Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Khorne Bloodbound Blood Warriors and Mighty Skullcrusher

 I haven't JUST been working on the Slaughterpriests this last week, I've been working on all of the Bloodbound in greater or lesser amounts. A few I pushed through - mostly as test figures - to get the palette right and system/order of paints sorted out... 

Khorne Bloodbound Blood Warriors and Mighty Skullcrusher 

The test Mighty Skullcrusher. For some reason I started with the hornblower!? There are two more of these to finish up a unit of three. They are TANKS with a 2+ save!? They're not as fast (or Flashy!) as the Slickblade Seekers of the Hedonites of Slaanesh... but they will deal damage when they do charge! 

Three of the Blood Warriors. These are the heavy foot troops of the Bloodbound. Rocking 3+ Saves and 2 Health, they are basically red Stormcast on 32mm bases... In regular Age of Sigmar they are fielded in units of 10 - but can be reinforced to 20 (I wonder if that's what the previous owner did, because there is only ONE standard bearer amongst the lot of them...?). In Spearhead, for some reason, they are in two units of five...? Not sure the reasoning behind that? 

I have seven more Blood Warriors to finish.

After the Mighty Skullcrushers and the Bloodwarriors, I have ten Bloodreavers to do to finish up the Spearhead force. The Bloodreavers are less well armoured and armed. Despite the bare-chested swol beefcake look... they are not so frightening. They're going to be not much better than the Blissbarb Archers in combat (and they are NOT GREAT!) and arguably less deadly than the Deathrattle Skeletons. They're more of a speed bump that can come back as reinforcements... 

I think I have a system worked out now and should be able to crank through the rest by the weekend. 

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