Saturday, December 24, 2022

Legends of the Five Rings - Oni No Akuma

 Another Oni from the Legends of the Five Rings Clan War Miniatures. 

Oni No Akuma - or Akuma no Oni, as I see it written in some places 

This one is a bit bigger than the Kamu No Oni I did last month. Shown here for scale...

And here are some unfortunate Phoenix Clan warriors facing the three large Oni! (Also for scale!) 

Oni No Akuma is apparently an Oni Lord and one of the most powerful creatures of the Shadowlands? So I'm going to go ahead and call it a Greater Warbeast, Single Model Unit. That's 6 points, I could give it FEAR to make it 8...? I guess I have to wait and see what other units end up being in this force!? I know I have boxes with two other types of greater Oni, which could all pretty much end up being THE SAME - they could ALL end up being Greater Warbeasts, Reduced model units... where would the fun be in that...?

I guess I don't really need to worry about it until I get a few more units DONE. I guess it does help to figure these things out in advance, then I have a better idea of WHICH units would be best to paint up first... 

In the end I could end up with TWO Shadowlands forces - on of just Oni, another of just Goblins! 

Though I do have a couple units of both hovering in boxes around my workbench, I have a feeling it may be some time before I get to them... Interests have shifted... I'm on to other things. 

If I COULD find those boxes of other Oni - I would probably get them done, because they'd be relatively easy to do and could potentially finish up another force. 

I may also try to finish up Yogo Junzo and his entourage/bodyguard - as a unit to LEAD the Oni. 


  1. Outstanding work! I've always loved this figure, wish the Legend of the Five Rings figures would get a reissue from someone!

    1. Thanks, Bill!

      For a while a company called Valiant had the rights to produce them, and after that I was sure I'd seen someone else had bought the rights, but I can't for the life of me remember who, and my google skills are failing me tonight. Maybe whoever it was has stopped selling them too?

      There definitely were a LOT of amazing figures in the line!
