Thursday, September 30, 2021

Game Plan 2021 - Q4

And so, we enter the final quarter of the year... Things seem almost as uncertain as they did at the beginning of the year... Almost. 

Looking back at my Plan for Q3... 


I'd hoped to mostly paint up more Age of Sigmar stuff... 

  • Warhammer Underworlds Warbands
  • Skaven
  • Hedonites of Slaanesh
  • Daughters of Khaine 
  • Warhammer Quest Cursed City

What I DID Actually paint was... Not much of anything!? I think in the last three months all I managed to finished that was totally new was TWO Drukhari Kabalites. The rest of the hobby work was assembling a few things that have yet to be painted and rebasing and touching up of a number of 0K miniatures to use with Kill Teams... 

I guess there was the Sepulchral Guard - I repainted their weapons to make them all rusty... (I counted them under "purchased" so I might as well count them as "painted"!)

Actually as I look through the posts over the last month, I'm now realizing I actually just did a poor job of keeping the 2021 Painted vs Purchased page up to date as I also finished up Ironskull's Boyz!

and I partially re-painted some more Orruks

Ah, I see now... there were a few more I did in July that were initially included in Q2 on the Painted Versus Purchased page... 

I also painted 

So I guess that's FIFTY NINE miniatures I painted - Almost double what I did in Q2!? Woo! 

It just felt like I didn't do much, as MOST of that was in early July and most of what I've been doing over the last bit has been rebasing and reorganizing... Still, there were a LOT of things I WANTED to do, and very little of it actually got done. 

The Kill Teams I touched up and rebased and reorganized, included: 

There were others I've been working on... I just haven't gotten them to a state where I could do a post about them. 

I also rebased and reorganized a Warband for Frostgrave (2nd Edtion) 

So... not as poorly as I initially thought when I started this post... 

Terrain and Other Hobby Projects

Didn't do much... 

5x5 Challenge

I didn't really have a focus, so it was hard to challenge myself to do something I had no interest in... so I GUESSED I might be able to play the following games, five time each. 

  • Wingspan
  • Age of Sigmar
  • Warhammer Underworlds
  • Some other Board Game?
I managed to only play ONE of those listed at least five time... Wingspan (no surpirse, as it's our most-played game this year...). I did get in four games of Age of Sigmar (so close)! I only got in two games of Warhammer Underworlds and STILL haven't played (or even finished the minitures for Warhammer Quest: Cursed City!? 

I did, however, play OVER FIFTY games in Q3 - more than double the number of games a 5x5 challenge is designed to generate!

What I DID end up playing was: 

  • Retro Loonacy x9
  • Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team x8
  • Wingspan x6
  • Necromunda  x5
  • The Arrival x4
  • Terraforming Mars x4
  • Warhammer Age of Sigmar (Third Edition) x4
  • Savage Worlds x3
  • Kingdomino x3
  • Century: Golem Edition – An Endless World x2
  • Warhammer Underworlds x2
  • Azul x1
  • 7 Wonders Duel x1
  • The Castles of Burgundy x1
  • Habitat x1
  • Just Desserts x1
  • Kingdom Builder x1
  • Lords of Waterdeep x1
  • Sidereal Confluence x1
  • Splendor x1
  • Viticulture Essential Edition x1

So... Q4....

How shall we wrap up this year...? 



I'd like to just focus on a couple of things... I think those things will be:

Kill Teams - for for Warhammmer 40,000: Kill Team (2021) - and possibly expanding those Kill Teams into Combat Patrols for 40K9E. Kill Teams I'm planning:

  • Death Korps of Kreig - Veteran Guard
  • Tallarn Desert Raiders - Veteran Guard
  • Valhallan Ice Warriors - Veteran Guard
  • Necromunda Regiment - Veteran Guard
  • 11th Antari Rifles Regiment - Veteran Guard
  • Cadian - Veteran Guard
  • Tempestus Scions Imperial Guard
  • Scions and Armageddon Steel Legion Imperial Guard 
  • Imperial Fists Scouts Space Marine 
  • Tangermarine Reaver Space Marine 
  • Greenskin/Orks
  • Ork Kommandoes
  • Ecclesiarchy/Sisters of Battle 
  • Mechanicus Forge World (or, perhaps DARK Mechanicus) 
  • Emperor's Children Traitor Marines 
  • Chaos Daemons
  • T'au Hunter Cadre 
  • Hive Fleet - Genestealers
  • Grey Knights
For the first month of the Quarter, I may focus on the Orks... just to do a sort of Orktober thing... 

MOST of these just require some organizing and filling out cards (and taking pictures!) - others require finishing off a few miniatures and/or some re-basing. One or two require painting the whole damned team... 

