Sunday, May 19, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Tuesday at The Den

I've been wanting to play some MORE Warhammer Underworlds - and more two-player games! I love the four-player games Amanda and I play with Nic and Orion most Sundays... but it's really meant to be a two-player game and you can get away with stuff in four-player games that just won't work in a two-player game. 

Orion had been talking about getting a regular game night going at the Dragon's Den on Tuesdays again and now that the weather's nice, I really have no excuse, so we agreed to play on Tuesday night and try to make it a regular thing and get other people out to play. 

Orion was calling it Tuesday Night Nemesis at The Den... So I tried to put together a couple of Nemesis decks... 

At first I was trying to build a Nemesis deck with Skabbik's Plaguepack and Rimelocked Relics... but I just wasn't finding enough that I felt worked better than the stuff in Skabbik's Rivals Deck.... 

Then I tried putting something together with Wurmspat and the Rimewyrms Bite Rivals Deck... and was starting to feel like there was something there... possibly... but I just ran out of time and didn't get anything put together... 

Only Orion was there (to play Warhammer Underworlds) when I arrived. So we set up and started a game. 

There were other people there playing games... like a LOT of other people. There were about 30 people playing games in the back room of the den - most were paired off playing some sort of Collectible Card Game... Maybe Yu-Gi-Oh!? Or Lorcana...? I have no idea. Pretyy sure it wasn't Magic: The Gathering...?  All I know was IT WAS LOUD and I only heard about one in every four words that was said to me that night and my brain tried to autocomplete the rest... but mostly there was a lot of nodding and smiling and not having a CLUE what people were saying!? 

Really hoped it wasn't like that EVERY Tuesday. I mean, I am glad there is a very vibrant community of... whatever it was being played there... because hopefully that means there are a lot of people buying those games still and it will keep the Dragon's Den in business! But wow... I hope it was a special even and not just regular league night... 

Orion played the Crimson Court and I had Skabbik's Plaguepack. 

It was a short and brutal game. In the first round they killed half my warband.

Though I did manage to cornder and take out Prince Duvall before the slaughter began in earnest. 

Unfortunately this was a HIGE mistake on my part... should have just ingnored him and focused on my OWN objectives... Chasing after him meant taking my own rats too far from the objective tokens they NEEDED to get to, to score my objective cards and inspire my warband...

I will partly blame the noise and not being able to concentrate enough to read the cards or formulate a plan with them... 

By the end of the second round, only Skabbik was left. 

At the beginning of the Third round I ran him deep into enemy territory where, hopefully most of them wouldn't be able to reach Skabbik... Alas, only ONE of them needed to reach poor Skabbik... and my leader was taken out with their first activation in round three... 

Yikes... Orion won that game 14-4. 

Dan and Sean had showed up and started playing a game and Orion and I waited on them to finish up to switch things up.

For the second game I played against Sean, which was really fun! I've been hoping to meet him for a while and play games (he is friends with Orion and I'd heard a lot bout their games!) 

Sean was playing with Ironsoul's Condemnors, so I thought I'd pull out Magore's Fiends - because I'd brought it along... I figured it couldn't be too hard to play... charge and hit and kill things... 

It turned out we were BOTH playing with a Nemesis deck built around the Tooth and Claw Rivals deck. So we'd BOTH just be ignoring objectives and trying to kill each other! 

The only problem was I'd very quickly put the deck together for Amanda to play a month or so ago and hadn't really looked at it since... and it wasn't just as easy and "there they are, go get them!" ... and Sean knew what he was doing with his deck... 

He killed Magore in the first activation... and it went downhill from there...

I think I took out ONE of his Stormcast...? In the end he won 19-4.

Still, fun guy to play with. Really hope I can get in some more games with him! 

After I got home I tried again to put together a Nemesis deck and...I THINK I got one sorted out with Skabbik and Paths of Prophecy... I don't know... not sure how it will work out if I'm playing against something like Orion's Crimson Court and they just murder half my warband each round...!? I'll give it a shot... 

(though, right now, I'm more interested in playing with Zondara's Gravebreakers, which I finished painting the very next day!) 

Tuesdays may NOT become a regular thing at the Den, however, as Orion is now playing D&D every Tuesday... We've talked about maybe Mondays... but the Den isn't open late on Mondays, so... we'll have to figure something out!? 

1 comment:

  1. That's cool that you have gotten into these games so much and have venues like the game stores, as well as your house, to game at, and cool people like Orion and Nick and Amanda to play with! I think I'd be overwhelmed with the level of noise you described happening at the game store on Tuesday. I agree, that it's cool that things seem so active there though. Good for the store.

    I miss the old board game meetups they used to have at a local game store here. Last I checked the only in store gaming they have anymore is the big 2 card games.
    Then again, I've become more of a hermit myself. :P
