Age of Sigmar - Disciples of Tzeentch

This force came about because I am running a Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound role-playing game and forces of Tzeentch are clearly going to be a common foe... and there was a copy of Arcane Cataclysm on the discount shelf at my FLGS and the miniatures within were effectively 70% off the regular retail price of buying all the miniatures individually... and half the box was Tzeentch Stuff... and the other half Lumineth Realmlords... which I figured could be handy at some point!

Mind you, a large chunk of the Tzeentch forces included were Tzaangor on foot and Kairic Acolytes 

In addition to all of these, I have painted a bunch of Tzeentch miniatures for Finnegan's Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower. As long as he's living at home, I'd be able to use any of them, though, for the most part, he doesn't have enough of most to field full units in Age of Sigmar... 


All of the Tzeentch forces so far... 


No heroes yet! 


Tzaangor on Discs of Tzeentch. 

The three Tzaangor on Discs of Tzeentch included in Arcane Cataclysm could be built as either Tzaangor Enlightened or Tzaangor Skyfires... Because I wasn't really planning to use them in Age of Sigmar (the tabletop miniatures game) I ended up building one as he Champion from the Tzaangor Enlightened options (hoping I could pass it off as a Tzaangor Shaman) and the other two as Tzaangor Skyfires. 

If ever I did use them in a game of Age of Sigmar, I'd just call them Tzaangor Skyfires...

Screamers of Tzeentch


Ephilim's Pandaemonium

A Warhammer Underworlds unit that can be included in games for funsies, but not Organized Play events... 


This is what I have still to do:

  • 1x Magister on Disc of Tzeentch
  • 1x Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch
  • 10x Tzaangors
  • 20x Kairic Acolytes

Currently the PRIORITY for painting is... well... Any of them, really... Maybe the Magister and Tzaangor and Kairic Acolytes...? With those and a set of Flamers, I'd have another Spreahead army! 


There wasn't much of a plan beyond paint some miniatures to use in the role-playing game and maybe expand it to a Spearhead army or maybe a 1000 point army... 

I don't even have any heroes to lead any sort of army at the moment. 

Once I have ALL the stuff I own painted, this it what the force could look like:


  • Magister on Disc of Tzeentch (1) 130
  • Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch (1) 150 - Any Arcanite - (Arcanite Cabalist) 


  • Tzaangors (1) 150
  • Kairic Acolytes (10)  90 
  • Kairic Acolytes (10)  90
  • Screamers of Tzeentch (3) 90
  • Tzaangor Skyfires (3) 180 
  • Ephilim’s Pandaemonium (5) 100 - Legends, Unique, Daemon, Infantry

Total: 980

Just under 1000 points... to bad these all can't be fielded together... the Screamers and Ephilim's Pandaemonium (and Flamers I plan to get) are Daemons and cannot be included in a regiment commanded by either a  Magister on Disc of Tzeentch or a Curseling... So... I would need to pick up a Daemon Hero that can include other Daemons in their regiment..


A spearhead army for the Disciples of Tzeentch include:

  • 1x Magister on Disc of Tzeentch
  • 3x Screamers of Tzeentch
  • 3x Flamers of Tzeentch
  • 10x Tzaangors
  • 10x Kairic Acolytes

So far I only have the Screamers finished... and would need to get Flamers of Tzeentch... 


The only thing I really feel the need to get at this point are the Flamers of Tzeentch. Partly because they are fun looking daemons that would be fun to encounter in the role-playing game... but also because they are the only thing I don't have that are needed for a Spearhead army. 

If ever I were to pick up more Tzeentch stuff, I'd probably just get Daemons, rather than more Arcanites (mortal servants of Tzeentch) as the Daemons are doubly useful as they can be included in Warhammer 40,000 Chaos armies! 

I could see myself picking up a Lord of Change - Greater Daemon of Tzeentch - at some point. Mostly because it would make a fun "final boss" for the Soulbound campaign. The party was brought together because they were all searching for a Tzeentch Sorceress that had done them wrong (destroyed their whole tribe, town, grove, etc) and most of the lesser sorcerers seem a little too easy for a big finale... so I thought maybe the sorceress could have gained Daemonhood by the time the characters catch up to them!! 


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