Tuesday, November 2, 2021

October Games

Despite plans (and then MORE plans) for lots of gaming, we got off to a bit of a slow start this month....

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Orion came by and played Necromunda, just to switch things up a bit... She brought her enforcers and they were ordered to bring in Kal Jericho.... 

You can read all about it here:

Necromunda: Get Jericho

Friday, 8 October 2021

While waiting for supper to cook, Amanda and I played a quick game of Azul 

Later in the evening, our friend Rob was to come over and play Terraforming Mars, but he ended up not being able to make it... so Amanda and I just played! We played on the Hellas map with Prelude. 

I played Inventrix with UNMI Contractor and Galilean Mining. I took the Energizer and Diversifier Milestones, and the Space Baron and Contractor Awards - the only two that were funded.

By the end of the game I had four cards out that each gave me a 2 MegaCredit (or, whatever the money is called) discount on ANY card with a space tag... except after I put the first one in play, I drew exactly ZERO other space tag cards for the rest of the game!? WTF!? 

Amanda Played the United Nations Mars Initiative with Biofuels and Society Support. She took the Polar Settler Milestone..

It was strange  because USUALLY by the end we have the map COVERED with greenery and cities!? The map at the end of this game looked rather sparse! 

It was a VERY close game - though she ended the game with almost 15 more Terraforming Rating than me and almost twice as much greenery... I caught up and passed her (Just!) with all the Milestones and awards and Other points squirrelled away on cards - and she only had ONE city!? I may have had HALF the greenery, but I had five cities strategically placed to capitalize on what greenery there was! 


Saturday, 9 October 2021

Met with some of the Saturday Night RPG Group on... well... Saturday night... to discuss plans for the next ten weeks. We'd been messaging about getting a Wrath & Glory game going again - as I had mentioned in the most recent addenda to the Q4 Plan - and had even been planning to make characters this evening... but then decided to do something completely different - over the next ten weeks I would run a series of FATE one-shots - to get in ten plays of FATE this year!

I do really like the system, but I also really didn't feel like I know my way around it well enough, and was really hoping that running ten, totally different games in ten weeks might give me a better idea of how to run it! 

Sunday, 10 October 2021

Once again, I'd had one game planned, but players cancelled so Amanda and I played a few games of Azul. I won the first game. It was quick so Amanda suggested we play again. 

I won that one too... by, like, a LOT! 

It was probably my best game EVER!? only two spaces weren't filled and I scored 135 points?! I usually score about half that... Amanda scored about half that. 

She insisted on playing one more and she won that one. 

Ever the gracious victor! 

Monday, 11 October 2021

Monday afternoon, Amanda and I sat down and played a game of Wingspan! 

pretty much even on the Round End Goals... 

My board at the end of the game. I managed to squeak in a victory - mostly by playing that Great Egret - which I'd only gotten because Amanda activated some card that allowed ALL PLAYERS to draw a card... and kept activating some other card that kept giving ALL PLAYERS a fish... and the last time I went to gain food, I had to roll the dice it came up ALL rodents!? 

Friday, 15 October 2021

Kingdom Builder

We played with Hermit, Merchant, Knight Kingdom Builder cards (that determine what you get points for) on the Oracle, Tavern, Harbour, and Tower boards. 

I realized as I was rereading the rules, that we are MISSING a few of the Kingdom Builder cards!?  Not sure what could have happened to them!? Possibly they got left on the table and accidentally cleaned up into another box...? 

After Kingdom Builder we played a few games of Wingspan. 

Starting the game off we has only MURDER BIRDS on the display!? 

I totally dominated the End of Round goals this game... some how!? 

My tableau at the end of the first game! 

Amanda insisted on another round. 

I was ON FIRE this evening! 

Saturday, 16 October 2021

I'd originally planned this week to be the first week of the TEN WEEKS OF FATE... and I'd kind of prepared a short introductory one-shot based on Escape from Kalisz - the introductory adventure from the original Twilight: 2000... but people were pretty lukewarm on that and I wasn't feeling SUPER prepared and realized I'd probably bitten off more than I could chew with that one... so I discussed the next idea I'd had and we made characters - or at least STARTED making characters for NEXT week's game!

The plan is I'm going to post the adventure background/setting parameters on Sunday in our Facebook Messenger thread and, through the week, make characters, so that come Saturday we should be MOSTLY ready to play and can blast through a game in 3-4 hours before Christian, who lives two timezones to the east, falls asleep! 

