Monday, August 14, 2023

RPG-a-Day 2023 - Week Two

Here we go with another weeks worth of answers to the RPG-a-Day 2023 Prompt list...

8) Favourite CHARACTER

Not one of MY characters, but one of the characters that always made me laugh was Mad Willie - a gunfighter scotsman in a sci-fi campaign I ran using Savage Worlds - using elements of traveller and highly inspired by Firefly/Serenity. the characters were the crew of the Muttonchop Express - owned and flown by Captain Burt Jackson. 

Mad Willie did not believe in lasers. Lasers were the most commonplace weapon in the game. He believed they were nothing more than flashlights and his cognitive dissonance would generate the most outrageous excuses for any damage caused by lasers... "ooh, Look, you've got SUN SPOTS!?" 

You can read more about him here:

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Willie

9) Favourite DICE

I don't know that I consider dice enough to have a favourite... I do like the LARGE d20s I have - for playing D&D or Frostgrave/Stargrave, etc.. 

I used to have a set of sharp edged, different coloured, translucent dice that looked like gemstones... they were pretty... not sure what ever happened to them. 

I do like the dice that came with the Lost Tomb of the Bitchen Chimera dice - that had the Dead Milkmen Logo on it... 

I like any dice I can read across a table... I CAN'T STAND dice that are mottled or are so lacking in contrast that they are difficult to read! 

10) Favourite Tie-In FICTION

That would be the Ciaphas Cain novels by Sandy Mitchell. They are set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe and Cain is an Imperial Commissar. They are presented as memoirs he wrote in later age about his exploits as a Commissar in the Astra Militarum - that have been edited and annotated by Amberly Vail - an Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos. While deeply steeped in the grim dark future of the 41st Millenium, the stories - and Cain - do not take themselves TOO seriously. They are, in moments, quite hilarious. It's sort of a bit like Black Adder Foes Forth meets 40K.... 

11) WEIRDEST Game You've Played

There was a game of Teenagers From Outer Space that I ran in High School in the late 80s that was just BONKERS... because it was so light on rules and you could just do anything... people felt free to do just... ANYTHING... Some bat-shit crazy stuff went down... 

Do you think I can REMEMBER any of it, at this point...? No, not really. I do remember one character fell into an open man-hole, tumbled through a series of pipes leading through the centre of the earth and finally popped out a dunny door in Australia... but because FUCK PHYSICS, he just kept falling and grasped a large antennae before continuing to fall into the Australian sky... Like Luke falling out of the underside of Bespin in the Empire Strikes Back. Luckily his friends arrived in their flying car convertible just as he was losing his grip (just like Lando and Leia in the Millennium Falcon flew up and rescued Luke before he fell!) and flew him back to Canada before his fifth period class.... 

12) Old Game You STILL Play

Do newer editions of older games count...? 

I haven't really played a lot of role-playing games in the last year... So far, in 2023, I've only made characters for Hellboy. so I'm not sure there's ANYTHING I "STILL play"... 

"WOULD STILL play"....? 

Ehhhhhh.... I don't know. I don't have any particular love or nostalgia for any older systems. I have a TONNE of adventures and source materials for a lot of older games.... Which I would LOVE to play sometime. Would i use those original systems? Probably not! I'd convert it to use with something newer and simpler - Like Savage Worlds (which I have done a lot of in the past!) or FATE or something. 

13) Most Memorable Character DEMISE

I might still a just a little bit bitter about my friends using MY characters as meatshields when I couldn't make it to the final session of Temple of Elemental Evil in grade nine...


I don't really go to conventions... and the few I've been to haven't had a lot of people selling stuff. I guess both Fallcon and ToonCon have had auctions and I've bought stuff at those... but I can't, for the life of me, REMEMBER any of them. Pretty sure none were role-playing games....

Oh, wait... I think one was a board-game-tie-in to Legends of the Five Rings - which had a role-playing game - (Ninja: Legend of the Scorpion Clan?) which I got for $5 or $10... and have never played... 

How about the rest of you? What are YOUR favourite character and dice and tie-in fiction and convention purchases? What was YOUR most memorable character demise? What old games do you still play...? 


  1. Here I'll Try to Catch up
    1) FIRST RPG played (this year)
    Unless you go with Frank Chadwick's all wargames are RPG, I've yet to play :(
    Hi name was Brent Taylor back in Nipawin, real cool guy introduced me to AD&D, I had manged to get a DM's Guide Players Handbook and Monster Manual. Loaned the DM's Guide to him and when I finally got it back it smelled like smoke.. but other than that it was great
    3) First RPG BOUGHT (This Year)
    Conan? I think
    4) Most RECENT Game Bought
    Warhammer: Horus Heresy
    5) OLDEST Game You've Played
    Not sure which Chivalry & Sorcery, Traveler or AD&D is the oldest.
    6) Favourite Game You NEVER Get To Play
    RPG: Rolemaster/Spacemaster
    Other: Fire in the East/Scorched Earth
    7) SMARTEST RPG You've Played.
    Going to go with Rolemaster here love the complexity.
    8) Favourite CHARACTER
    Let me tell you about my charachter:
    Paladin Named Mordred of Cein, AD&D game by John B.
    Basically Judge Dredd but with a serous flaw.
    rolled him up with Duane W. who also made a pally, who instantaneously took a severe dislike to Mordred who he "Knew" was evil. (he would eventually be proved correct.)
    Ran around crucifying petty criminals up on walls with "Justice is served" written in their blood.
    Ahh those were the days.

    9) Favourite DICE
    I have a D24 that you can't really tell isn't a a D20. Use it when I GM. Doesn't really help my rolls.
    10) Favourite Tie-In FICTION
    Think I'll go with Tim Ciaphas Cain is really good, but if your not a fan of 40K, loved Quag Keep when I was a kid.
    11) WEIRDEST Game You've Played
    RPG wise I'd say a spacemaster game set in Cynosure (Grimjack) it was pretty cool. First time I got to use a Nuclear Hand Grenade.
    12) Old Game You STILL Play
    Well if I could, it would be rolemaster/spacemaster, the originals not all the post ICE crap.

    13) Most Memorable Character DEMISE
    Favourite is without question is my rolemaster Paladin in Cal G's game. back in them days things were so cinematic. Paladins could Explode doing a d10 per level of damage, "you really think you've won dirt bag, from hells heart yippe kai yay motherfucker"

    Bought a really outstanding Fig at this summers Gamecon in Calgary Lots of Boobs on a snake lady demon. Perfect for Slannesh.

    1. I 100% agree with you on the point of ALL WARGAMES ARE ROLE-PLAYING GAMES!!! Irks me so much when some of the older farts I've played wargames with look down their noses at role-playing games... WTF do you think YOU'RE doing!? You are literally role-playing a commander of military forces at whatever level you are playing at...

    2. The "Weirdest Game" prompt is odd... it should be "Weirdest SETTING". I don't think of Space Master as a particularly weird game... but that Cynosure campaign was bonkers. I think I played in one game - I think it was possibly the last session that was run - but heard lots of stories about it! Setting is everything!
