Friday, August 31, 2018

Kamp Kill Team Campaign - Day Five - the Final Battle

Not actually Kill Team... The week of ultra violence in the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium culminated in a game of regular ol' Warhammer 40000 (8th edition). The final standings at the end of  the previous four days of Kill Team campaigning determined the Power Level each force was to be able to field.

The two games were played simultaneously, and I had to run back and forth between the two to help out and clarify and remind people of rules and take pictures. I'm sure rules were missed and things were done incorrectly. They just spent the last four days playing seven games of Kill Team - which shares SOME mechanics, but has other things that are very, very different and caused some confusion and trouble keeping track of certain things... despite all that, I thin every one had fun.

Te determine the scenario we just used the Open War cards - random scenarios are determined by drawing cards from a series of decks (Objective, Deployment, Twists, and sometimes Ruses or Instant Death).


Tyranids vs. Orks


Hivefleet Haemarhoid

Patrol Detachment
Hive Tyrant (1) - HQ - PL11
Termagaunts (10) - Troop - PL3
Termagaunts (10) - Troop - PL3
Venemthorpe (3) - Elite - PL5
Toxicream (1) - Heavy - PL8
Harpy (1) - Flyer - PL9

Power Level: 30, Command Points: 3

Blitzag's Waaaaagh

Warboss Blitzag - HQ - PL4
Boyz (20) - Troops - PL 9
Wasdigg's Warbuggy - Fast Attack - PL4
Gorkanot - Heavy Support - PL19

Power Level: 36, Command Points: 3


So there ended up being TWO objective - controlling objective markers AND points for taking stuff out...



Setting up 12" apart, diagonally across the table..

All ready to go.

The Hive Tyrant was deployed "in the sky" and Wazzdigg's Warbuggy was deployed... somewhere...? Roaring around the dunes shootin' rockets at stuff...

Round One - Orks


The Orks charge forward - the Gorkanot securing the objective in the middle of the table.

There were plenty of Tyrianids that would probably contest that...

Round One - Tyranids

The Big Squiggly Tentacle thing (Toxic cream..?) advanced on the Gorkanot, to contest the Objective.

HOrmaguants fired on the Ork Mob, taking four out of action.

In the Fight Phase the Toxicream charged the Gorkanot and did NINE WOUNDS - half of the GOrkanot's total! Yikes. The Gorkanot gave as good as it got - dealing 8 wounds to the Toxicream.

Round Two - Orks

The Ork Boyz and the Warboss charged one of the units of Hormagaunts... and utterly wiped them out before they could even fight back...

They then consolidated into the other unit of Hormagaunts, who piled in and attacked the Orks - taking out one...?

Round Two - Tyranids

The Harpy swooped around and claimed the objective initially held by the Orks.

The Hive Tyrant swooped down out of the sky and charged Warboss Blitzagg! Thrashing at the Ork wildly it dealt 3 wounds to the giant smelly fungus-on-feet.

The Gorkanot and Toxicream hammered on each other dealing more wounds. I think both were reduced to 4 wounds...

Round Three - Orks

Wazdigg arrived in his warbuggy launched rockets at the Venemthorpes and claimed the objective the  Tyranids originally held.

The Hive Tyrant and Warboss Blitzagg went at it hammer and tongs... and I think the Gorkanot finished of the Toxicream.

The Ork Boyz wiped out the Hormagaunts they were fighting and managed to consolidate into the battle with the Hive Tyrant.

Round Three - Tyranids

Warboss Blitzagg and the Hive Tyrant were both taken out and the Venemthorpes joined the fray!

Fire from the Harpy finished off the Gorkanot...

Round... Um....? 

There was some confusion about what round it was... By my reckoning and notes it was Round Four... but the kids insisted it was Round Five...? I admit I wasn't there all the time as I was going back and forth between the tables and may have missed something wrote things down as being in a round that it didn't happen... but it could also be that the Boys got a little confused as to what round it was as the turn/round structure in Kill Team is very different. Both sides move and shoot and fight during the same phases of a round in Kill Team, in 40K each round is broken up into two TURNS which are then broken down into phases during which one side moves and shoots, but then both fight... The kids were sure they were at the end of Round four when the Gorkanot was blowed up... so we moved on to...

Round Five - Orks

Finnegan played his Ruse Card which allowed him to bring any unit that had been previously destroyed back onto the table at the end of his movement phase...

The Gorkanot blasted away at the Harpy , seriously injuring it, and tried to charge it (but couldn't make it as part of the charge was over difficult terrain).

Round Five - Tyranids

The Harpy Swooped over to the central objective marker, claiming it, to win the game. The Tyranids satisfied BOTH Objectives; a) controlling the majority of the objectives, and b) (barely) winning by destroying units of 4 Power Level more than they lost...

