Thursday, September 19, 2024

Age of Sigmar: Spearhead - Heodnites of Slaanesh Versus Stormcast Eternals

A week ago, I packed up the Hedonites of Slaanesh and rolled back out to the Warhammer Store to play a game of Spearhead with John - having only been there the day before.  

John played with Yndrasta's Spearhead - one of the Stormcast Eternals options for Spearhead (the one that didn't come in the Skaventide box)  

All ready to go! 

Yndrasta's Spearhead are from John's personal collection. (The store has a few armies - some of which were also painted by John!) 

Stormcast Eternals! Two units of Vanquishers and a Stormstrike Chariot. 


The Army also has Yndrasta, The Celestial Spear and a unit of three Annihilators - but they all start in reserve and don't show up until the Third Round. 

Stormcast Eternals went first! 

The Stormstrike Chariot and one unit of Vanquishers charged into one of my units of Blissbarb archers - and wiped them out! 

On my turn, the Slickblade Seekers charged in (and the other unit of Blissbarb Archers snuck in behind, shooting them in the back... because that's just the kind of people they are...) 

The Chariot survived the round with ONE wound remaining... because I kept giving out Temptation dice... ugggh.. I think I need to just ignore the Hedonites whole Battle Trait, because it just does not work out... I just never get enough Depravity Points to unlock the good abilities in time for anyone to make use of before they DIE!?

Slaangor charged the Knight-Vexillor.... 

At the beginning of the second round I had a Battle Tactic Card that dealt some damage to finish off the Chariot, before it could be healed... 

The Slickblade Seekers were reduced to just one... I had a card that allowed me to retreat without suffering the D3 mortal wounds...  and my Regimental Ability allows one unit to retreat and then still shoot and/or charge... So they charged right back in against the Vanquishers!

Meanwhile, in the background, the other unit of Vanquishers wiped out ANOTHER unit of Blissbarb archers without taking a single loss...  

Last of the Slangor fighting being slaughtered by the Knight-Vexillor! 

   Looking pretty thin on the ground by the end of round two... out of FOUR!? 

And then Yndrasta and the three Annihilators showed up... 

(I had a card that brought back d3 troops to a unit... which brought back ONE of the Slickblade Seekers... 

Yndrasta and the Knight Vexillor charged the Blissbarb Archers and my Shardspeaker of Slaanesh in a bold pincher move! 

By the end of the turn they were utterly wiped out. 

Annihilators annihilated the other unit of Blissbard Archers... 

VAnquishers finished off the Slickblade Seekers. 

I was tabled by the end of the third round... 

On the fourth, I had a card that brought back a unit with D3 figures, anywhere on the table... 

So I brought back the leader of the Slickblade Seekers deep in enemy territory on one of the Objectives. As I still held the one in the opposite corner, in my territory, this move gained me two victory points... 

The game ended with John's Stormcast Eternals scoring 16 Victory points and my Hedonites scoring 11... Better than their previous game... Although I did score slightly more in that game... I didn't lose by nearly so many points (honestly, I thought I lost by a lot MORE... but I think I'm getting it mixed up with some Warhammer Underworlds games!?) 

Always fun to play with John at the Warhammer Store. Wish I could have made it out there today, but I had too many other things to do! Maybe next week! Maybe I'll have some Sylvaneth by then!!


  1. Close game and two great looking armies!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471