Warhammer Underworlds Warbands - Ive painted a LOT Of them this year... but I also have LOADS more to do! Still to paint:

  • MORE Steelheart's Champions
  • MORE Garrek's Reavers
  • Magore's Fiends
  • Mollog's Mob
  • Ylthari's Guardians
  • Thundrik's Profiteers
  • Grashrak's Despoilers
  • Skaeth's Wild Hunt
  • Hrothgorn's Mantrappers
  • The Wurmspat
  • Myari's Purifiers
  • The Crimson Court
  • Storm of Celestus
  • Drepur's Wraithcreepers
  • Elathain's Soulraid
  • Da Kunnin' Krew - from the upcoming Harrowdeep
  • Xandire's Truthseekers - from the upcoming Harrowdeep

A few Things for Other People - have a small backlog of things I promised I'd paint for other people... I should really get SOME of THAT done... 

SO MANY other things that I have that pop into my brain as THINGS I SHOULD PAINT.... but I'm going to try and suppress that and try to focus on they 40K Skirmish/Kill Team and Warhammer Underworlds! 


I know I really SHOULDN'T be buying anything else at this point... and I feel like I have been exercising SOME restraint in my purchasing this year... but it would be foolhardy to imagine that I simply won't buy ANYTHING for the rest of the year.... A few of the things that are on my wishlist that might get picked up in Q4:

Kill Team: Chalnath - the next boxed set for Kill Team including Adepta Sororitas Novitiates versus T’au Pathfinders + Rules, Scenario, Board and Terrain.

Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep - New season of Warhammer Underworlds core set. Xandire’s Truthseekers (Sigmarites) and new Kruleboyz (Orruks), with new boards - set under the seas in Ulgu!? 

Death Korps of Krieg - Squad Box - when they're released - just to finish up the Kill Team and add in some options for Specaialists that you can't do with just ONE set!? 

Necromunda: Book of the Outcast - I did get in some games this summer. Though it's kind of been pushed aside in favour of Kill Team, I have VERY MUCH Still interested in Necromunda... 

Further down the list into the "Maybe, at best" are of the list (You know... just in case I suddenly inherit millions for a long lost relative, or something)... 

Aeronautica Imperialis: Valkyrie Assault Carriers!? - I haven't even finshed the ones from the first game box, let along PLAYED the game... but I have PLANS for our Xoxigar campaign that would involved some aerial battles... and soem Valkyrie Assault Carriers fit into that! 

Aeronautica Imperialis: Wrath of Angels!? - Space Marines and Eldar!? Well... MAYBE if I get the stuff I HAVE done and start playing it... 

War Dogs/Armiger Knights - with the summer Power Rating updates, Wardogs (Chaos Armiger Knights)  and all the Imperial Armigers have dropped to 8 (or less) making playing a Combat Patrol with Knights a viable thing... so... I woudn't mind picking up a few boxes to do three Wardogs - and maybe three Imperial Armigers... just for funsies... 

Maybe some of the other Warhammer Underworlds Warbands from the previous seasons that are still available: Rippa's Snarlfangs, The Starblood Stalkers, Hedkrakka's Mob - and the terrain bits Primal Lair and Arcane Hazards



I don't know that much else will be happening... I might game some terrain finished up for 40K/Kill Team. I have lots left to finish from the Previous Edition of Kill Team and all the Ork Shanty Town terrain from the NEW Kill Team to paint (and I'll probab 


I will play some games. 

Do I even BOTHER with a 5x5 Challenge any more? I mean it's supposed to; A) be inspiration to plays, B) play a bit of a variety of games, but C) Play a few games at least a few times - to get to know the game batter... I kind of end up doing that most Quarters - and most years! I do recognize that it does help to have SOME kind of plan... but also be totally willing to CHANGE that plan as the need arises... 

If I HAD to guess which games I'm going to play more than once or twice (and hopefully five or more times) I'd say... 

Kill Team -  seems to be going strong... can't imagine that stopping. 

Wingspan - it's been a favourite all year. Haven't played it AS MUCH in the last two months, but I'm sure we'll get some more games in before the year ends. 

Warhammer Underworlds - I REALLY want to get playing this again on the regular... it's hard when there are SO MANY other games... 

Wrath & Glory - I'd really hoped to get TWO games of this going on alternating weekends through the fall - one with the online group I've been playing games with off and on over the last year and a half, and maybe start an in-person game with some new, local folks... but with Covid numbers soaring up like we've not seen before... I just don't think they latter option will be prudent for this fall/winter. Hopefully the Online group, though.  

I'd also like to get in some smaller, Combat-Patrol-level games of 40K, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that. 

I'd like to finish up some Ork Dakka Jets and try out Aeronautica Imperialis

There are SO MANY board games I'd LOVE to play... and love to play a BUNCH of times, so that I really get a chance to LEARN them... but interests change on a daily basis and OTHER PEOPLE are required to play these games, so THEIR interests have to be taken into account... so... WHO KNOWS what I might also get around to playing. 

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