Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Talisman(!?): The Minstrel and The Pilgrim

These are two old Citadel Minatures Talisman figures. I've had them since the late80s/early 90s. They may have been painted before, but then stripped about a decade ago when I decided to strip and reapaint most of the miniatures I had from that period. Or, like many other from that period, I may have never gotten around to finishing them and they were only ever half-painted. Regardless, they are painted (or possibly repainted) now! 

The Minstrel and The Pilgrim

I've painted these now to use as passengers on the Grungi's Face, the airship the Heroes in my in-person Soulbound campaign have been flying to Brightspear on. As with the Arkanaut company, they are finished a week late for the first major encounter.. Ah, well... They will be there for the rest of the adventure... unless they die.. Which would be sad, as I've imagined entire characters for them now and hoped they might pop in and out of the campaign as recurring NPCs! 

I have to admit, I only ever played Talisman once, and I was not a fan... I never bought these (or any of the other Talisman figures I bought around that time) with the intention of using them in Talisman. They were just interesting characters that I thought might be useful in games - especially role-playing or skirmish games!

Age of Sigmar - Arkanaut Company

I picked up an Arkanaut Company on boxing day for use in Soulbound. The first adventure involves flying and a Kharadron skyvessel from Hammerhal to Brightspear and along the way the fleet is beset by a massive horde of Tzeentch Daemons and Tzaangor... Ideally the Soulbound party saves some of the crew and ideally they become recurring NPCs thereafter... 

Arkanaut Company

The Arkanaut Company are the basic crew of the Skyvessels of the Kharadron overlords. 

Am I about to start on a Kharadron Overlord force for Age of Sigmar?


This is probably the faction that is the least interesting to me. I don't hate them, or even dislike them... I'm just... ambivalent towards steampunk dwarves in this setting... 

I was also hoping to get a bunch of Squigs and Grots done for this evening's game... but that just didn't happen... I figured rather than worry about doing all the encounters in this initial adventures exactly as they are in the book, I could just sub out the Grots and Squigs for something I have that's already painted!?

Monday, January 6, 2025

Age of Sigmar - Sylvaneth - Faction Update

The Sylvaneth are a relatively new faction, to me. The newest, in fact! Other than the Warhammer Underworlds warbands, I didn't own any until this past fall!

This is what I have and what I still need to do as of the beginning of January 2025... 


These are all the [faction] I have done. 


  • Treelord 
  • Branchwych 


  • Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows (3) 
  • Spite-Revenants (5)
  • Tree-Revenants (5)


  • Ylthari's Guardians (4) 

(there are also three Dryands lurking in the back of a few photos. I've had them for over a decade, back when they were the lastest addition to the Wood Elves of The Old World, which I'd gotten in trade for some of my 15mm Fantasy minitures! I don't have nearly enough for a unit, so, they aren't really mentioned in the plans... but they're there!) 

These can currently be fielded as:

Treelord General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Treelord (1) 260 points
  • Unit - Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows (3) 200 points
  • Unit - Spite-Revenants (5) 110 points 
  • Unit - Tree-Revenants (5) 110 points

Total: 680

Branchwych's Regiment  

  • Hero - Branchwych (1) 120 points 
  • Unit - Ylthari's Guardians (4) 140 points 

Total: 260

Army Total: 940

Enough to field as a starting Path to Glory force! 

Still to DO!

This is all the [faction] I still have to do


  • Tree-Revenants (5) 
  • Spite-Revenants (5)
  • Skaeth’s Wild Hunt (5)

Faction Terrain 

  • Awakened Wyldwood (3) 

So very few! This is why I'd like to make this a priority this month and FINISH THEM OFF and be DONE with them! (for now...) 

(it's occurred to me that I failed to include Skaeth's Wild Hunt in this and the picktures below... Ah well... the're kind of weird looking and I probably woulnd't ever make use of them anyway...) 

When it's ALL DONE!

All the stuff together. 

When I'm done I should be able to field...

