to play really well!? 


  1. You're having great fun with underworlds, seems like a sweet spot between a board game and a miniature game with enough pressure/impetus to keep painting too!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thanks Iain! Yeah, it is kind of hitting that sweet spot for the moment. The only thing I'm really missing is a stronger sense of narrative... I suppose once I finish painting all the warbands and can focus on playing one or two, I could develop a sense of narrative around them..? We shall see.
