Sunday, March 3, 2019

Battle of the Abyss

The Warmaster had sounded the Call, and Legio Amare Feles had answered. Though a shadow of their once great former selves the three remaining engines, their brave crews, and support personnel  embarked at Xoxigar Secondus - their home forgeworld - and travelled forth to Malice, where the enemy had decided to make their stand... 

This weekend I attended the Battle of the Abyss - an annual apocalypse event held here in Saskatoon. This was my first such event and only the second 40K tournament I've ever been to.

It was a team event - two players joined forces to field 300 Power Level (~6000points) of stuff. The players could each have up to four detachments. I partnered up with a fellow named Halsten. I'd heard he was playing Mechanicus/Knights and I had lots of Imperial Guard and a Warhound Titan, and figured we could probably put tougher a decent force. Originally I was going to take the one Warhound and the Shadowsword and a Brigade Detachment of the Tallarn.... But, then I got another Warhound Titan... an then a Reaver Battle Titan... and we thought it would be funny just to take those. The three titans totally 270 Power Level - so Halsten only needed to bring his 30PL Knight Valiant.

Our force looked like this:

Team: Big Cogs Keep on Turnin’

Tim's Force

Super Heavy Detachment 
- Ecrite Arcus maniple of Legio Amare Feles
- Adeptus Titanicus - +1 Command Point
Lords of War (3-5)

Reaver Battle Titan - Leonem Caeruleum
-First Princeps Ilyan Curtis, Moderati Petrus Hook (Steersman), Moderati Bernhardt Sumner (Sensors, Communications, Weapons), Tech Priest Mor-15 and Tech Priest Gi-16-ERT.
- 120 Power Level – Warlord
-Apocalypse Missile launcher, Dual Turbo-Laser Destructor, Titan Inferno gun, Titanic Stride

Warhound Scout Titan - Tigris Viridi
- Princeps Mozzer, Moderati Joyce (Steersman) and Moderati Marr (Sensors, Communications, Weapons), Tech Priest Ro-Urk350 and Tech Priest Pom-Fret681.
- 75 Power Level
- Dual Turbo-Laser Destructor, Titan Vulcan Mega-bolter, Titanic Stride

Warhound Scout Titan – Pardus Purpura
- Princeps Smythe, Moderati Cooper (Steersman) and Moderati Gallup (Sensors, Communications, Weapons), Tech Priest 0-Donnel and Tech Priest 6-Abrels.
-75 Power Level
- Dual Turbo-Laser Destructor, Titan Vulcan Mega-bolter, Titanic Stride

Detachment Total Power Level: 70

Halsten’s Force

Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment 
– Imperial Knights – 0 Command Points
Lords of War (1)

Knight Valiant – Dragonslayer
- Konungr Sigurd
- 30 Power Level – Warlord

Detachment Total Power Level: 30

Force Total Power Level: 300


The Great Enemy had succeeded is sewing confusion among the arriving Imperial troops. The befouled the noosphere with virulent scrapcode and combat cogitators frequently misinterpreted friendly returns as that of the Enemy and much unintended infighting ensued. 

There were 32 participants in 16 teams playing at eight 6'x8' tables. Each table had static terrain set up and there were seven specific missions (one for each table - though two tables had the same mission). Unfortunately, about 75% of those teams were Imperial forces of one sort or another... 

All the scenarios were outlined in the mission pack that I was able to download and read through before the tournament. 

Most of them the first player was determined by bidding for how long you were going to take to set up (between 30 second and 5 minutes - in 3 second increments) the lowest bidder would pick their table edge, set up first, and then take the first turn IF they could set up within the time they bid. 

Having only FOUR models in total, I was pretty certain we were going to get the first turn - always - 


Legio Amare Feles were ordered to destroy a factorum that had, according to the latest intelligence data, fallen into the hands of The Enemy. It was imperative that they technology and stores and materiel within did not fall into their hands! Unfortunately, the factorum had not ever fallen into the Enemy's hands, and was currently guarded by the soldiers of the 222nd Hesperan Infantry, supported the 1st Hesperan Armoured regiment as well as a number of Mechanicus Knights... 

For our first game we played Mission #1 against The Steel and Salt (John and Ben) 

The one exception to the set up/start rules was Mission #1... for some reason you still bid for set up and the lowest bidder set up first and was considered the "attacker".... but the defender got to shoot first - Oh and the defender also had to set up have (in terms of number of units) their forces in reserve and would come on in the second round.... 