Treelord General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Treelord (1) 260 points - Any Sylvaneth
  • Unit - Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows (3) 200 points - Kurnothi, Infantry
  • Unit - Spite-Revenants (10) 220 points -  Infantry
  • Unit - Tree-Revenants (10) 220 points - Infantry

Total: 900

Branchwych's Regiment  

  • Hero - Branchwych (1) 120 points - Any Infantry
  • Unit - Skaeth’s Wild Hunt (5) 90 points - Unique, Infantry
  • Unit - Ylthari's Guardians (4) 140 ponts - Unique, Infantry

Total: 350

Army Total: 1250

Also, when all these are done, I would potentially be able to field The Lost-Song Spirits Regiment of Renown - Which can be included in a number of Grand Alliance Death armies (including Nighthaunts and Soulblight Gravelords!) 

The Lost-Song Spirits Regiment of Renown

  • Hero - Treelord (1) 260 points
  • Unit - Spite-Revenants (5) 110 points 
  • Unit - Spite-Revenants (5) 110 points 

Total: 480 points

I think this would be super fun to include in a Soulblight Gravelords army... should I ever be fielding a full-sized 2000 point army!? 

Still to Get!? 

Not going to lie, I'd love to expand this force... at SOME point... 

First I'd like to get the Sylvaneth Endless Spells! 

Someday... I don't know... 

Other Treelords? There are two other types of Treelords 

There are loads of other units, some of which look pretty cool. I could see myself picking some up to assemble and paint... Very likely NOT going to be this year, though... but maybe someday! 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals - Faction Update

As with the Blades of Khorne, I'm not posting this Faction Update because these are any sort of priority, it's because there aren't a LOT Of them and they're ALL assembled and in, more or less, one place 

There is one odd thing, in that this is really TWO forces... there are elements from two separate Stormhosts... and multiple Chambers... it gets a bit messy... 

This is what I have and what I still need to do as of the beginning of January 2025... 

Hammers of Sigmar

The Hammers of Sigmar is the bog standard Stormhost (much like Ultramarines) a LOT of the background fluff written has involved the Hammers of Sigmar and ALL of the Stormcast Eternal Warhammer Underworlds warbands have come from the Hammers of Sigmar Stormhost...

All of my Hammers of Sigmar Stormcast eternals are simply ALL THE WARHAMMER UNDERWORLDS WARBANDS!?


These are all the Hammers of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals I have done. 

All Warhammer Underworlds warbands and Valius, the Keeper Aqshian, pilfered from the Saviours of Cinderfall box. 

I'm not entirely sure I can even cobble these togeher into a useable force in Age of Sigmar anymore. I could in 3rd edition... But now..? I'm not sure what Valius, the Keeper Aqshian would count as...? Lord-Castellant? Lord-Celestant? Even if he WAS one of these, that would mean he could include four units from the Warrior chamber in his regiment... except that... While Steelheart’s Champions and Xandire’s Truthseekers are from the Warrior Chamber... Stormsire’s Cursebreakers, the Castigators and Ironsoul's Condemnors are from the Sacrosanct Chamber, and The Emberwatch are from the Vanguard Chamber, neither of which could be included in his regiment...

I might have to just know that these are for Warhammer Underworlds and role-playing games only... 


  • Valius, the Keeper Aqshian...? 


  • Castigators (3) 110 - Sacrosanct Chamber


  • Steelheart’s Champions (3) 110 - Unique, Warrior Chamber, Infantry
  • Stormsire’s Cursebreakers (3) 130 - Unique, Sacrosanct Chamber, Infantry
  • Xandire’s Truthseekers (3)  130 - Unique, Warrior Chamber, Infantry

Ironsoul's Condemnors isn't even listed in Legends!? They are Sequitors, but you need five of them to field a unit... I guess they're just Warhammer Underworlds warbands now... or useable in Warcry or Soulbound or other games... 

Still to DO!

On the plus side, I don't have a lot to do for these... Just two Warhammer Underworlds Warbands; the Emberwatch and Domitan's Stormcoven (which, in Age of Sigmar, isn't even a Legends unit, it's just called "Stormcoven") 


  • Stormcoven (3) 210 Warrior Chamber


  • The Emberwatch (3)  140 - Unique, Vanguard Chamber, Infantry

When it's ALL DONE

All the stuff together. 

Yeah... I don't even know how I could organize these for use in Age of Sigmar anymore... and that's okay, I guess... 

