Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Work-In-Progress Wednesday - 31 July 2024

Well... it has been a WEEK!

Last Wednesday, I had just finished up the last of the Hedonites and was excited to try them out. I panic-painted the terrain for Spearhead so I could play a game with Orion Wednesday evening

After that I was all prepared to get started on my NEXT Spearhead force - which was to be Soulblight Gravelords...

And then Thursday happened and I traded away three 40K Imperial/Chaos Knights for a Khorne Bloodbound army... and suddenly THAT became the PRIORITY!!

So far, I have finished the Slaughterpriests and a handful of Bloodwarriors and a Mighty Skullcrusher - to figure out how I wanted to paint them. 

THEN I went to the Dragon's Den to get paint and found a bunch of the Battle Boxes and Starter Boxes and Army Boxes from Age of Sigmar 3rd Editiion on the 40% off shelf... and I ended up buying two of them!? 

With those i have a bunch of new terrain and the units I need to make a Daughters of Khaine Spearhead force. 

So there is a LOT of stuff on the workbench at the moment - and even more in boxes and piles nearby... but I HAVE been pretty focused on painting JUST THE KHORNE STUFF!

The Workbench.... 

Mighty Skullcrushers - two more to finish off the unit

Blood Warriors -  seven more to finish off the two units of five for the Spearhead force


Khorgorath - not needed for the Spearhead army... but it looked fun, so it's here getting painted... 

Garrek's Reavers - since I was painting some Bloodreavers anyway... I thought I might finish these....

Since I was working on a Slaughterpriest anyway, I thought I'd might finish these... 

After I finish up the Blades of Khorne Spearhead army, I may continue, as planned with the Soulblight Gravelords... Or maybe I'll switch some stuff up and work on a Daughters of Khaine Spearhead force (as Amanda has indicated that she might actually be interested in giving it a try if I finished those up!). Kind of leaning towar the latter at this point... 

After that...? I might need to reassess... there are other Spearhead forces I thought would be fun to finish up and try out (Soulblight Gravelords, Stormcast Eternals, and Skaven!). 

OR I could work on some extra stuff for the ones I've completed to bring them up to a point where they could be used in a Paths to Glory campaign... 

OR I could get back to work on Warhammer Underworlds warbands (I will definitely - probably - finish up the the two Khorne warbands I have yet to finish, that I have been working on along with the Spearhead force!?) 

OR I could get back to work on miniatures for Warhammer Quest! I have a few things left to finish up for The Silver Tower... and a LOT of stuff to finish up for Cursed City (and Night Wars!) 

Anyway, here is what else is still on the workbench... 

Carmilla DuSang, Vampire Lord - the one item from the Soulblight Gravelords Vanguard box I did assemble and start painting.

Two pairs of Vlad and Isabella Von Carstein. I thought I might use them as Generic Vampire Lords in a Paths to Glory campaign, instead of the many named vampires I have..

The Crimson Court - since I figured I might be working on Soulblight Gravelords I thought I should get these out to work on them along with the rest of the Vampires. 

I may just take all these Vampires OFF the Workbench this week to remove distractions and make space for the Daughters of Khaine... 

These two are still around from when I was working on Hedonites and I haven't removed the yet because they're both just SO CLOSE to being done!?

Melusai Ironscale. I started working on her around the same time as the Vampire Lords - just to get ONE of them done... and see what it looked like and how much of a pain in the ass it was to paint... It was seeing this, only partly painted, that got Amanda thinking that maybe she WOULD like to try them out after all... Need to strike while that iron is HOT!!

Melusai Blood Stalkers - since I already had these assembled and primed, I thought I' bring them up so they're ready to go as soon as I finish the Bloodbound. 

I should dig out The Shadeborn Warhammer Underworlds warband to paint up while I'm working on the other Daughters of Khaine!

This fucking guy... ugggghhhh... STILL on the workbench. I am loathe to just put him away when he's SO CLOSE to being done... maybe after the Bloodbound, but before I start in on the Daughters of Khaine I just need to set aside and evening and say "this is it, I'm getting this dude DONE!" 

Castigors still lurking around the edges, hoping to be test-painted as Anvils of Heldenhammer! 

This trio of Darkoath Warriors

Mindstealer Sphyranx - this will probably sit at the verges for ages... I don't know... Maybe it should go into storage. I worry I will forget about it there and NEVER get to it!? 

So far this year I have purchased (or otherwise acquired) 361 28mm foot figures (and other stuff... but the 28mm foot are the most common and therefore the metric by which I measure progress) I have painted 139. So I'd need to paint 1.5 miniatures per day for the rest of the year to catch up an not be in the red... assuming I didn't buy any MORE?! I mean... I COULD do that...? 

143 of the 28mm foot miniatures acquired this year (about 40% of the total!), were acquired in the last week. Half of them (72) were acquired in the trade

Also this week... my three months of having Audible for 99¢ ended and I didn't cancel it, as planned, but have continued on with the $14/month because I've really enjoyed listening to the Black Library audiobooks while painting these last three months.... and would like to continue doing so, at least for a few more months. The cost per month is less than buying any of these as a paperback (which I probably wouldn't get to reading anyway!?) 


(or what are you reading or listening to!?)


  1. Well that's gone well on the old figure debit score ! Can't say I blame you on either count, in fact you appear to have shown admirable restraint! Lot's of great progress on the table, I've been in a hotel room assembling Perry plastic 100 years war knights that I got like eight years ago? All fun and games!
    Best Iain

    1. It's true, there were at least two other box sets I was seriously considering because both of them had forces of Tzeentch in them... But since I'm not actively working on Tzeentch forces, even I couldn't justify such a flimsy excuse to buy them... at 75% off... Ha!

      The thing that kills me is that there is even MORE I know I will probably pick up later this year!? (at least the new boxed set for Warhammer Underworlds... probably the new rivals decks... possibly the new separate warbands...).

      I'd like to think with SIX Spearhead forces (five of which need to be painted!) I could cool it for now and just work on those... and the Warhammer Underworlds and Warhammer Quest stuff that I already have... Should keep me busy for at least the next year?!

      We shall see?!

      I hope your assembling minis in a hotel room means you are on vacation (or travelling for work?) and nothing disastrous has happened to your house!

  2. 40% off on already discounted forces is pretty hard to resist, if you think you might EVER get to them. So that fact that you got as few figures as you did is impressive!

    I have actually been painting something for the first time in months... an Eldar Farseer and some related stuff. I should probably blog about that.

    1. Yay! You should definitely blog about it! Can't wait to see the Farseer!

  3. The vampire group looks good. (and for some reason, makes me think of the vampires in the Discworld books) :D

    I haven't done any painting in while. My last batch of minis are still sitting on my painting desk, not even half finished. I will get to them one of these days. Likely after the summer heat is over (looking at another stretch of 90F or more now).

    I am currently reading a Star Wars book about clone commandoes; part of some "Essential Legends Collection". And absorbing info from other sources (mostly watching YT videos), with the hope that I will eventually try my hand at a solo RPG campaign (maybe a brief one anyway), in a sci-fi setting of my own devising (albeit, leaning heavily on Star Wars and many other sci-fi media; but keeping things light, and even whimsical - not being much into grim-dark :D ).

  4. I don't recall any vampires in the Discworld books I read... Mind you, I did not read a LOT of them and it was a long time ago, so...
