Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds: Zondara's Gravebreakers

And here I thought the next post would be a game report and the next warband might be a week away... 

I did do some work on these WHILE working on the Skinnerkin... and others... Generally I have about four or five on the go - with another 6-12 crowding the workbench in various states of completion. It's why I can seemingly get NOTHING done for a month (or at least not be posing any newly painted miniatures...) and then - BAM! - multiple warbands in ONE WEEK!

I was super stoked about the idea of this warband since they announced it at the LVO Preview session back in January. Just the fluff behind it seemed so fun, I knew it was going to be a favourite! Some of the mechanics mentioned at the time also seemed interesting!

Zondara Rivenheart, a mage from the realm of Ghur, had a lover, Ferlain, who was cursed and took on a bestial form. Determined to cure her love, she has travelled the realms looking for answers and experimented with dark magiks - even Necromancy - in her quest. Her travels finally lead her to the frozen caverns of Deathgorge! 

Zondara's Gravebreakers

Zondara Rivenheart 

The Cursed Ferlain

Zondara's Zombie slaves; Pikk, Toyle, and Cracktomb

I thought for sure this would be the first of the warbands I finished of all the stuff I had after picking them up at the end of March... Yet here were are six and a half weeks later... and for the longest time, Zarbag's Gitz seemed like they might be done first... but then I finished up Sons of Velmorn... and then The Skinnerkin - which I bought nearly a month later!? 

I think seeing Guillaume Boisseau's and hearing he won the Alberta Classic with them last weekend might have been the impetus to finish these up! 

What will be next...? Well... I might get around to posting a Work-in-Progress Wednesday after this and you can take your own guess at which might be next?! 

(I really have NO IDEA!?)

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