Anvils of Heldenhammer

The "real" Stormcast Eternals force I have for Age of Sigmar will be from the Anvils of Heldenhammer Stormhost! They have black and gold armour and wear red capes. Elements of thsie stormhost are present in Aqshy and have a stormkeep in Anvilgard - where a large part of the Shadows in the Mist campaign for Soulbound takes place!  


Well... this is all I have painted for the Anvils of Heldenhammer... One Knight Questor... I got a lot to do!!

Still to DO!

This is all the [faction] I still have to do

[another list]


  • Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker (1) 180 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, Any Ruination Chamber, Any Warrior Chamber
  • Lord-Terminos (1) 150 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, Any Ruination Chamber, Any Warrior Chamber
  • Lord-Veritant (1) 120 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, Any Ruination Chamber, Any Warrior Chamber
  • Knight-Questor (1) 120 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, Any Ruination Chamber, Any Warrior Chamber - can be included as Stormcast Exemplar
  • Lord-Imperatant (1) 140 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, 0-1 Gryph-hounds, Any Warrior Chamber


  • Castigators (3) 110 - Sacrosanct Chamber
  • Liberators (5) 100 - Warrior Chamber
  • Liberators (5) 100 - Warrior Chamber
  • Praetors (3) 150 -  Warrior Chamber
  • Vindictors (5) 100 - Warrior Chamber
  • Reclusians (3) 140 - Ruination Chamber
  • Prosecutors (3) 140 - Ruination Chamber


  • Steelheart’s Champions (3) 110 - Unique, Warrior Chamber, Infantry

Steelheart's, though, are a named unit from the Hammers of Sigmar... so I thought I might use Steelheart as a Knight-Questor and the two others as bonus/alternative Liberator miniatures...? Or maybe they'll just be used in role-playing games as well... 

The Castigators might also only see use in skirmish games or role-playing games... as I have no one that can lead troops from the Sacrosanct Chamber!?

If I don't really consider Steelheart or the castigators, that's 31 Miniatures... surely I could get these done in a few weeks, if I set my mind to it! Maybe a month...? But that's not going to be THIS month... 

When it's ALL DONE

All the stuff together. 

When I'm done I should be able to field...

Lord-Vigilant General's Regiment

  • Hero - Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker (1) 180 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, Any Ruination Chamber, Any Warrior Chamber
  • Stormcast Exemplar - Knight-Questor (1) 120
  • Unit - Prosecutors (3) 140 - Ruination Chamber
  • Unit - Liberators (5) 100 - Warrior Chamber

Lord-Terminos' Regiment

  • Hero - Lord-Terminos (1) 150 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, Any Ruination Chamber, Any Warrior Chamber
  • Stormcast Exemplar - Knight-Questor (1) 120 (Steelheart Miniature!) 
  • Unit - Reclusians (3) 140 - Ruination Chamber

Lord-Veritant's Regiment

  • Hero - Lord-Veritant (1) 120 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, Any Ruination Chamber, Any Warrior Chamber
  • Unit - Liberators (5) 100 - Warrior Chamber

Lord-Imperatant Regiment

  • Hero - Lord-Imperatant (1) 140 - 0-1 Stormcast Exemplar, 0-1 Gryph-hounds, Any Warrior Chamber
  • Unit - Gryph-hound
  • Unit - Praetors (3) 150 -  Warrior Chamber
  • Unit - Vindictors (5) 100 - Warrior Chamber

Total: 1560 points

Well, when I'm done I'll have another Spearhead army, a force that can be used in a 1000-1500 point game, and LOTS of options for allies and encounters in the role-playing game... 

Bringing the Stormhosts Together!

You know, sometimes, in times of crisis, multiple Stormhosts are brought togehter... what would THAT all look like, if I had them all done...

Both Stormhosts... 

fielding them gets even messier!? Let's maybe just think of it as lots of potential ally encounters for the role-playing game... 

Stuff to GET!?

I really, REALLY don't think I'll NEED to get anything for these... ever... Certainly not this year... 

Age of Sigmar/Cursed City - Carmilla du Sang, Vampire Lord

This miniature came in the Soulblight Gravelords Spearhead Army box. One of the reasons I bought the box was because I wanted this miniture anyway to use as Carmilla du Sang, a Vampire Lord that the Heroes have to take on in Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Night Wars... Y'know... assuming they actually make it through the main quest in Warhammer Quest: Cursed City!? 

