Monday, September 30, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Last Spearhead League Game

 I got in one last game for the Spearhead League this past Sunday... I was up STUPID late the night before (or... earlier in the morning) trying to finish up my Sylvaneth Spearhead Army. 

Sylvaneth Spearhead Army - finished up less than 7 hours before I had to leave to go play my last game in the league. 

I wore my Lucky Sylvaneth Pants (they weren't THAT lucky...) ... I guess those could be Sylvaneth shoes too...? 

I finally got to play against Sean - who I've played warhammer Underworlds with and is always fun to play with! Also... he brought a Maggotkin of Nurgle force, which Just made my day! Nurgle versus Sylvaneth is a narratively classic match-up as the two factions battled relentlessly for centuries...? MILENIA...?! for control of Ghyran - the Realm of Life! 

The Maggotkin were the attackers, Sylvaneth defending. We played in Ghyran and used my weird mutant/alien trees from 40K (which ARE listed as useable terrain in the latest edition of Age of Sigmar. 

The Maggotkin went first and mostly just lumbered out of their deployment zone and siezed the central objective and positioned others to score other objectives and... scored six points....?  

On my turn the Treelord charged the Putrid Blightkings and smashed a few of them apart. 

The Kurnothi shot at and then charged a group of Plaguebearers in the middle of the table. Charging turned out to be a mistake. The Kurnothi are deadly with their Great Bow... not so much in melee... 

Teh Tree-Revenants charged the Pusgoyle Blightlord. 

I totally forgot to move my Branchwych... and forgot to use MOST of my units special abilities - for all of the first turn and most of the second turn!? 

I also managed to score six points, though, so we were tied. 

During the Nurgle Turn everyone mostly just hammered on each other - and the Spoilpox Scrivner joined the battle between the Kurnothi and the Plaguebearers. 

Finally at the end of the second Nurgle Turn I remembered to use strike and Fade - to get the last Kurnothi Hunter out of that fight... but because I'd forgotten to move the Branchwych in the first turn, it was too far away for the Branchwych to return one of the Kurnothi warriors to the unit!? DOH!! 

Realizing there she was out of range to help the Kurnothi and there was now nothing between her and the Plaguebearers and Spoilpox Scrivner, the Branchwych tried to RUN in the direction of the Tree-Revenants... and rolled a 1... Should have moved and CHARGED the Pusgoyle Blightlord... Ah, well... 

On Nurgle's third turn their reinforcements arrived! A second Pusgoyle Blightlord and another unit of Plaguebearers. 

The first Pusgoyle Blightlord fled the battle with the Tree-Revenants.. 

... and the Plaguebearers and Spoilpox Scrivner charged the last of the Tree-Revenants. 

Branchwych tried to make a run for it in the OTHER direction... and rolled a 1... AGAIN!? So she was caught up by Plague Bearers... 

Game Board at the end of Round Four. Treelord was still around and in pretty good shape... there were two Tree-Revenants left... Kurnothi were gone... 

I took out the Putrid Blightkings earlier in the game, and then the Spoilpox Scrivner and one of the Pusgoyle Blightlords on the last turn, which counted for nothing.. 

In the end the Sylvaneth lost 20-16...? But it was a fun game. 

At the end of it, John informed me I was tied for first in the league... which seemed weird because I have NOT WON A SINGLE GAME!? (But I played with painted armies every time... and got bonus points for playing with different opponent - and different fully painted armies!) It was suggested I should have a play-off against Dray -with whom I was tied... I said he should just be given it... because he, y'know, actually WON GAMES!? 

As I was riding home, I realized I should have stuck around and played a quick game with John - and could have gotten a few more points and won the league... but I had a book club to get to... 

As it turned out, Dray showed up after I left and blasted through a quick game with John, so HE won in the end... Ha! 

On the way home there was a strange clicking noise as I rode that, for the life of me, I could not figure out where it was coming from...  

and the my pedal fell off.. 

Luckily, most of my weight was on the saddle otherwise that could have been a bit more disastrous... 

At first I thought the pedal had some how just spun out... but when I stopped to investigate, I discovered the crank had actually broken in two!? Uggggghhhh... luckily I was only 2Km from home... But now I have multiple bicycles all needing repairs... Guess I'll have to be doing a bit of THAT this week... 

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