Monday, 18 October 2021

MORE Wingspan! 

I thought we might try the "easy" side for the round end goals. 

On the standard (green) side you get a fixed number of points depending on whether you are first, second, third, etc. It doesn't matter if you have one more or ten more of the thing... which is okay for a multiplayer game. But in a two-player game you get 3 points more than the other player - always (unless they don't have ANY of the thing you need) and it almost always ends up being a net of zero - as one will win two of them and the other will win the other two. OR one player gets 12 points more than the other for having one more of the thing each round... which SOOMETIMES seems a little unfair, because often, if it's an odd one and you just didn't even SEE any of the cards you'd need... 

Using the Blue side, you COULD get more points if you manage to get MORE of the thing... but also get less points if you only have one more of the thing. 

It worked out okay... 

My nature preserve tableau at the end of the first game

The first game went quickly, so we played another. 

In the end, using the blue side has been a little less swingy... Which... I don't know... maybe we'll go back to using the green side. 

Tableau at the end of game two. 

Saturday,  23 October 2021

TEN WEEKS OF FATE #2 (technically the first adventure, as I just explained the system and help people with starting character creation for this adventure). 

In this game, titled "Dude, Where's My Warhorse...?", the characters were all members of a Knight's retinue. their knight had just won a tournament hosted by the king of the land to celebrate the betrothal of his only child to the king of the neighbouring nation with which they have been at war for decades and finally brokered a peace. They all went out celebrating the night before the game starts and got very, VERY drunk and have next to NO memory of what happened. All awaken with a terrible hangover, some strange memento of the previous evening's debauchery, and their knight's prized warhorse is missing?!

Hijinks ensued... 

I added a few more to the group as it's often been difficult to get everyone out. At least one, and often more are generally unavailable on any give weekend... I figured with a few more players added, we'd for sure get 3-5 one any given week, ideally four... so, of course this week, while I'm still trying to figure things out... SIX of them showed up. 

It was a bit overwhelming, but I think everyone ended up having a good time. 

One of these weeks I'll actually be a bit more prepared!? 

Sunday, 24 October 2021

Sunday evening, Amanda and I played Warhammer Underworlds. 

You can read about that here: 

Storm of Celestus Enter the Nightvault

Friday, 29 October 2021

After supper we played a few quick games of Retro Loonacy. We only needed to play ONE game to tick that off the list of 10x10 games... but because they were quick, I suggested we play a few - like until one of us won three games... that would be a maximum of seven games... wouldn't be too hard, then we could get to watching HORROR movies - which was kind of the plan for the entire weekend. 

We played three. 

Amanda kept badgering Keiran about school stuff so that neither were able to really concentrate on the game and I just won three in a row and we were done. 

After that we watched Scream... and... something else? Maybe the first episode of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina...? 

Saturday, 30 October 2021

I had originally planned to play FATE this evening... but in the end had to cancel. No one was actually available. I may end up cancelling next week and most of November (because... REASONS!?)

We ended up watching more HORROR movies on Netflix. Starting with the Fear Street series (parts one, two AND THREE) and then The Girl With All The Gifts. 

Sunday, 31 October 2021


It was really Keiran who spearheaded halloween activities this year, planning the movies to watch and stuff. They carved the pumpkin.

The finished pumpkin.

Later in the evening, someone stole it from our front porch, smashed it in the street and stole the rechargeable bike light we'd put inside to light it up... booooooooo...

Keiran in their halloween costume. (and the bowl of treats and pumpkin we left out for the evening) 

Teh costum they put together themselves, sewing all those patches on to the hoodie and making the appliqué storm cloud.  

The costume is for a character names Virgil from a youtube series called Sander's Sides. 

Amanda went with her standard witch costume... 

This was really the best picture... too bad it was out of focus... 

Amanda and Keiran. 

I have costumes... but... I don't know.. couldn't really be bothered to get in any of them. 

We started watching SCary Movie... but it was just so awful, NO ONE was enjoying it and we had to stop... finshed up the Horror Movie FEst with watching another episode of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. 



So... THAT PLAN... (Played/Still to Do):

  • Wingspan (26/0)
  • Retro Loonacy (12/0)
  • Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm (12/0) 
  • Azul (11/0) 
  • Kingdom Builder (10/0) 
  • Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (8/2) 
  • Terraforming Mars (7/3)
  • Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault (7/3)
  • Necromunda Rulebook (6/4) 
  • FATE(2/8) 
We DID play NINE of the thirty games needed to play to finish up the challenge. Ideally, we need to play ten of those games each month - so pretty close! I may have to drop FATE off that list and switch it up with something else... Century: Golem Edition – An Endless World seems most likely...

