Saturday, January 18, 2025

Age of Sigmar - Chaos Sorceress on Daemonic Mount

 I picked up this miniatures years ago. I found it at my FLGS, it was old even then! I'd hoped I could use it with my fledgling Slaanesh Daemons/Slaves to Darkness force... alas... there were no warscrolld for Chaos Sorcerer(esse)s on steeds (other than a Manticore..? I think...?). 

I picked up a copy of Season of War: Thondia last summer when all the Third Edition books went on deep discount sale - and found there was an section called Anvil of Apotheosis, wherein you could make CUSTOM heroes for just about any faction in the game for play in Narrative or Open Play games... there were SO MANY options you could give to your heroes... and you could put them on a mount! I hoped they'd do something similar in the Narrative expansion books for the new edition... but i seems they're putting them in the Battletomes... and with less options for customization... which was a little bit disappointing... But, on the plus side, Slaves to Darkness was one of the first Battletomes and, despite the lack of fun upgrades specific to wizards, I can now field a Chaos Sorceress on a Daemonic Mount for 150 points in Narrative Play/Paths to Glory games! 

Shalayla Daemonkist, the Enraptured Reveller of the Lacerating Titillations - Chaos Sorcererss (on Daemonic Mount!) 

I think the upgrades I'll be doing with are: 

  • Chaos Sorcerer Lord - 2 Destiny Points
  • Daemonic Steed -5 Destiny Points
  • Weapon Master - 3 Destiny Points
  • Diabolic Strength - 3 Destiny Points
  • Grandfather's Blessing - 2 Destiny Points

Total: 15 Destiny Points - Aspiring Champion 150 points

Other than the basic Chaos Sorcerer Lord package... there wasn't much specifically to buff wizards... 

I may swap in Bringer of Fire for either Weapon Master or Diabolic Strength...? Bringer of Fire seems a little more wizard-like... but it's only 2 Destiny Points and I wouldn't be using the full 15... ah well... 

All the Slaves to Darkness so far... 

Wow... I REALLY need some TROOPS for this force... so far it's pretty much Characters and monsters! 

(I do have some Chaos Knights in the works!!) 

(and the Darkoath Fellriders/Mounted Chaos Marauders are STILL there too!) 


Once I have the Chaos Knights done, I'll have a 1000 point force ready for Path to Glory! 

I'd hoped to get in a game with Orion this weekend, but it seems I've caught the cold Keiran brought home earlier in the week and mostly just want to sleep... bah! 

We'd been planning to try out Five Men in Normandy or Five Men at Kursk... (as she has already painted a squad or two of the WW2 Americans I traded her earlier in the week!!) Perhaps I'll use the down time to refresh my memory of the rules by playing through the second game in the Five Men in Normandy Solo Campaign I'd started last year!