To WIN the attacker had to destroy a building in the defenders set up zone... the building itself was Toughness 9 had 40 wounds and a 2+ save AND VOID SHIELD saves of 3+... If the attacker destroys the building they win. If they don't they lose... so the attacker has to direct a cRaZy amount of firepower at that building to have a hope of levelling it in four rounds (did I mention all the games are only four rounds, oh, they're four rounds all right!) 

I briefly considered trying to convince Halsten to bid 5 minutes on this one and be the defender... but we ended up being the "attacker".... 

All set up and ready for Game One. 

The defenders all set up... Ben's force was three knights and two armiger and John's force was a Shadowsword superheavy tank, a Crapload of Leman Russ tanks and a pile of infantry - there was enough units of infantry, that they left those in reserve and we had to face the full might of their massed tanks and Knights... 

The confused returns indicated a heavy enemy presence before the target factorum. 

The two Warhound Scout Titans, Tigris Viridi and Pardus Purpura, flanked to the left of Leonem Caeruleum, the Reaver Battle titan.

Unsure of who these approaching engines of war belonged to, the soldiers of the 1st Hesperan Armoured decided it prudent to shoot first and ask questions later... 

Halsten, in the middle, flanked by John (left) and Ben (right). They utterly HAMMERED us. They took down the Reaver Titan on their first turn, before it even had a chance to get a shot off.... Mind you, it took a Shadowsword, five Leman Russ and a couple Knights to bring it down...

The volume of fire compelled the Reaver Titan to fall back, The Enemy would not be allowed an Engine Kill here today.... 

While The Enemy were distracted with the Reaver, Tigris Viridi and Pardus Purpura, launched their attack on The Enemy's flank. The Shadowsword superheavy tank was destroyed. 

With the Reaver retiring, however, The Armoured fist was able to turn it's attention to The Warhounds. Their concentrated fire severely damaged Tigris Viridi and it to was compelled to withdraw. 

Reinforcements arrived, along with a second Shadowsword! 

(In the event all teams had access to a stratagem that cost 2/3/4 Command Points that allowed them, as the end of their movement phase to bring on forces that had been previously lost in the game worth 10/20/30 Power Level... Wasn't very useful for us as only Halsten's Knight had a low enough Power Level that we could even possibly make use of the stratagem... and we'd have to spend ALL of the command Points we had to make that happen...) 

With the Reaver out of the way, the Knights of the Cog were able to turn their attention towards the Engines as well. 

Eventually one of the Knights of the Cog figured out what was going on and was able to secured a tight beam communication line with Leonem Caeruleum and sort out the situation, but not before the Warhounds sustained grievous damage... 

Turn three... only thing we had left on the table was one Titan.... with two wounds remaining. They finished it off with their first shots.

I expected to lose some titans in a few games... but WOW... what a discouraging was to start the event - tabled at the beginning of Turn Three!!!

The confusion and damage done to both parties was regrettable, luckily the vast resources of the Mechanicus on Malice were able to see the three engines repaired and returned to action in the very short time... 

Ben's force of Mechanicus Knights. 

He scrath-built a cockpit interior for one of them! 

Elsewhere during round one of the event:

Another Warhound Titan - owned by Jeremy.

His force faced an Imperial guard force of massed artillery (and massed air units!)

The "Hipster Knights" setting up to fight some genuine Chaos dudes over an Ork Scrap Pile.

So. Many. Knights!


This was definitely one of the craziest scenarios - there was six scrap piles surrounding a Gargant under construction. Teams scored victory points by controlling scrap piles... but once per turn the Gargant  unleashed a blast from it's Mega-Supa-Kill-Cannon and destroyed one of the scrap piles, and all units that were contesting it!? Yikes!

Table next to ours had some more Knights and Custodes fighting a swarm of T'au.

The T'wu had a big flying thing and some pretty huge walker thingies.

Man, we are just living the dream of playing Battletech in 28mm...

The battlefield on each table was made up of two 4x6 matts butted together. This was an odd one - though there were two mats on this table - they weren't considered contiguous. you couldn't simply drive or walk from one to the other or target an enemy on one from the other - because one was considered UNDER the other and you could only move between them via teleporters, or lifts, or... something...? More Guard and another Team of T'au

M'reens of some variety or another...

Fighting a Hierophant Bio-Titan!! aaaaand apparently a Shadowsword...?! Genestealer Cults, perhaps?

A force of Necrons teamed up with... Marines...? Fighting more Imperial soup...?