We've played Century: Golem Edition – An Endless World three times, so far, this year... (Amanda got it for her birthday - along with Wingspan) seven more plays seems easy enough. Maybe a few of those could be in combination with some of the other games in the series. Each of the games in the Century: Golem Edition series are games on their own, but the latter two include bonus sets of rules for combining them with elements of the other games. We have not tried any of these, though Amanda's suggested it a number of times. We nee to play seven games of Endless World to get in ten plays. Four could be of just the base game and the remaining three could be combos - one with the original Century: Golem Edition, the second with Century: Golem Edition - Eastern Mountains, and the third combining all three! 

That seems like a plan... 


At the beginning of the month, I got (very briefly) SUPER MOTIVATED and decided I would participate in ORKTOBER and try to paint thirty one Orks or Orcs or Orruks throughout the month... but then I kind of got busy doing inktober/artober (or whatever you want to call it), and didn't really get ANY orks done at all!? (though I did pick up Harrowdeep and I assembled and primed Da Kunnin Krew, the Orruk Kruel Boyz warband included in the new box.... so, I guess there is that... 

I doubt much miniature painting will go on this month, either, as I've gotten started on a whole NEW art project... (and this might be why not much FATE is going to happen either...) 


  1. Busy month of games again (even if most of them were Wingspan!) We a had a passel of cousins over this weekend for a wedding celebration, and Wingspan made it only about two rounds before they lost interest...

    Re: Wingspan, I thought if all the food dice are the same, you reroll? That would prevent the "all rodent" situation. (although it seems like it is never the ones I want anyway!)

    Nice to see at least one of the kids participating in a game...

    1. Ah that's too bad about cousins losing interest. Everyone we've introduced it to loves it... that being said, everyone we've introduced it to either LOVES games or LOVES birds (or, in a few cases, both!) so...

      Yes, all dice re-rolled when all are the same.

      Finnegan and I had great plans to play Kill Team and 40K this fall... and played a few games in September, but that seems to have fallen by the wayside...? He DID play in the FATE game, though, (Not obvious in the picture, unless you know everyone there). He's been pretty excited about that and encouraging me to stay on track and keep the games going. Keiran played those few rounds of Loonacy at the end of the month. So I got to play games with BOTH kids this month!

      On one hand it's a downer that we don't play more games - or as many as we used to. But it's super fantastic to see them growing into their own persons and being very busy with their own interesting things... So it doesn't get me down too much!

      I hope over the Holidaze we'll get some more gaming in!

    2. Technically these were kids of cousins, so that certainly changed their level of interest in birds AND in slower game play! Only one of my kids really likes the game, the other just likes the bird information.

  2. I still need to get Wingspan to my solo table (well, it is sitting in its box on the table, so I really just need to unbox it and read the rules! :P ).

    Looks like some good gaming. The jack-o-lantern looked cool, as do Amanda's and Kieran's costumes (and your rainbow steps). It's a shame about how some people act though, smashing the pumpkin and stealing the light. :(

    1. Cheers!

      Ehhhh... It's a downer, but I'm trying to not get worked up about it. At least they didn't throw stuff at (or THROUGH) the windows!

    2. Still, lots of good people around, too. :)

    3. For sure!

      To minimize contact, we just left a bowl out with a pile of goodies. Amanda had wanted to put a note with it that said take two or four or whatever... I said, there is no point to that. Either they are honest people that will only take a small handful... or they are cretins that will empty it into their bag - regardless of what your sign says... I checked on it periodically - especially if I'd heard a large group come by and there were only small changes - everyone was just taking one...

      It wasn't until later in the evening that I went to check on it and the bowl had been emptied and the pumpkin was gone - found, smashed, a couple doors down in the middle of the street... no light to be found. I didn't care if they also took all the rest of the candy - because the only thing left was all the garbage that no one else had wanted - and WE certainly weren't going to eat!

  3. Lots of games played as always! Good to see the basement getting used, in spite of the heating issue, I've ended up sticking an oil filled plug in radiator in ours, just to bring the level up. Pity about the orks but at least your getting an art fix,just 2d!
    Best Iain