Carmilla du Sang, Vampire Lord

I seem to be acquiring a LOT of Vampires... (this doesn't even include the feral Vargskyr or Vyrkos Blood-Born!) 

I wish I could say I was DONE forever... but I love so many of the others in the line... Ivya Volga, the Outcast..  Belladamma Volga, First of the Vyrkos... Lauka Vai, Mother of Nightmares... even Prince Vhordrai or the more generic Vampire Lord on the Zombie Dragon... OR Neferata, Mortarch of Blood!?

I absolutely DO NOT NEED ANY of them. I already have far more heroes than I could possibly make use of... but I have a feeling I'll pick up at least one or two more at some point! 

(But NOT until after I finish up the Soulblight Gravelords that I already HAVE!!)  

(and probably NOT this year... as I'm going through this process of taking stock of things and thinking about how many I can realistically get done in a week or a month or the entire year... I'm just NOT going to get all the things I want to get done, DONE, if I keep buying MOAR THINGS!?) 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Age of Sigmar - Blades of Khorne - Faction Update

The Blades of Khorne aren't really a priority RIGHT NOW... because I have enough for a Spearhead Army and I have nearly enough for a 1000 point game and I have plenty for any sort of encounter in Soulbound... But I'm doing this to capture where I am at with these at the beginning of 2025. I'm doing these second because they're EASY - most of the stuff is in one place and all of it is assembled!


These are all the [faction] I have done. 


  • Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (1) 150
  • Karanak (1) 110
  • Slaughterpriest (1) 160
  • Slaughterpriest (1) 160


  • Blood Warriors (10) 210
  • Bloodreavers (10) 100
  • Mighty Skullcrushers (3) 220
  • Bloodletters (10) 200
  • Flesh Hounds (5) 110
  • Flesh Hounds (5) 110
  • Flesh Hounds (5) 110


  • Garrek’s Reavers (5)  70
  • Magore’s Fiends (4) 120

could currently be fielded as:

Slaughterpriest General's Regiment

  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1) 160
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10) 100
  • Unit - Mighty Skullcrushers (3) 220

Bloodmaster's Regiment

  • Hero - Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (1) 150
  • Unit - Bloodletters (10) 200

Karanak's Regiment

  • Hero - Karanak (1) 110
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (5) 110
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (5) 110
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (5) 110

Second Slaughterpriest's Regiment

  • Hero -  Slaughterpriest (1) 160
  • Unit - Garrek’s Reavers (5)  70
  • Unit - Magore’s Fiends (4) 120

Total: 1830 points

Honestly, at this point, do I even NEED to paint any of the other stuff...? 

Still to DO!

This is all the [faction] I still have to do


  • Mighty Lord of Khorne (1) 130
  • Bloodstoker (1) 100
  • Bloodstoker (1) 100
  • Bloodsecrator (1) 130 
  • Bloodsecrator (1) 130 


  • Khorgorath (1) 130 
  • Blood Warriors (10) 210
  • Bloodreavers (10) 100
  • Bloodreavers (10) 100
  • Bloodreavers (10) 100
  • Skullreapers (5) 220
  • Bloodcrushers (3) 180 


  • Gorechosen of Dromm (3) 190

When it's ALL DONE

All the stuff together. 

When I'm done I should be able to field...

Mighty Lord of Khorne General's Regiment

  • Hero - Mighty Lord of Khorne (1) 130
  • Bloodbound Warmonger - Bloodsecrator (1) 130 
  • Unit - Skullreapers (5) 220
  • Unit - Khorgorath (1) 130 
  • Unit - Mighty Skullcrushers (3) 220

First Slaughterpriest 's Regiment

  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1) 160
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (20) 200
  • Unit - Gorechosen of Dromm (3) 190

Bloodmaster's Regiment

  • Hero - Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (1) 150
  • Unit - Bloodletters (10) 200
  • Unit - Bloodcrushers (3) 180 

Karanak's Regiment

  • Hero - Karanak (1) 110
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (5) 110
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (5) 110
  • Unit - Flesh Hounds (5) 110

Second Slaughterpriest's Regiment

  • Hero -  Slaughterpriest (1) 160
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (10) 210
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (20) 200
  • Unit - Magore’s Fiends (4) 120

Total: 3250 points

WAAAAY more than I need... and this doesn't even include EVERYTHING there's a surplus Bloodsecrator and two Bloodstoker's that I just can't even use... I suppose if I wanted to go ALL BLOODBOUND and ditch the two Daemon Regiments, I could use two of them to field regiments... but who would they LEAD?! I guess I could think out some of the other regiments and field all the Blood Reavers as units of 10... 