It was a near thing, though... Had there been another turn, the fresh Gorkanot would have blasted the Harpy from existence and claimed one objective or the other thus satisfying both Objectives...


Harlequins vs. Heretic Astartes


The Khorrs of Khorne

Patrol Detachment
Sorcerer in Terminator Armour (1) - HQ - PL8
Cultists (5) - Troops - PL3
Hellbrute (1) - Elite - PL7
Possessed (5) - Elite - PL 6
Raptors (4) - Fast Attack - PL6
Chaos Bikers (3) - Fast Attack - PL5

Power Level: 35, Command Points: 3


Battalion Detachment from Masque of the Ever Dancing Rainbow (as Veiled Path)
Troupe Master (1) - HQ - PL4
Shadowseer (1) - HQ - PL7
Troupe (5) - Troops - PL5
Troupe (5) - Troops - PL5
Troupe (6) - Troops - PL6
Death Jester (1) - Elite - PL3

Patrol Detachment from Thaestalydaes Craftworld (as Beil-Tan)
Warlock - HQ - PL2
Rangers (5) - Troops - PL3

Power Level: 35, Command Points: 8


Control a moveable objective marker, bonuses to movement.



While I was helping the others set up, these guys set up on their own and got started with Round One.

Round One - Chaos

Straight off the Chaos bikers roared to the centre of the table and grabbed the objective!

Then the rest of the force poured into the abandoned jungle village to back them up.

Things brewing up for and epic throwdown..

The Sorcerer had other plans and used some sort of evil sorcery to make the Bikers make ANOTHER move - straight out of the village...

During the shooting phase fire from the Hellbrute took out a few of the Harlequin Players from one of the Troupes. Someone did some damage to the Death Jester...?

Round One - Aeldari

The Aeldari make their move.

The Craftworld Warlock wounded one of the Possessed and the Shadowseer took out three of the Posessed.

Shooting, I think Injured the Sorcerer...

... the Rangers shot at... someone...?

One (or Two?) of the troupes swarmed the Chaos Sorcerer and took him OUT!

and that was just the First Round!

Round Two - Chaos

One of the Harlequin troupes was wiped out by the Possessed, who charged into the village to come to their sorcerers aid (a bit too late...). Another troupe, which had lost a few other the Hellbrutes fire in the first round, were savaged by the Chaos Cultists.

Round Two - Aeldari 

The Shadowseer took out two of the Possessed with her psychic powers, the rest charged in and finished off the Cultists and nearly finished off the Posessed.

Round Three and Four

Busy at the other table I missed some of what was going on. The Craftworld Warlock was chasing the bikers all over the table smiting at them. The Death Jester and the Hellbrute traded blows, the Death Jester eventually fell to the foul beast.

The Rangers finally did their thing and knocked four wounds off the Hellbrute from halfway across the table!

AT the end of Round four there was only the one biker - carrying around the objective, The Warlock, the Troupe Master, The Shadowseer, and the final remaining member of one of the troops (Oh, and the Rangers still sitting in the wood halfway across the table) - and the Hellbrute with ONE wound remaining.

Everyone (except the rangers) TRIED to charge the Bikers, but only the Warlock made it into combat. The Biker Survived. So did the Warlock!

Round Five - Chaos

Fearing the Warlock's smite, the biker roared out of combat - falling back - to hide somewhere else... and the Hellbrute charged the Troupe Master.

The Troupe Master finished of the Hellbrute...

Round Five - Aeldari

The Aeldari chased down the lone biker - the only remnant of the Forces of Chaos on the table - and took him out, winning the game.

It was a pretty near thing. The game was won by whoever held onto the objective at the end of the fifth round of battle. The Chaos forces successfully kept it out of reach of the Aeldari unit the very end!

In other news... 

I finished up half of my STC-Ryza Pattern Ruins.

I have another set of these currently - and will have a third shortly - as I asked my FLGS to order in a Realm of Battle: Moon Base Klaisus set for me. It includes another set of these ruined buildings and four double-sided boards that can be put together to make a battle ground slightly smaller than the standard 4x6 games are theoretically played on. The convenient thing about the set is each of those boards are about the same size as a Kill Team Kill Zone board.

Coming Soon to Tim's Minature Wargaming Blog: 

Shortly after this I'll be posting a report of all the boardgames we played this month.

After that...? More Kill Team? more terrain? We shall see...


  1. Looks like a pair of suitably close run battles to finish the week on!
    Best Iain

    1. It was indeed a pretty exciting end to a week of fun.

  2. Darn you and your awesome battle reports, terrain and minis! ha ha

    It's a good thing I'm primarily a solo player and don't have anyone to play these games with or I'd be tempted, in spite of not having enough time and motivation for all the other games I actually own! Instead I get to enjoy yours vicariously. Great stuff!
