Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - 15 May 2024

If tokens for Cursed City and Zondara's Gravebreakers weren't enough for one day, here's this week's Work-in-Progress Wednesday! 

I was feeling like I'd stagnated the last few weeks and/or lost my painting mojo and wasn't getting much done...But I' feeling a little like I'm back at it now... sort of... 

Anyway, here's what I've been up to lately and what's still haunting my painting desk! 

In the middle of the week last week, I got it in my head to do something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT and something that wouldn't require any THINKING or DECISION MAKING (which are the things that trip me up in painting miniatures so often). So I decided to REBASE ALL THE PICTS!? 

This was done on the spare table in the basement - for "messy" projects... 

There will be a much more detailed explanation of what I'm doing and why when I post some of the finished rebased minis - hopefully in the next week... or so... 


There are a LOT of other things on my primary painting station upstairs... here are a few that might see work in the coming weeks. (Really the OTHER stuff should just be removed... but that would take time and effort and thought... and that takes away time from PAINTING, so... they'll probably stay!?_

Zarbag's Gitz (and the bonus Sqig Herd)... are all very close... Honestly thought they'd all be done before Skinnerkin and Zondara's, but haven't done much on any of them in the last week or so... 

The Exiled Dead HAD actually been removed from the table as I thought they'd be one of the last I'd get to... then I thought since I was going to be working on zombies in Zondara's Gravebreakers, I might as well work on these at the same time... but that didn't happen... so maybe they need to go back into storage. 

Bat Swarms for Cursed City! These are all VERY close to being done... I think some may only need varnish!? 

MORE tokens and such for Cursed City

Domitan's Stormcoven and a hero from one of the earlier Warhammer Quest games - working on them together as they all more or less use the same palate. 

ALL THE RATS! Spiteclaw's Swarm, Skittershank's Clawpack, and two skaven from one of the Warhammer Quest games we have. Once I get going on these again, they shouldn't take too long to finish up... 

Headsman's Curse... 

Honestly, when I picked up Warhammer Underworlds: Wintermaw, I wasn't feeling SUPER inspired by either of the warbands... I was MOSTLY picking it up for the boards and generic rivals decks... AND I knew the Skinnerkin would go with the Ghouls I already had to make a larger force of those for... other games... but I wasn't all that interested in the Brethern of the Bolt. I don't care for a lot of the cultists and fanatics in a lot of the warhammer games. These lookes fiddly and annoying to paint. Just didn't care... 

And then I saw them being played by Dan at the Warhammer Store on Friday and again at the Dragon's Den last night... and I think they may move up in the painting queue. I'm not sure they're going to be all that GOOD to play... but they do look FUN to play!!

Still slowly working away at assorted Warhammer Quest heroes. 

The thing that I think it keeping me from really getting going on all of these are the zombies. They are one of the most basic encounters and really need to be one of the first things I need to finish. I could probably start playing if I had four heroes and the zombies and the City Watch (which are already done!) and then slowly work my way through finishing up the rest of the Heroes and Nemeses as needed... but those zombies look like such a pain-in-the-ass to paint! 

Maybe I just need to set a week aside and say; "doing zombies this week, don't like them but they're holding everything up, so..." 

Random Amber Wizard from ages ago that I never got around to painting. 

Finally, still doing a bit, here and there, on the stand-in Chaos Gargant. 

There are a LOT of other things still on the workbench: Thudrik's Profiteers, the Crimson Court, Hexbane's Hunters, The Shadeborn, Myari's Purifiers, and an assortment of other bits and bobs... Maybe some of them should be put back into storage (along with the Exiled Dead!). 

What are all of you working in this week!?

Which do YOU actually think I'll get done next!?


  1. Look forward to hearing more of the Picts and l really like those sqigs.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Thanks, Alan!
      Perhaps next week...

    2. The SHORT version is: I counted up the minis and realized I had just enough to make a 24 Army Point force for either Dragon Rampant or Lion Rampant with them (which is the standard size of force in those games), so I decided to rebase them on single bases for potential use in those games (and other skirmish games) - as I've kind of done with most of the old Hordes of the Things armies and an now considering with some of the De Bellis Antiquitatis armies.