Anyway... this is where things are at. I'd like to finish up the Khorgorath - because it is so CLOSE to being finished. Same with the Bloodcrushers. At SOME point I'd like to finish up the Mighty Lord of Khorne and a Bloodsecrator - because they're both cool models... and then at some later point finish up all of the Blood Warriors and then the Bloodreavers. 

I think the previous owner must have fielded all the units of Bloodbound (Blood Warriors and Bloodreavers) as there is only one Blood Warrior Standard Bearer and two Bloodreaver Standard Bearers. I'm not sure there's any benefit to fielding larger units... I guess if you wanted to field fewer Regiments...? Which may be reason enough...? 

Stuff to GET!?

Not really anything... 

I guess there is the Judgements of Khorne and the Skull Alter - not units.. the Skull Alter is faction terrain - an alter that a Slaughterpriest can climb up on and it boosts his prayer rolls... The Judgements of Khorne are basically Endless Spells for the army that hates magic! 

Maybe IF I got all this stuff painted, AND I was playing with them regularly enough to warrant buying anything new, I'd get MOAR DAEMONS!!! So I could potentially have complete separate forces of Bloodbound and Daemons! Maybe a Bloodthirster to lead them...? But that's not a this year thing... that's a maybe-at-some-point-in-future-years thing!

Age of Sigmar - Lord of Plagues

I picked up a Lord of Plagues just last week when I made a trip out to the Warhammer Store... It's literally the cheapest individual miniature you can get for the Maggotkin of Nurgle. It seemed like a good idea at the time. 

Lord of Plagues

I had a lot of fun painting Wurmspat and playing them in Warhammer Underworlds... I thought it would be fun to add to that collection of three... 

(it's just occurred to me now that maybe I should have worked some more yellows and greens into the skin...? to make it more sickly...? Ehhh... it's busy enough as it is!?) 

maybe they could make a Warcry warband... Maybe they'll just be something nasty to encounter in Soulbound. I don't know. 

(edit: I checked, it's nowhere near enough for a Warcry Waband... only about 550 points of the 1000 usually used...)

If ever I was to buy ANOTHER Spearhead Army, it would be Maggotkin of Nurgle! Not that I'm PLANNING to... I could really only allow myself to do that if ALL THE OTHER Spearhead armies were FINISHED... then... maybe

(Ha-ha! THIS could count as my Faction Update for Maggotking of Nurgle, this is ALL of them, DONE!) 

Age of Sigmar - Nighthaunt - Faction Update

So THIS is what I was planning to do with the faction updates. Pick a faction (Nighthaunt) and take stock of what I have and what I still need to do as of the beginning of January 2025... 

These are kind of the first priority... mainly because this is the force that needs the Least stuff finished! 


These are all the Nighthaunt I have done. 


  • Spirit Torment (1) 130
  • Cairn Wraith (1) 130


  • Chainghasts (2) 100
  • Bladegheist Revenants (10) 180 
  • Chainrasps (10) 100
  • Myrmourn Banshees (4) 120
  • Glaivewraith Stalkers (4)  80


  • Thorns of the Briar Queen (7) 140

A LOT of the force is Warhammer Underworlds Warbands and ten chainrasps are for the game Crypt Hunters!?

Currently, however, this COULD be fielded as...

Spirit Torment General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Spirit Torment (1) 130
  • Unit - Chainghasts (2) 100
  • Unit - Bladegheist Revenants (10) 180 
  • Unit - Chainrasps (10) 100
  • Unit - Glaivewraith Stalkers (4)  80

Cairn Wraith's Regiment 

  • Hero - Cairn Wraith (1) 130
  • Unit - Myrmourn Banshees (4) 120
  • Unit - Thorns of the Briar Queen (7) 140

Total: 980 points 

Just enough for a starting Path to Glory Army! 

