Thursday, May 30, 2024

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Glaurio ven Alten III

I've been working on a few characters to try and finish them up... the first of which is Glaurio Ven Alten III, a playable hero character from Warhammer Quest: Cursed City...

Glaurio Ven Alten III

I've now finished three of the heroes. Just need one more hero and I have enough to start adventuring... well... once I finish the zombies... and grave rats... and a few other things... 

I've been listening to the audio book of Cursed City by C.L. Werner - the novel that ties into the game. I'm probably about halfway through. It's pretty interesting. I'm guessing it's meant to be a prequel to the adventure played out in the game...? The only characters from the game that have been mentioned so far are Emelda Braskov and Jelsen Darrock. The story itself is kind of almost a murder mystery involving a third party!? I'm wondering if it will end with Radukar still alive and Braskov and Darrock retreating from the city to find helpers (the rest of the characters in teh game) to return to the city with and end Radukar's rule over Ulfenkarn. 

Also wondering if Radukar and Darrock and Braskov will need to join forces to deal with a potentially BIGGER problem facing the city!?

One of the other main characters is Morrvahl Olbrect - an Amythest wizard that is maybe native to the city, who is working with Braskov and Darrock, but is an ally of convenience and seems to have his own agenda! The hard cover version of the book that was to be released alongside the initial release of the game was supposed to include a character card for Olbrect. I'd asked my FLGS to get one in for me... and they weren't able to. Of all the GW products that have been released over the last decade, or so, many of which sold out online within minutes of them going up for sale, The Dragon's Den has almost always been able to guarnatee me a copy! The novel was one of two things they were not, for some reason, able to get... (The other was a map of the Sabbat Worlds campaign) 

The Ven Alten name has been mentioned once in the novel so far - as one of the Noble families of Mournhold (which became Ulfenkarn after Radukar took over). So I am guessing that Glaurio III, here, is, like Emelda Braskov the last of his line, come back to rid the city of it's evil overlord and reclaim his own families position as ruler over Mournhold/Ulfenkarn! 

I've also finished up Grombrindal and will be posting pictures of him shortly... no pun intended... 

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