Saturday, August 31, 2024

August Games

I did not go out to Skirmish Night at the Warhammer Store on Friday, 2 August 2024 (despite the fact that there were people, finally, playing Warhammer Underworlds again!?), as I was desperately trying to finish up the Blades of Khorne Spearhead army for Sunday! 

Sunday, 4 August 2024

It was a busy day on Sunday! To start off I rode out to the Warhammer Store to play in the Age of Sigmar: Spearhead League. 

In my first game I played against Dray's Flesh Eater courts. 

In the second game I played against Orion's Soulblight Gravelords!

There is a game report of these first two games I played in the League here:

Age of Sigmar - Spearhead League

After playing the two games of Spearhead, I rushed hope to set up a game of Warhammer Quest. 

Maygan couldn't make it, but John showed up - as well as Dan, to try it out. The Heroes made their was through the Branching of the Ways.

Game report:

Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal - Session Three

Sunday, 11 August 2024

Orion and Nic came over for the afternoon to play a few games of Warhammer Underworlds. You can read all about that here:

Warhammer Underworlds Sunday

Later in the evening John and Maygan came over to continue playing Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal. Read more about it here:

Warhammer Quest: Shadows Over Hammerhal - Session Four

I'd made plans to go out and play more games later in the week... but then the temperatures soared and smoke rolled in again from wild fires somewhere west of here and that kiboshed those plans.... There were multiple days where the Air Quality Health Index just said 10+ Very High Risk and I just didn't even leave the house. 

And then I got sick... and I'm still kind of sick.. so... 

Maybe next month will be better... 

What did everyone else get up to this month!? 

What Games did YOU play?

What Miniatures did YOU paint?

OR what OTHER fun things were YOU doing instead of playing games and/or painting miniatures while the weather was nice!?


  1. I hope you get well soon!

    I played a solo Starforged adventure. And finally got back to painting some minis (not anywhere near finished, but making good progress, which for me means they 'might' be done next week).

    Still too many hot days to call the weather nice here. :P
    At least we didn't get much smoke so far this year. Sounds like it was nasty in your area.