There are some spare Chainrasps floating around in the back of the picture.. they're from a spare set of the Thorns of the Briar Queen I happen to have... not enough to field a unit of them, but could be fun to add to an encounter in a role-playing game - or use in some other skimish game! 


This is all the stuff I still have to do

  • Scriptor Mortis (1) 120
  • Craventhrone Guard (5) 100
  • Myrmourn Banshees (4) 120
  • The Headsmen’s Curse (4)  150

And that's why I want to do these... because there are 14 miniatures to finish. I could knock them off in a week or two and be DONE! 

When it's ALL DONE 

When I'm done I should be able to field... 

Scriptor Mortis General's Regiment 

  • Hero - Scriptor Mortis (1) 120
  • Unit - Craventhrone Guard (5) 100
  • Unit - Bladegheist Revenants (10) 180 
  • Unit - The Headsmen’s Curse (4)  150

Spirit Torment's Regiment

  • Hero - Spirit Torment (1) 130
  • Unit - Chainghasts (2) 100
  • Unit - Chainrasps (10) 100
  • Unit - Glaivewraith Stalkers (4)  80

Cairn Wraith's Regiment 

  • Hero - Cairn Wraith (1) 130
  • Unit - Myrmourn Banshees (4) 120
  • Unit - Myrmourn Banshees (4) 120
  • Unit - Thorns of the Briar Queen (7) 140

Total: 1470 points 

The Chainrasps are technically part of another game - Crypt Hunters and are stored in the game box, not with the rest of the Nighthaunts... 

Will these be done in the next week or two...? Probably not... I do have things I need to have painted for my role-playing game on Tuesday, so anything I need for that kind of takes precedence! (But maybe the FOLLOWING week!) 

Friday, January 3, 2025

Warhammer Underworlds - Faction Update

 I thought I'd kick off the new year by taking stock of things and posting a series of "Faction Updates" detailing armies that I'm currently working on or hoping to work on this year and show what's already done, versus what I still need to finish up. And then instead of a specific army, I decided to start with all the Warhammer Underworlds Warbands of ALL THE FACTIONS!?

At any given moment, you can see what the state of things are by checking out the Gallery Pages. On a desktop computer, they're listed over on the left, there... On a phone, right under the title there's a drop down menu that says "move to" and when you click on it, there is a list of all the gallery pages. At least on MY home computer and MY phone that's how it looks... I honestly have no idea about how it all looks on others?! 

A LOT of the Gallery Pages need updating, and I'll be doing a bit of that this year (maybe...). All the Age of Sigmar ones are kept up to date - as I post pictures of newly painted models on the blog, I update the relevant Gallery Page... 

These posts, however, are meant to give a snapshot of where things are at the beginning of 2025. Where I'm at. What I have to do.

Currently I own fifty-two of the sixty-two warbands that were ever published by Games Workshop! (plus bonus copies of three of them!?) 

Currently, thirty four of them are finished and ready to play with at any moment! (Y'know, if I had the cards for them!?)

Currently Painted Warbands:

  1. Steelheart's Champions
  2. Sepulchral Guard
  3. Ironskull's Boyz
  4. Magore's Fiends
  5. Stormsire's Cursebreakers
  6. Thorns of the Briar Queen
  7. The Grymwatch
  8. Ironsoul's Condemners
  9. Lady Harrow's Mournflight
  10. The Wurmspat
  11. Hrothgorn's Mantrappers
  12. Morgwaeth's Blade Coven
  13. Morgok's Krushas
  14. The Dread Pageant
  15. Khagra's Ravagers
  16. Storm of Celestus
  17. Drepur’s Wraithcreepers
  18. Mollog's Mob
  19. Xandire's Truthseekers
  20. Da Kunnin' Krew 
  21. Thricefold Discord  
  22. Grinkrak’s Looncourt 
  23. Blackpowder's Buccaneers
  24. Cyreni’s Razors
  25. Elathain's Soulraid
  26. Ephilim’s Pandaemonium
  27. Skabbik’s Plaguepack
  28. Sons of Velmorn
  29. Skinnerkyn 
  30. Zondra's Gravebreakers
  31. Thundrik's Profiteers 
  32. Chosen Axes
  33. Garrek's Reavers 
  34. Ylthari's Guardians

Technically, these are also miniatures I painted for Warhammer Underworlds to use in specific scenarios involving them... 

