Sunday, August 25, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Knight-Questor

Instead of doing something sensible, like paint the stuff I needed for the Stormcast Eternals Spearhead army, I decided to assemble and paint all the heroes!? Including the Lord Terminos and Knight-Questor - which aren't even needed for the Spearhead force!? 

I have no real reasoning behind the Lord Terminos, other than"it looked cool" and/or "I was assembling all of the other heroes, so....." But there was a bit more of a reason behind the Knight-Questor.... The Knight-Questor can be played in Warhammer Quest and is an available Archtype in Soulbound (the Age of Sigmar Role-Playing Game!) 

I got a bunch done on these and then lost momentum, for a variety of reasons... for this one... I didn't like the hair... or the character that was based on this model in the Skaventide audiobook... So when I was assembling a bunch of other Stormcast from the Extremis Starter Box (from 3rd edition) and I had a spare Stormcast head that I DID like, I did a bit of a head-swap! Not my best sculpting/converting job ever... but it inspired me to get THIS one done, so... 

Knight-Questor of the Anvils of Heldenhammer. 

I decided to do all my new Stormcast as a Stormhost of Anvils of Heldenhammer... mostly because I liked the look of their black armour that was a stark contrast to the more typical golden sigmarite of the Hammers of Sigmar (which is how I've painted all the other Stormcast Eternals I've painted for Warhammer Underworlds!). I had NO IDEA about their background fluff!?

All Stormcast Eternals were once brave mortal humans that were loyal to Sigmar whose souls were plucked away from Nagash at the moment of their death - often in battle - and reforged into nigh immortal Stormcast on the Anvil of Apotheosis... The Anvils of Heldenhammer are a little different... They were built using souls of long dead heroes from the Age of Myth. They tend to be a dour brooding lot that speak in an archaic manner!?

Backside of the Knight-Questor of the Anvils of Heldenhammer. 

I'd decided a little while ago that I should make up some characters for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound - as practice - to learn the game better, and thought I'd start with archetypes that I HAD miniatures for... but then I realized I didn't really HAVE a lot of miniatures for the appropriate archetypes... So I decided I needed to finish up this pretty quick!!

Expect MORE Dramatis Personae posts in the coming weeks - including this Knight-Questor!