Saturday, June 29, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - FOUR on Friday!?

Wow... i played FOUR games of Warhammer Underworlds on Friday!?

First I make the 22km round trip (by bicycle) out to the Warhammer Store and played a couple of games with Sean with his Ironsoul's Condemnors warband... 


For our first game I played Skabbik's Plaguepack.

In the first activation, Gwynne Ironsoul killed Poxlix... which, I mean... that's to be expected... 

It was a target rich environment... I tried to set up far enough back that they couldn't charge too many of my fighters... 

In his second activation, Brodus Blightbane charged Skabbik Plagueseeker, my leader, and killed HIM with one shot... 

Ouch... that... that hurt, losing a leader in the second activation... it rendered half the cards in my hand useless.. 

But, y'know, I kept at it... the rats got a LOT of tricks up their grimy sleeves... 

Itchitt, the back-stabbing little git,  even took one out neat the end of the game! 

I was tabled by the end of the game, but despite that, it was a VERY CLOSE GAME! I lost by one Glory Point - 11-10. For a brief moment I was ahead and thought I might win... but then Sean scored an objective or two in the final end phase and just squeaked past!

So.... I can lose a leader in the opponents second activation with Skabbik's Plaguepack and STILL do not-too-bad... 


For game two, I decided to switch it up and play Grinkrak's Looncourt

Once again, Gwynne Ironsoul started things off by charging and just destroying one of my goblins. 

Tavian of Sarnasus followed on killing Skolko and Pronk... 

Grib, da Wonky Lance, charged gored Brodus Blightbane with his squig's horn - on a charge it's +1 damage - dealing three - then I played Stick in the Boot which allows a fighter, after their activation, to deal one damage to an adjacent fighter that is Vulnerable (i.e. one wound left!) to finish him off! Yay! 

I think this was the end of Round One... mostly me running away, trying to score objective that don't require being neat the big scary Stormcast! 

They cought up with me eventually, because I can't move EVERYONE... 

Grinkrak was the last one standing of the Looncourt... I can't remember if he survived... 

Again, a super fun and fairly close game - 16-14!!


When I got home from the Warhammer Store Amanda suggested a game and I suggested trying out Ironsoul's Condemnors. Sean spoke very highly of them as a fairly easy warband to understand and play - and obviously did pretty good with them against me earlier. 

Amanda, not entirely convinced this was going to work out - especially after she'd played a Stormcast Eternals warband last night... and that one had three PLUS a pretty mean Gryph-hound! 

I took Skabbik's Plaguepack against them, to see how different it worked out in the same match-up, but with Amanda playing! 

Itchitt moved up... Rabidius got pushed back, they all ended up in a line. 

Stormcast charged and murdered rats. 

Rats ran around trying to avoid them and score objectives and BEFOUL territories! 

I did score a few objectives... including one worth three for having three areas corrupted in the first (or second?) round?

They did, at some point, gang up on Tavian of Sarnassus and took him down! 

In the end I won this one... 12-4... So Amanda wasn't totally happy, but I DID point out that she did better than either of the games the previous evening... and that despite me suggesting she READ THE CARDS BEFORE WE PLAYED while I was making supper, she decided to do some work emails and only looked at the cards as they were drawn in her first game!? So, of COURSE she wasn't going to do well... 


She decided to give them another chance... 

I decided to switch things up again and brought out Thundrik's Profiteers... Which I'm probably taking to the tournament on Sunday... even though it would be way more sensible to take something like Skabbik's Plaguepack... 

Because all but one of my fighters start with only two or three wounds... and one defence... and all of Amanda's fighters start with a 2-Smash attack dealing either two or three damage... I was pretty sure it was going to go like the other games where they just start killing things on their first activation!

So I set up as far back as I could, with as many as possible out of charge range... 

So, on the first round, Gwynne Ironsoul charged and killed Enrik Ironhail... (I swear, that dude is the first to die EVERY GAME!)

Then Brodus Blightbane charged Thundrik and dealt him 3 damage! OUCH! 

Drakkskewer charged into enemy territory and stabbed Tavian of Sarnassus. 

Drakkskewer got in on the action and poked Blightbane, but then Amanda healed him!?

At some point I took out Tavian... and Amanda took out most of my warband. 

At the end of the game, we each had two left - both thundrik and Gwynne Ironsoul had increased their wounds score to five and had both taken damage that left them vulnerable... but neither were taken out of action!

Rather than taking one more swing at Thundrik (which would have scored 2 Glory, if successful), Ironsoul moved on to an Objective to ensure she'd score one. 

It briefly looked like I might squeak by with another victory... but then Amanda scored FOUR Glory Points in the final End Phase and beat me 10-7... 

My biggest mistake here was forgetting that SO MANY of my objective cards REQUIRE that the fighters have to be in ENEMY TERRITORY... and, for fear of the Hard-Hitting ability ot one-shot most of my warriors, I set up as far back as I could, out of range of their charging... but ultimately was too far back for anyone to get TO Enemy Territory?! 

Lesson learned. Accept that warriors will die. Get them moving forward to score all those IN ENEMY TERRITORY Objectives... 

Hopefully we'll get in a few more games on Saturday. I'm not sure Amanda is fully convinced that Ironsoul's is for them and was suggesting trying Magore's fiends with Tooth and Claw - or The Dread Pageant!?

I'm fairly certain I'm bringing Thundrik's... "for the memes" as the cool kids apparently say...!?

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