Oh, yeah, and some dude from Regina drove up for the day and brought along his Foregeworld WARLORD TITAN!!! It was pretty insane looking. I'd kind of wanted to see if I could set up my titans with it to get some comparison shots, but he ended his last game before us and put it away...


Confusion still reigned supreme among the forces of the Imperium. While the Mechanicum finally started sorting out the scrapcode that had infested the noosphere and could now identify each other, they were still having trouble identifying other imperial units.. 

In our second game we faced ANOTEHR force up Imperial types!

We played Mission #2 against The Hippos Gets a Bear Hug (Beau and Daniel)

I can't remember the fluff behind this scenario, but basically both sides had a building they had to defend. Teams scored two victory points for every wound done to their enemy's building... BUT Teams also got points equal to the wounds of each enemy vehicle they destroy...

Once again Leonem Caeruleum advance on the right...

...while the Warhound Scout Titans flanked to the left... 

Enemy Super heavies were engaged! 

In the first round each of the Warhounds destroyed a Shadowsword with their Turbo Dual-Laser Destructor and wrecked other stuff with their Vulcan Mega-bolters (took out a chimera and part of the embarked squad and severely damaged a Leman Russ). The Reaver damaged a Baneblade and a Leman Russ.

The Brave little Knight of the Cog charged right into the midst of the enemy and sewed destruction wherever it went! 

(as if anything about a Valiant is "little"... but Halsten's Knight wrecked another Chimera and messed up some guard and marines on bikes)

Pretty sure the tournament package said that to be used all models had to be painted to a three colour minimum... yet I saw so many primed black models... bare grey plastic models... This one didn't even have TRACKS on it!? Perhaps he was modelling these as the burned out wrecks he was expecting they'd become...?

Having finished off the Baneblade in front of it, Leonem Caeruleum started vaporizing Leman Russ tanks.

They used the Bring It Back stratagem to bring back one of their Shadowswords... which the Warhounds promptly blew up again.

In a last ditch effort to gain some points out opponents teleported in a PILE of Terminators that tried to charge the building and score a few points trying to wreck it up close and personal-like. They did do some damage to it - like, 20 wounds, which was worth 40 points... but by that time, we'd scored 146 points for destroyed vehicles...

The war hounds started blasting apart Terminators with their Vulcna Megabolters and destroyed another returned Shadowsword... The rEAver incinerated a unit or two or Terminators with it's Titan Inferno Cannon...

It was Brutal....

Elsewhere during Round Two:

In Game Two, Ben and John, who had defeated us in Game One, faced the Warlord Titan!

Titan-Killers that they are, they brought down the behemoth!!!

It was, apparently, a very close thing, however!

Cody and Jeremy face the T'au.

More Knights fighting T'au

Skiploads of Guard fighting buckeloads of Knights...

Sooooo many Knights....

While the titans were fun to play and all, and I love my Guard armies... coming out to this event really made me want to get to work on my Aeldari... or maybe an Ork or Chaos army...

I could get a couple of Stompas and team up with Finnegan next year....?

Necrons and marines fighting... other marines...?

The Gauss pylons looked cool... I have no idea if they did anything... but they looked cool.

Another fight over the Ork Scrapyard.

the one actual chaos force faced the massed artillery and massed airpower of the Astra Militarum.


So many GUNS!

Wicked cool-looking demon engine.

These guys had two Marauder Bombers, tow or three Vulture gunships and at least three or four Valkyries... it was CrAzY seeing them all on the table!


Finally Command got their poop in a group and set the engines of Legio Amare Feles against some REAL enemy...

For our third game we faced some gen-u-ine Chaos players - The Rust Buckets (Chad and Stuart).

The Scenario (called Birth of Chaos) involved first destroying two pillars, and then destroying an alter of sorts to the Chaos Gods... Not sure why the chaos guys would want to destroy it...?

Chad deploying his forces of the dark powers.

One victory point was awarded for each tower destroyed. each player was allowed to destroy two, but only one per turn. Once the towers were destroyed the Altar could be targeted. It had 100 wounds and teams scored 1 victory point per 20 wounds of damaged done to the alter.

Halstens Knight destroyed one tower each turn. During the first turn the Titans took out two Renegade Knights and did some damage to the Lords of Skulls and brought Magnus down to two wounds.

On rounds two, after Halsten's Knight destroyed the second tower, Leonem Caeruleum brought down the alter in a single round of shooting. BOOM. and that right there pretty much won us the game... but we kept going for secondary objectives....

Destroying the altar caused a big explosion which carried off a bunch of the chaos forces that had bunched up around it.

