Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Work-In-Progress Wednesday - 21 August 2024

Wow... a LOT of stuff has ended up on the workbench this last week... 

I assembled and painted a Spirit Torment and two Chainghasts... and a Space Sloth... 

I've also finished assembling all the stuff I need for my Melusai Ironsale to command in a Daughters of Khaine Spearhead force...

Daughters of Khaine for the Spearhead force (plus the High Gladiatrix!) 


Blood Stalkers

Doomfire Warlocks

High Gladiatrix - not part of the Spearhead force... but a hero for the Daughters of Khaine that I assembled while working on the others... 

There is ONE MORE UNIT for the Daughters of Khaine in the Arena of Shades box that I should probably just assemble as well... That way they'll ALL be assembled and primed and ready for whenever I get to finishing up the rest of the force! 

Once I'm done the Spearhead force, I'll really only have the Gladiatrix and three more units to finish up... then ALL THE STUFF would be DONE for that force... 

I also still have a BUNCH of Stormcast Heroes on the workbench and I've been slowly working away on them... 

I started listening to the Skaventide audiobook and all of these miniatures are characters in the story... except I'm painting mine as Anvils of Heldenhammer instead of the Hallowed Knights (and Astral Templars for the Knight Questor) that the characters in the book are!

I am tempted to assembled all the Stormcast needed for the Spearhead force and paint them all up... They would be quick to do, right!?

Of course, I'm getting tempted to assembled all the SKAVEN and start painting THEM all up as welll!? 

And then there is a part of me that just wants to assembled ALL THE THINGS... ALL the Stormcast and Skaven from Skaventide (like ALL of them, not just the Spearhead stuff!)... and ALL the Daughters of Khaine and Nighthaunts and Stormcast and Orrocks from the 3rd Edition Extremis Starter Set and Arena of Shadows Boxes... just so they're ALL DONE and I have a sense of what I havea to paint!

Oh, yeah... and the Soulblight Gravelords?!

There's another part of me that wants to sweep this all off the workbench and just work on the Warhammer Quest models to finish up Silver Tower and move on to Cursed City...


Other stuff still haunting the periphery of the workbench... 

These other stormcast... Castigators that I started to test out the Anvils of Heldenhammer scheme... These are SO CLOSE to being finished... I just need to say, Tonight is the night, and get them DONE!!! 

The Mindstealer Sphiranx - This sat for a bit, but I finally decided on some colours the other day and have been working on this between bits of other things and will probably have it done in a day or two... 

Blades of Khorne stuff... I seem to be losing steam on these... maybe it's time for them to go back in the box... 

There are a few Slaanesh things too... but it's been so long since I did ANYTHING with them, I couldn't even be bothered to take a picture... 

I've also been doing some work on the Warscryer Citadel - it doesn't spend too much time on the workbench propper - because it's so big and there are so many other things ON the workbench... so I forgot to take pictures of it... 

Stay tuned to see which of these I actually get DONE this week!! 

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