Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Game Plan 2021 - Q3

 Wow... Q2 feels like it just FLEW by... 

Looking at the actual Game Plan 2021 - Q2 post, it seems like I, once again, had a lot of vague ideas with not much of a defined PLAN at all...


As planned I did pick up Warhammer Quest: Cursed city and a bunch of new warbands for Warhammer Underworlds (The Crimson Court, Elathain's Soulraid, The Wurmspat and Hrothgorn's Mantrappers).

I also happened to pick up the Battle Mages box - hoping I'd get a copy of the hardcover Cursed City novel and the bonus character card that was to come with it... I did not... But the mage models are fun and I'm sure I'll make use of them somwhere (and pics of the card were easy enough to track down if I ever want to play that character... If I ever get around to PAINTING all those Cursed City models!? 

And I also picked a Chaos Lord on Daemonic Steed and some more Seekers of Slaanesh and another box of Daemonettes and a Herald of Slaanesh. 

And what did I paint of all that....? Nuthin. I barely painted anything at all this past month or so. 

(Well.. I did paint the Herald of Slaanesh

Looking at my 2021 Painted Versus Purchased Page I did get SOME painting done earlier in the quarter:

  • 3x Steelheart's Champions
  • 6x Stormsire's Cursebreakers (3 for John) 
  • 3x Ironsoul's Condemnors
  • 3x Castigators
  • 1x Gryph-Hound
  • 3x Morgok's Krushas
  • 7x Grymwatch
  • 1x Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh
  • 1x Ogroid Thaumaturge

Mostly stuff for Warhammer Underworlds... almost all of which (save the Herald and the Ogroid Thaumaturge) was painted in early April. SINCE then, we kind of stopped playing Warhammer Underworlds and have been pretty much exclusively playing Wingspan... and when I'm not actually playing a game on the regular, it gets REALLY HARD to maintain focus and motivation to paint miniatures for it. 

Now, I have not been entirely idle the last two months... there was a lot of assembling going on - of all the Cursed City stuff, AND a bunch of stuff that had been bought on the last two Boxing Day sales that had been put away "until the Game Room was finished"... This included the Shadow and Pain boxed set (Starter including Daughters of Khaine and Hedonites of Slaanesh) and a Start Collecting Slaanesh box and a couple of spare boxes of Daemonettes. 

Also I've been doing a LOT of re-basing - older fantasy stuff being rebased only plastic based (from washers) - many of which are topped with cobblestone or flagstone (thanks to my fancy, new rollers from Green Stuff World). Also a few historicals, originally on multi-figure stands being split up and based, individually, on freed up washers! 

Since completing the Game Room and having access to ALL THE MINIATURES (and having lost focus on all things Warhammer) I found myself through much of May plotting and planning and rebasing and touching up a few things in order to play some games... which I have yet to actually get around to playing... 

With the immanent release of the new edition of Age of Sigmar, interests have been shifting again, and it seems I'm back at painting Warhammer fantasy stuff again... but STILL not getting anything FINISHED!? 

I've also been doing a LOT of RIDING (and even got out for a paddle) and a bit of drawing and painting

Terrain and Other Hobby Projects

Well... I did get the GAME ROOM finished up... 

Not that it's seen much use... 

5x5 Challenge

The plan was something like.. 

  • Warhammer Underworlds
  • MORE Warhammer Underworlds
  • Warhammer Quest: Cursed City
  • Amanda's New (TBD) Board Game
  • Some Other Game(s)

Um... well, what we actually played was: 

  • Wingspan x15
  • Warhammer Underworlds x4
  • The Castles of Burgundy x2
  • Terraforming Mars x2
  • Azul x1
  • Carcassonne Big Box 2 x1
  • Century: Golem Edition – An Endless World x1
  • Century: Golem Edition – Eastern Mountains x1
  • Dragon Rampant: Fantasy Wargaming Rules x1

So... While I didn't exactly get around to playing five different games, five times each - the whole POINT of the 5x5 challenge - I DID play more than 25 games. Wingspan kind of takes up three spots on the challenge board - now if only I could say I played the base game 5 times, the European Expansion 5 times and the Oceana Expansion 5 times... alas, I cannot... I only got in about two games with each of the expansions. 