Pardus Purpura had a hard time dealing with these two armoured vehicles... and their laser cannons just kept poking holes in him...

Leonem Caeruleum just dealt death in which ever direction it faced. Armigers, Mortarion, Asorted Chaos dudes... all died before the might other Imperial God Engine...

And that was that... Nine hours of apocalypse gaming.

Elsewhere during Round Three:

Swarms of Knights fighting the Warlord Battle Titan.

I think a lot of knight got smashed...

T'au fighting massed Guard..

Am I the only one that hears Wagners "Flight of the Valkyries" when looking at this picture...?

Maybe they could have called this scenario "Xenos Don't Surf!"

Setting up to fight over the Scrap Pile again. These were two teams that has won both of their previous games (including Ben and John)


It was a crazy, crazy fight... 

Final Standings - Middle of the pack. Not bad considering I went into the game fully expecting to lose every game. Not by being tabled - mind you. I expected the majority of our stuff to still be standing, but lose due to victory points from not being able to hold enough objectives with our (numerically) small force, etc...

It was a long, but tiring day. Overall I really enjoyed the day. Played some fun games against some fabulous people. Totally looking forward to going again next year.

Big thanks to all the organizers who clearly put a LOT of work into making this even run to smoothly!

I should probably get signed up for the Battleforce Recon tournament coming up in April - I really enjoyed that one last year. I'd originally been toying with the idea of trying to finish up a Brigade of Valhallans by then... but now I'm wondering if I could get 1000 points of ELDAR finished up by then...?

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Hmmm... some painting...? maybe another battle report? When I got home Finnegan was asking what I was doing tomorrow and suggested he might be interested in a game of 40K or Kill Team.


  1. Super photos, Tim! You certainly have a lot of cool looking toys.

    1. Thanks Jonathan! One of the best parts of the day was seeing all the BIG GUNs come out - and all the crazy models some people have. The Warlord Titan was truly an epic thing to behold. The other team from Regina with their massed artillery and entire flight wing was pretty impressive to take it! And so many colourful Imperial Knights...

  2. Great pics Tim! And if you wanted to play with Finnegan next time you wouldn't even have to switch armies. Blood Axes and Imperial Guard are occasional bedfellows according to GW lore so that might be a neato theme build!

    1. Cheers! That's a really cool idea! I mean, there was a Space Marine/Necron team, so... why not!?

      Given the excessive number of Imperial players, I'm kind of feeling like it's time to give my Eldar some love... Or start building some Chaos or Orks... I love the Imperial Guard and other assorted Imperial factions... but there are just so many locally!

      I was telling Amanda about the event and showing her all the pics and she actually asked if there were any Women players and wondered if she and The Girl would have enough to field a combined Drukhari /Craftworld Eldar force for next year! (of course I'd have to paint all those Drukhari!!?)

  3. Tim it was a pleasure finally meeting you hopefully we can play and I can show you what those 2 pylons are capable of hopefully.
    Cheers hopefully see you again.

    1. Thanks Keith! For sure!

      (Well, I'm not sure I'm entirely excited about finding out what those pylons do...! Given my experience with Necrons, it can't be good!!)

  4. Great looking series of games! More Titan's than I expected and general walker types, I'm really surprised at how many guard armies there were too!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain!

      I expected there to be a few imperial/knight/guard based armies - but, yeah, not quite this many! It was really... disappointing to see so many Imperial forces - and have to play against them for 2 of 3 games.

      I have a PILE of Eldar I've collected up over the years - including some harlequins I bought and painted back when they were first released in the late 80s - but most of them remain unpainted. The last two days I've been looking over them and organizing and trying to figure out if I have enough of this and that to field a viable force and how I might ever get them all painted... so I could show up at local games and not have to play a "field exercise", or a "friendly fire" incident, or have a rather boring ongoing discussion over who the REAL Heretic is...

      Turns out I do have enough, once they're all painted, to field a full "Brigade" detachment worth almost 130 Power Level (~2500 points?) - though it's almost entirely infantry (except for the wraith lord and war walker - which are really just big infantry...). If I throw in the old Armorcast Revenant Titan and Tempest Heavy Grav Tank (using the stats from the Scorpion Heavy Grav Tank datasheet) - which I would if I was going to an apocalypse event like this - I have over 220 Power Level (though I'm not entirely sure the Revenant Titan is worth all those points/Power Level... from looking at the stats it seems pretty weak... some massed tanks - like we faced a couple of times - I'm sure would utterly shatter it in a round.