These are the 20 warbands I still have to do (although, two of them are bonus copies of Steelheart's Champions and Storm of Celestus which I have no intention of using in Warhammer Underworlds and am painting them up as Anvils of Heldenhammer Stormcast to use in Age of Sigmar!) 

A fair number of them are partly painted, and a few are SO VERY CLOSE to being finished... 

Warbands still to finish: 

  1. Gorechosen of Dromm
  2. Starblood Stalkers
  3. Emberwatch 
  4. Myari's Purifiers
  5. Crimson Court
  6. The Gnarlspirit Pack 
  7. Headsmen’s Curse 
  8. Domitan’s Stormcoven 
  9. Skaeth's Wild Hunt
  10. Spiteclaw's Swarm
  11. Skittershank’s Clawpack
  12. Zarbag's Gitz 
  13. Brotherhood of the Bolt
  14. Shadeborn
  15. Hexbane’s Hunters
  16. Grashrak's Despoilers
  17. The Exiled Dead
  18. Zikkit’s Tunnelpack 
  19. Steelheart's Champions (extra copy)
  20. Storm of Celestus  (extra copy)

If I did one over other week, I'd get them done by the end of the year...?

Just to get a sense of how mush is done and how much there is to do, here are both the finished warbands (on the left) and still to complete warbands on the right!

I'm on my way there! With all the other stuff I want to work on this year... I'm not sure they're ALL going to get done... but I'd really like to finish up as many as I can. Playing the game regularly would help motivate me... Having all the cards would help with that... (Looking at YOU, Games Workshop!!!) 

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Nine - Grombrindal's Hunt

Amanda noticed the Grombrindal card in the box after our last game on Wednesday and wondered what that was about. 

The Grombrindal miniature was released in 2024 in conjunction with the 500th issue of White Dwarf.... and in that issue there were rules and cards for including Grombrindal in games of Warhammer Underworlds, Warcry, Age of Sigmar, and Warhammer Quest! 

And so, the very next evening, while Finnegan was out playing D&D at a friends and Amanda wasn't teaching yoga (which she normally does on Thursdays with one of the Community Associations) we played through ANOTHER game of Warhammer Quest Cursed City... With Amanda playing Grombrindal, the White Dwarf! 

Grombrindal is a BEAST in melee and can throw his axe around. As a 6+ action he can throw his axe at EVERY VISIBLE HOSTILE!? (it bounces around the room, destroying eveything in sight!?). Also, whenever a hostile attacks and does zero damage (because it missed or Grombrindal successfully saved) Grombrindal gets either a free weapon action or a free recuperate action!?

While Grombrindal got his bearings, Watch Captain Halgrim stalked closer on his left... 

... and on his right a swarm of bats swooped towards him. 

He threw his axe at the bats and knocked enough of them out of the sky that the rest departed. 

He moved against Watch Captain Halgrim, and was attacked by a zombie that just kind of showed up!? The Zombie missed and Grombrindal stove it's head in... 

The Halgrim and one of the Ulfenwatch that had arrived attacked Grombrindal. And... these were successful... and Grombrindal ended up with TWO Grievous Wounds! 

And that was when he gained his first point of inspiration! 

Amanda wondered if Grombrindal was about to just die on the second turn... 

The it was Grombrindals turn and he just destroyed Watch Captain Halgrim with two swings of his axe and then swung around and clobbered the Ulfenwatch! 

And still had some activation dice to try and recover... and with a Vitality of 2d12... he recovers from just about anything VERY QUICKLY!! 

By the end of this round, it was clear, there wasn't much that was going to stop Grombrindal... 

Next Grombrindal made his way to the other end of the neighbourhood to take on Gorslave the Gravekeeper! He threw his axe at Gorslav a few times and that was it for him... 

Then Grombrindal went on to try and clear away a Corpse Rat infestation. I think Amanda was hoping one or two bites might get through... because one of Grombrindals special rules is that he cannot be given Conditions (like Disease!) and when he would be given a Condition, he instead gains a bonus Inspiration Point?!