As mentioned above, the new edition of Age of Sigmar is being released at the end of the week and that's got me interested in THAT again. I have a wild assortment of older models I could use for a few skirmishes (or Warcry) and a solid start on two or three OTHER armies!? 

I have the Daughters of Khaine that came in the Shadow and Pain boxed set. Once I finish painting those up, I'd like to add in a few more things - get it up to at least a 1000 point force, probably with the addition of a Start Collecting box. 

I also have a considerable force for the Hedonites of Slaanesh. It kind of started as a 40K Daemons army with the stuff from the Wrath and Rapture box and since I have added a Start Collecting box, a few more boxes of Daemonettes and the Slaanesh side of the Shadow and Pain box. Oh, and Syll'Eske - which I picked up used from a local guy who ended up with a spare from a lot he bought from someone else....? Not a lot is PAINTED, just yet... but I will have a considerable force once they are done. 

And then I decided that the Slaanesh Daemon army wasn't quite enough... I picked up a Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount and ordered some Chaos Knights and Chaos Marauder Horsemen. I figured with the Mark of Slaanesh, they could be an allied force (or maybe the Slaanesh Daemons could be an allied force in a Slaves to Darkness army?) 

So, there are all those I'd like to paint this quarter... 

AND a PILE of Warhammer Underworlds warbands... 

AND the Cursed City miniatures.... 

AND a few Frostgrave things for a friend... 

What is ACTUALLY going to get done this coming Quarter...? Who knows!? 

Terrain and Other Hobby Projects

Eh... I would like to get a table-topper-extension-thingie made for the game room - the table in there is HUGE - but it's not quite 4' across. I did save the top from the old table and thought I might build a frame underneath the two parts so they could be set up on top of the Game Table to make a larger playing surface for BIGGER games! 

5x5 Challenge

Yeah... hard to say... The Gaming has really petered out here this last month. So it is hard to guess what's going to be popular and played over the next three months where NOTHING is of interest enough to see action on the tabletop.

If I HAD to guess, it might look something like:

  • Wingspan
  • Age of Sigmar
  • Warhammer Underworlds
  • Some other Board Game?

I threw Cursed City in there at the end because I AM still hopeful I'll get around to finishing up these minis and getting the game on the tabletop in the next three months or so... It MIGHT be in September, but better late than never, right. At least it looks like there's not going to be nearly so many expansions as there were from Blackstone Fortress. 

Who knows, though... Maybe I'll get playing Necromunda and 40K again!? 


  1. Well, hopefully there is SOME painting going on? The cursed city stuff looks lovely (pity it sold out!) and the new Underworlds warbands should be fun if you get back around to that.

    1. Oh, there will be painting. I've actually been doing a lot of assembling and prepping and basing (and a bit of painting) this week... there just hasn't been much I've managed to FINISH!? Once the prep work is done on the Slaanesh work, the painting will probably go VERY quickly as it's pretty much all contrast paints and drybrushing. I have the skeletons from Cursed city 90% done... just decided to repaint their cloaks... TWICE!? And Now I just need to finish their bases. Same goes for the bat swarms and a few other markers from the set.

      I finally assembled Elathain's Soulraid yesterday and am pretty keen to finish up a few of the Warhammer Underworlds warbands. Hopefully I can get Amanda to start playing again - or play with some other people now that everyone I know is getting their second shots and Public Health Order restrictions are being lifted!

      I hope the new edition of Age of Sigmar will get people excited about it again, locally, and I'll start playing that (which, in turn, will inspire more painting!)

      all is good.

    2. Finishing miniatures seems like the hard part! When I paint I seem to leave all the little details for last (like gems on my eldar) and then they languish... the "reward" part of painting seems to be highest at the basecoat/wash stage, then it becomes more like work? Maybe that's just me.

  2. It's hard staying focused I'm finding and now that we are playing again and using a finished force ( war of the Roses) I'm having to resist temptation to build even more bill and bow and Men at arms units( I have got the kits) when I'm meant to be focusing on Napoleonics and 17th century! Still looking forward to your painted figures and I used my big board two weeks ago for the first time,15 months after completion!
    Best Iain

  3. Well still moving Forward though Tim, I am woefully behind schedule myself, god knows why to much TV I suspect with the EU champions league and tour de France now sucking up a few hours a day.....must pull my finger out too

