Wednesday, July 14, 2021


 As I mentioned in the Previous Post, I've painted a little more than a solitary Gutter Runner this past week, or so... 

Two units of Daemonettes! 

My plans with these have shifted... a LOT.. since reading the rules and thinking about them a bit. Originally I'd planned to build a HORDE of Daemonettes with three units of thirty of them. Now I learn, that this isn't even possible, and far less than Ideal. It seems far more useful to field units in the smallest size possible and have MORE of them on the table... Oh, and teh standard and icon are separate things that do different things and you can have BOTH in a unit of ten!? So I've been scrambling to find the spares that I did't originally build Daemonettes with... 

Some of these are the original Daemonettes I did a year or so ago... but I've rebased and repainted enough of them, that I'm calling them freshly painted units! 

For quick Identification of which is in which unit, I decided to do each unit with different hair colour. 

Green-Haired Daemonettes

Purple-Haired Daemonettes.

Total Forces for Hedonites of Slaanesh, so far... 

  • Bladebringer, Herald on Hellflayer (215) - General
  • Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh (140)
  • 10 x Daemonettes (140)
  • 10 x Daemonettes (140)
  • 5 x Seekers (140)
  • 4 x The Dread Pageant (130)
  • TOTAL: 905

This is what I COULD start a Paths to Glory campaign with, given what I have so far... (and WILL be starting with tomorrow!) 

  • Viceleader, Herald of Slaanesh (140) - General
  • 10 x Daemonettes (140) 
  • 10 x Daemonettes (140) 
  • 5 x Seekers (140)
  • TOTAL: 560

I could form the two units of Daemonettes into a Epicurean Revellers Warscroll Battalion (which makes their natural 6 wound rolls into Mortal Wounds...) 

It's not really what I'd IDEALLY like to start with, though.. Had I the time to knock off an Exalted Chariot of Slaanesh and anotehr unit of seekers, I'd like to have started with this... 

  • Bladebringer, Herald on Exalted Chariot (265)
  • 5 x Seekers (140)
  • 5 x Seekers (140)
  • TOTAL: 545

These would be part of the Godseekers sub-faction and the Seekers would be formed into a Seeker Calvacade Warscroll Battalion (which means they can be selected to fight in the Combat Phase if they are withing 6" of an enemy - instead of 3" - and pile-in an extra 3"). The Bladebringer General would have teh Speed-Chaser Command Trait - allowing it to retreat and charge in teh same turn - meaning it could always be charging every turn... and every turn a Godseekers General charges, it gains D3 Depravity points... Yeah, it would be wicked cool... So, that's what I'll be working on next. 

But wait, there's MORE! 

This STILL isn't all the stuff I've managed to finish up this week... still have some Cursed City miniatures and a Stormcast Eternal Knight-Questor! 

(I can't seem to edit the 2021 Totals text box on this blog anymore... I CAN still edit the 2021 Painted versus Purchased page... so I guess you'll have to look there to track my progress - for the moment at least...?) 

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