Amanda tried out the 6+ action where he got to throw his axe at every thing in sight - taking out Corpse Rats and Skeletons at the entryways at either end of the square he was in!? 

Finishing off the Corpse Rats, Grombrindal decided to hand out in this corner and let the hostiles come to him. 

A Vyrkos Blood-Born Vampire shot past the approaching Ulfenwatch. 

Grombrindal cut him down with two mighty swings of his axe... 

and that gave him a third Inspiration Point... and Grombrindal flipped over to the inspired side... 

If you think any of the special rules I've described already seem a bit OP... his ispired side was just GROSS... His weapon actions became 2d12+2d6... his Viality became 3d12 and the Throw-the-Axe-and-Hit-Everyone-in-the-Room action became a 5+ action!? Oh, AND he reduced all damage by one... AND he got the free weapon action or free recuperate action any time a Hostile attacked and dealt one or less damage... 

I mean, keep in mind it's ONE DUDE instead of FOUR that normally go on these missions... they kind of NEEDED to make him kind of BAD-ASS!!!

Chopping dowm more Ulftenwatch... 

Throwing Axes at bats... 

On one round he was first in the initiative sequence and ALL THE HOSTILES were dead and he would have to wait for new encounters to arrive on the far side of the neighbourhood... so he went out searching for treasure and explored one Mysterious Object... 

And then another... 

And then some Zombies appeared... which he smashed apart... 

Then more appeared and he smashed THEM apart... 


He made for the final Mysterious Object... and the undead just kept coming... 

At this point I think Night had fallen... and Grombrindal had maybe killed the ten Champions he needed to succeed in the mission... and then he just started getting cocky... 

Instead of searching the Mysterious Object, he stepped out of the room to throw his axe at the three Skeletons aproaching in the next square... 

But a lot of undead move quicker after dark... and when he stepped into the room again to search the Mysterious Object... He was suddenly overwhelmed by undead... and a few actually landed some hits and dealt damage (because they also deal MORE DAMAGE after nightfall!) 

and then a Kosargi Nightguard showed up... 

the chaff were quickly cleared away...  

But undead Ogors after nightfall have a d12+d6 attack and deal SIX damage... 

And for a brief moment, again, Grombrindal looked like he might be in a spot of bother! (look at the card in the background - yeah, that's three Grievous Wounds!) 

But Grombrindal gets to use ALL the Destiny Dice and those wounds were quickly cleared away and with a 2d12+2d6 attack dealing 6 or 7 damage when rolling critical successes... it takes two swings of the axe to take down a Kosargi Nightguard! 

MORE swarms of rats and bats! 

Most were killed simply by free weapon actions after the attacking rats and bats failed to deal damage! 

Having cleared off the bats, Grombindal turns to search the last Mysterious Object and finds a TRAP... and then ANOTHER TRAP... and then some Realmstone! 

One more trio of Zombies was cleared away by throwing his axe and ricocheting it off of walls and zombies to kill everything in the square.. 

This time instead of screwing around and showing off, Grombrindal made his way to the Extraction point and escaped, frustrating a Vyrkos Blood-Born that was hot on his tail and oh so very hungry! 

Normally the "Army of One" type scenarios are meant to be one-offs that don't count towards any campaigns... (there are other heroes you can take on similar missions... Gotrek Gurnisson - another Duardin of Legend, the Light of Eltharion - the avenging spirit- ancestor of the Lumineth , Gardus Steelsoul -  Lord-Celestant of the Hallowed Knights Stormcast Eternals)... but I thought narratively it would be fun to say that while the rest of the heroes were still celebrating their success, that Grombrindal could slip into the city and deal a blow against the cities tyrranical regime for them... 

Also, the "Army of One" rules generally don't allow for spending realmstone or gaining experience or anything... which is weird, because there are places on their Fighter Cards FOR Traits and Upgrades!? So I said he got dressed up in his red hat and cloak and stole aboard The Adamant to deliver a Grombrindalmas Day present to one of the Heroes on his "nice list"... 

It was a fun little game to play through. Very reminiscent of that time Keiran and I ran their Harlequin Solitaire through a mission in Blackstone Fortress! Very over-the-top cinematic action!