      If I teamed up with either Amanda's Drukhari or The Girl's Eldar we'd have well over 300 Power Level together (and The Girl has a Wraith Knight she's just finished... I should post some pictures of that!)

  5. I've noticed that in a few 40K-universe games that you've played, one side gets blasted with casualties before they can even do anything. Is this a common occurrence?

    Maybe it's not necessary for me to point out, but I've never played any 40K-universe games so it's a matter of curiosity. As for the reasons I've never played, I'm not sure I want to get into a system in which the latest book makes the armies based on the previous one obsolete (creeping codexes). This isn't just a 40K thing with me though. I think Battletech jumped the shark with the introduction of the clans. I never bothered with the post-3025 world.

    1. I believe it's called "Alpha Smite" - where the person who gets the first turn gets to blast their opponent before they even get a shot off - so, common enough that it has a name, I guess. It is a problem sometimes. There are ways to mitigate it. Usually through scenario design and/or terrain placement. Often the player who is going to go first, has to set up first. - so the player going second can try and set up forces that will be out of sight - but that also requires that there be enough LOS blocking terrain - and BIG LOS blocking terrain when playing with large units...

      A lot of forces have troop options that can start off table (in reserve, flanking, up in orbit or in a teleportarium) - and arrive later in the game, on your own turn - which means they can't be shot at during that first turn. In the Apocalypse game everyone was able to make use of a stratagem called "Shrouded in Mist" which made all their stuff -1 to hit on the first turn.

      I know it's a whining point of all the hardcore GW-haters out there (not suggesting that's you, but you've heard them carrying on...), but I don't think that there is isn't THAT much that's really "obsolete". I own hardly any plastic miniatures - (other than some of my more recent Kill Team purchases... and all my tanks and vehicles...) and EVERYTHING has been plastic (or resin) for more than a few years now at GW, and I can still play the game. Heck, I still play with a few of the 1st edition/Rogue Trader era figures I still have. There are a few models there aren't rules for anymore (anyone remember when Imperial Guard had battle bikes? Or Jet bikes!?) but it'd be easy enough to make up your own rules, if you're just playing for fun.

      I know a guy who had a Squat army (the one that everyone whines about the MOST!), and he was using it a few editions after they'd disappeared from the universe. He just used them as a straight Imperial Guard army...

      Mind you, I'm not winning big games on the tournament circuit... But then, that's not really what I'm into... so...

      The models I used in this tournament were made in 1995. We won two of three games. If we'd had the first turn, in that first game, that might have been three... or not... because then in game two WE would have faced the Warlord titan!

      Anyway, unless you're competing in the ITC tournaments, I don't actually think it's absolutely necessary to buy a whole new army every couple years because it's become "obsolete"...

      Is this the best game out there? No. Is this edition better than some of the previous ones I've played? Yes. Is it for everyone? No. My reasons for playing are largely nostalgia and narrative based. I like the background fluff and the toys. There are a LOT of people out there that play the game and have minis for it. Some of them even paint their models and are fun people to play with...

    2. Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I can definitely see your love for narrative in these games and so I can see the appeal for you. And it's good to hear a more positive voice on the issue of codex creep. It reassures me that if I were to inherit/stumble upon a 40K-universe force, I might give it a go.

      Scenario design (including terrain layout) is something that often gets overlooked by people who set a game. It's something I wrestle with any time I set a game up.

    3. Some tournaments can bring out the worst people and it doesn't matter which rules are being used.

      I've played some truly terrible rules but the games have been OK because of the right spirit in the people who played them with me. Even where the rules are so broken that we've abandoned the game after an hour or so have at least lead to interesting discussions on what the rules should be.

    4. So true!

      I've played in a more than a few games at Fallcon that a couple certain players showed up to and ruined because they were really, really good at discovering loopholes and had no issues with exploiting said loopholes to WIN! The guys coordinating the events were always exasperated by the fellow and would say stuff like "yeah... this never, EVER comes up when I'm playing with my friends..." They feel powerless to do anything about it because he's not actually CHEATING or anything...

      I'm far more interested in playing games with a designed scenario and for more interested in whether the rules produced an INTERESTING game - than winning. I don't love the whole style of I'll bring XX Points and You bring XX points and we shall battle. I'm trying to move the games we play - at least around my house to designed scenarios that fit a narrative. I have been using Power Levels for the last bit because I'm still trying to get a sense of what can fight what and produce something like a balanced game.

      These few tournaments I've been to this past year have been less about me going to compete and more about going and meeting new people to potentially play games with in the future. I've been out of the 40K loop for a couple decades and didn't really know many of the other local players.
